Vegan/Raw Cooking Classes

spaces available for 6/26/09 class

The dates for the classes have been set! The good news is that we set 2 (two) dates: one on a Saturday and one on a Friday night, to accommodate as many people as we can. I have more good news: it looks like we will be able to get up to 7 students in each class!!!

So, here are the details:

Date: 6/26/2009 (Friday)
Time: 6 pm-8 pm

Location: Longview Sewing & Kitchen
945 Washington Way, Longview, WA 98632

Unprocessed Life Basics
with Elena Wilkins

$55 per person or $99 per couple
Registration Required

Space is limited to 7 seats per class, so register today!

Supercharge your health and send your energy levels soaring! Learn how to nourish your body with the foods for which you are biologically designed—you will be amazed by the results.

This class will teach those who are looking how to add nutritious healthy meals to everyday life and those who are embarking on a vegan/raw food diet, how to do it easily and effectively. Participants will have a chance to explore how to make this lifestyle work for them.

Through lecture, demo, hands-on experience and tasting participants will learn how to create raw and cooked vegan dishes and take advantage of all the health benefits they provide. Participants will learn the principles and techniques that will help them prepare tasty food with less fat, salt and sugar.

Instructor: Elena Wilkins, Unprocessed Life Lifestyle Coach. Elena has thrived on a vegan/high raw food diet for almost 3 years, and has studied extensively on the subject of health, nutrition and diet. By incorporating vegan diet into her family’s life she was able to reverse her and her husband’s health conditions and helped others along the way. You can find more information about Elena at:

On the Menu:
• Alfredo Pasta*
• Rice and Beans and loads of Greens**
• Hummus Wraps*
• Bell Pepper Salad***
• Kale Salad***
• Banana Strawberry Ice Cream***
• Fruit/Green Smoothie***

Up for Discussion:
• Vegan/Raw food diet basics (Why, What, How)
• Kitchen organization for healthy cooking
• What equipment to have in the kitchen
• What food to keep on hand
• Food Combining
*Dish will have raw and cooked options
**Dish is a combination of raw and cooked ingredients
***All raw ingredients
Elena reserves the right to substitute ingredients and menu items. However, she will make every effort to remain true to the advertised menu.

Registration and Payment Policies
Class Sign-Up: To register or to receive more information, contact Elena at 360-355-7370 or e-mail at, or call the store at 360-578-2628. To guarantee your place in a class, payment and student waiver must be received when you enroll. If a class has insufficient enrollment number, it will be cancelled 24 hours prior to the start of the class. You will be contacted by phone regarding cancellation. You will receive a full refund or will have an opportunity to reschedule for a different time.

Cancellations: To cancel your class registration, please contact Elena or the store at 360-578-2628. A full refund will be credited if you cancel 48 hours prior to the start of the class. A 2-day notice of cancellation is required in order to contact others on the waitlist; otherwise we cannot refund or transfer it to a future class.

Waitlist: When a class is sold out, your name will be added to a waitlist. If an opening becomes available, you will be contacted by phone or e-mail. Please leave a phone number where you can be reached night or day, as well as an e-mail address, if you have one.

Let me know if you have any questions!!!

If you know of someone else that might be interested in taking the class, please pass on this information!

Until then, EAT HEALTHY!!! LIVE HAPPY!!!

Let’s start a HEALTH REVOLUTION in this town! Even it if is one meal at a time : )


Yes You CAN... If YOU say you CAN!

I would like to address an issue that I come across so often in today’s post. But I will start with one of my favorite poems.

You Can If You Think You Can!
If you think you are beaten, you are,
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you like to win, but you think you can't,
It is almost certain you won't.

If you think you'll lose, you're lost,
For out in the world we find,
Success begins with a fellow's will.
It's all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are,
You've got to think high to rise,
You've got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.

Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man.
But soon or late the man who wins,
Is the man who thinks he can.

~ C. W. Longenecker ~

I was at a meeting today, my deep green smoothie at hand, while everyone else in the room was cupping mugs filled with coffee in theirs. I was minding my own business as a person that was about to take a seat next to me, looked quizzically at my glass jar and without any hesitation asked: “What’s that?!” I am up for spontaneous conversations, even if I am limited in time, and enjoy my diet being an ice breaker. “A green smoothie,” I said. She had a bewildered look on her face, so I quickly added: “It is blended greens and fruit.” “Huh…” she exclaimed, “what kind of greens?” “Chard and lambsquarters,” I replied. She then continued: “Well I COULD NOT live without MY coffee!” I half-jokingly (having already observed her reaction) said: “I can show you how.” “Not with THAT!” she finished, as she grimaced at my green smoothie.

At that point I knew that the conversation was pretty much over. The meeting was about to start… and her mind was SHUT tight to any new idea outside of what she holds so dearly… coffee seems to be one of those things.

It never ceases to amaze me how people determine the course of their life—with their own words. There is a Scripture in the Bible that says: “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…” (Proverbs 23:7). It could not be more true! If you want to find out who a person truly is, spend enough time with them to hear what they spend most of their time talking about.

I sat next to this lady I thought that it would not take a keen observer to quickly see who was in better shape and better health. Here I was sitting lean, trim and energetic, while she was about 60 lbs overweight, her skin stretched over her plump body lacking the luster and glow it should have, huffing and puffing, while sipping on her coffee that she COULD NOT LIVE without.

I have met many people like her that have become prisoners not only of their own bodies, but their minds. On one hand they want a change—they want to be well, they want to lose weight, they want to live to see their children and grandchildren, on the other hand they see themselves either as victims to their eating and lifestyle habits or they connect food and happiness so closely that they cannot distinguish the two and chose one above the other, so they say things like: “I can’t live without (chocolate, coffee, bacon…etc.)”, or, “If I die I want to die happy!”, or another one of my favorites: “Live a little! Enjoy life!” [Amazingly I could think of food as happiness or enjoying one’s life.]

Our mindset affects our decisions, and decisions determine actions, whether we like it or not. If we say that we CAN’T do something, we, most likely, won’t. It is true not only when it comes to food; it can be relationships, learning another language, starting a business. Your limits are set by YOU! You determine how far you get in life, how happy you can be or how healthy you are. If you can’t achieve a goal that you set out for yourself, don’t blame anyone else—you are responsible! It does not mean that you won’t have any difficulties when you make up your mind to do something. You will! But you are the one who makes decisions on what to do about difficulties and obstacles that come your way.

When you want better health you have to make changes. It is obvious! If you didn’t you would not have ended up in a place that makes you consider them. Changes are never easy… at least not for the most part. But they are not impossible!

When you decide to make changes to your diet, fear, doubt and skepticism are going to be a part of this new journey. A lot of us have been through the roller coaster of these emotions more times than we care to count. However, we all have encountered people who have made positive, lasting and permanent changes to their bodies and their lives and health, with no turning back.

If you set out to make changes thinking of all the things you will NOT be able to eat, the way you do NOT want to feel, the pressure you do NOT want to endure, the criticism and skepticism you do NOT want to hear, you will be working against gravity.

Success starts in your MIND! Your objective in this is to stay focused on positive things you WILL experience as a result of the changes you are going to make. Think of the health and energy that you DO want for yourself, the better self-esteem you DO desire, eating delicious and nutritious foods that you DO want to enjoy.

Is your glass half-empty or half-full? Do you use excuses for your failures, or do you confront yourself and change to become a stronger and better person? Are you a victim or a victor?

Let’s look back in the Bible to gain wisdom on this topic. I love what it says:
“Finally, …whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.” [Philippians 4:8]

What it means is this: If you are sick, don’t dwell on your sickness—take steps that are needed to get well, and dwell on how the changes that you are making will get you well. If you are overweight, don’t think about foods you won’t be able to enjoy, or not being able to find the size of cloth you want, or people staring at you—think about solution to your problem, concentrate on things that will turn your situation around and become passionate about it. If it is changing your diet—great! Do it! If it is getting in a gym and working out—do it! Think about the places you can go, the clothes you can wear when you lose weight, and the people you will meet (and you will meet different kind of people when you feel better about yourself—after all, you attract what you are).

If you are reading this blog, you are probably making or considering making changes to your diet and lifestyle. As you prepare to make changes, think of the positive things you will experience. Think about your health improving, excess weight melting off, your mind becoming clearer, feeling better about yourself, being more in tune with spiritual things. Take some time to imagine the colors and crispy freshness of the foods you'll be putting on your plate. Feel your body thriving, tingling with a new-found vibrancy because of all the amazing foods you will be putting in your body.

It's not about all the things you'll be missing out on… It's about all the amazing things you'll be able to enjoy in a way you may never have done before.

Simply place your mind in a place of feeling your best. Own it with your thoughts, so that you can embrace it with the rest of you very soon.

Stop speaking and thinking NEGATIVELY! That was OLD you. The new you can be DIFFERENT. The new you can be POSITIVE! The new you can feel WELL!

I have faith that you CAN be successful. Do YOU?

Have an AMAZING DAY! Make it UNFORGETTABLE, regardless of what your situation is.

Happy Wednesday

Today’s food intake will be (not including lunch, since I have not decided what to make yet):

• Water throughout the day [remember to stay hydrated!]
• Big bowl of watermelon (eat watermelon at least 20-25 minutes before any other food, and at least 30-40 minutes after other fruit, or 40-50 minutes after fresh veggies and green, or at least 2 hours after a cooked meal, that does NOT contain animal ingredients. Watermelon passes through our stomach in about 15 minutes, and if backed up, will ferment in your intestines.)
• Apples for snacks (crunchy apples, such as Fuji, have been my snack of choice for a long time)
• Green Smoothie made with:
o Water
o Pineapple
o Banana
o Hemp Seed (not only is a great source of protein and Omega-3 and -6, but it makes smoothies very creamy)
o Couple of dates for sweetness
o Chard

• For lunch: sticky rice with sautéed veggies (I normally keep my vegetables uncooked, but since I was very busy last night editing images from a recent session, my sister made today’s lunch, and that was her choice of preparation).

I have an intense power yoga* work-out today, and them more editing to do, so my evening meal will be very simple.

Enjoy your Wednesday and remember that Unprocessed Foods will give you long lasting energy and are a better source of vitamins, nutrients and minerals compared to what you would find in any supplement bottle.

Don’t forget that there is one more UNPROCESSED LIFE BASICS class coming up this Friday at 6 pm in Longview, WA. Details HERE. I hope to see you there.

*Power Yoga is a non-meditative very physical type of yoga that concentrates on flexibility and strength building through.

Monday Raw Creations

Over the last week I indulged in a few raw treats.

Strawberry Buckwheat Cookies
(I blogged about them in this post).

Mango Sorbet with Banana Crackers
Strawberry Salad

This is my new invention. I teach how to make it in my Cooking Classes (the only raw/vegan cooking class in Cowlitz County and surrounding areas!), so make sure to sign up. There is a class coming up this Friday at 6 pm.

Yam Chips

· Peel and slice yams on the thinnest mandolin setting.
· Soak in water for 30-60 minutes to reduce starch.
· Sprinkle with juice of ½-1 lemon
· Add your favorite seasoning and minced garlic
· Salt to taste (lightly), if at all
· Dehydrate at 115 F until crisp (about 18-24 hrs)

As you can see, eating healthy is not boring, and by no means will you be lacking any vitamins. On the contrary, you will get more than what you get on the SAD (Standard American Diet) and your body and mind will thank you for it.

Enjoy your Monday, and remember to live an UNPROCESSED life!

Unforgettable Experience: Raw/Vegan Class Follow-up

There are unforgettable moments in all of our lives that do not get erased by time or other events. Yesterday was one of those moments for me. I had the pleasure of offering my first ever group cooking class. 5 wonderful ladies joined me, to learn about whole foods nutrition and to eat delicious food that we made together. I can speak for myself... and for Demetrye, who came along to help me, but I had a blast!
Here are the participants of my Unprocessed Life Basics class (from left to right): Whitney, BriAnne, Linda, Jenica, Becky, and I. Demetrye, without whom this class would not be as great as it was, took this picture. [Babe, thank you for your help and wonderful support].

While I was cooking and talking about nutrition, Demetrye, between handing me ingredients and washing my utensils, snapped a couple of pictures.

Here, Becky and Linda are in action, making Zucchini Noodles with Sauce.
I made the sauce for the noodles.

Before the day class was over, which we started with dessert, by the way :), my students had enjoyed 7 delicious, mostly raw dishes.

I will be offering one more class this coming Friday, at 6 pm (6/26/2009) at the same location. There are still 4 seats left, so make sure to hurry and sign up. Details in this post.

Until next time: EAT HEALTHY! LIVE HAPPY!

New Feature: I am on Twitter

After resisting the "tide" for so long, I have let go and joined the flow: I am now on Twitter! If you look to the right (on my blog) you will see Twitt feeds coming through.

The reason I decided to add Twitter to the host of other technological things I am already using is very simple: I wanted to be able to quickly share my thoughts with my blog readers on Nutrition, and to share quick recipes (in 140 characters or less, that is) without adding a full-blown blog post. I have people asking me what I make for my meals, and instead of adding a post with a recipe and a picture, Twitter allows me to quickly share the ingredients of whatever I might be enjoying at the moment. I never knew that anyone would care to know what I eat, but it appears that some might--it helps those who are out of creative cooking juices to get some healthful ideas, and I am all for that!

I am also planning to share quick tips and tricks through Twitter... and who knows, maybe one day even announce drawings and prizes that way ;)

Until Next Time: Live an UNPROCESSED Life!

Attention! Vegan Classes Start SOON!

We are only 2.5 days away from our first ever Whole Foods (Vegan/Raw) cooking class in Longview/Kelso, WA area (Cowlitz county and surrounding areas: Portland, OR, Vancouver, WA, Rainier, OR; etc.). There is still time to sign up (see the post below)! Come and join me and others as we talk about what we can do to improve our health and well-being, or, give someone you know and care about a gift and send them to the class (contact me for gift-certificate info).

Contact me with any questions: 360-355-7370. See the post below for details on class registration.

Hope to see you this Saturday!

Vegan Treats

There is a major misconception among the general public that the vegan diet is somehow boring. It cannot be farther from the truth. Vegan diet can be exciting and very adventurous.

My regular readers/visitors to my blog already know my stand on vegan substitutes, such as veggie burgers, processed tofu, cream cheese, cheeses, etc. I am not a fan of them and believe that we can live completely without them. Unfortunately, when Demetrye and I changed to the vegan diet, we had gone through a phase of using such vegan substitutes, but only because we did not have anyone to teach us better. I believe that people that use such substitutes occasionally can get away with that, but there are also those who are "heavy" users. I believe that they, unfortunately, cannot fully benefit from a truly vegan diet, which ideally should consist of whole foods.

Now, this does not mean that vegans are banished to a life of eating salads, fruits and nuts only. Not at all. My diet is high raw, but once in a while I still make great baked desserts that do not involve any animal products at all. They come out to be even more delicious then their "animal" counterparts.

One of my favorite things to bake for my husband, who could eat sweets 24-7, is chocolate chip cookies. Unfortunately for my readers I won't be sharing the recipe for this treat on my blog--this is one of those things that I keep private for a reason or two :) But I just wanted to show that the plant-based diet is not boring or blend. It can be super delicious and fun.
For this treat I ground my own flour and instead of using oils and butters used bananas and apple sauce. The cookies were super light and delicious.

To learn the tricks of transitioning from omnivorous lifestyle to a whole foods plant based diet, make sure to come out to one of my upcoming cooking classes, where I will be sharing tips on how to substitute animal products with plant foods and enjoy your meals more than ever AND gain a better health and a sense of well being.
Until next time: enjoy the benefits of living an UNPROCESSED life!

Dinner: Apple Celery Salad and Lettuce Boats

We had a wonderful dinner. I made Apple Celery Salad and Lettuce boats filled with beans and tomatoes. The family absolutely loved it!

I found the Apple Celery Salad recipe on another raw blog: Raw Epicurean (check them out!). I did not expect that celery can taste SO great in combination with apples and walnuts. What a pleasant surprise it was!

The only variation I made to the recipe was that I added ½ mashed avocado to the mix and a sprinkle of Himalayan salt. It was SUPER delicious.

The lettuce boats are super easy to make: grab a leaf of your favorite lettuce (the crunchier the better for me: ) ), add blended beans (your favorite kind; I blend mine in a food processor with some water, spices and salt), sprinkle with diced tomatoes on top, and whatever else your soul might desire, and ENJOY!

Until next time: live an UNPROCESSED life!

Chocolate Hemp Milk

I just whipped up my first ever glass of hemp milk (some raw foodists call it mylk to differentiate from animal milk). Let me tell you--it is great!

After making it I took it to my sister for a taste. She was skeptical when I told her it was milk (she never liked cow's milk). After tasting it and smacking her lips (quite loudly, I might add), she said: "Don't scare me like that again! Just call it Mocha next time and... I will have a glassful, please!"

Since it was my first time using hemp to make milk I did not jot down all proportions, but I will next time. As for now, enjoy the image! I am including a list of ingredients I used, and proportions as I can remember or guess them.

Hemp Mocha
  • 1 cup hemp seeds
  • 2 cups water
  • 3-4 teaspoons raw cacao (or more, if you like)
  • sprinkle of Himalayan salt
  • 4-5 teaspoons agave syrup or honey (adjust to your taste)

  • Blend hemp seeds and water in a high speed blender
  • Strain through a nut-milk bag or cloth
  • Pour back into the blender, add remaining ingredients and give it a light whirl until everything is well mixed.
  • If you don't drink it right away, store in an air-tight jar in the refrigerator.


Raw Vegan Ice Cream ( I Scream)

Congratulations are in order to one of my friends, Heather Bishop. She was recently featured in the local newspaper, The Daily News, and on the Porland Fox News (you can watch the video by clicking on the link).

"What's the reason?" you might ask. Heather is the creator of a raw vegan ice cream, which she calls I Scream. It is very delicious and can be eaten guilt free, as it comes full of vitamins and enzymes (I tried it and I know what I am talking about :)).

Heather just recently broke on the food scene with her product, which is already being sold in 8 stores in the state of WA, and she is mailing her delicious raw dessert all over the US. We could not be more proud and happy for her.

If you live in the Cowlitz county you can find Heather's raw vegan I Scream ice cream at the Country Village Nutrition store.

Until next time: Live an Unprocessed Life!

Dehydrator Adventures

Dreams do come true. This passed Friday I got one of mine in a huge box! My Excalibur Dehydrator was delivered and I could not wait to test it out!!! Yes, I am one of those crazy women that gets happier over a kitchen or a computer gadget than over a piece of jewelry. Whoever said that "Diamond is a Girl's Best Friend" must not have been in touch with reality. I actually don't own any diamonds outside of my gorgeous wedding ring. You can't excite or entice me with them either. Now, give me a kitchen gadget or a great photo lens or a new computer, and you are speaking my language.

Yesterday I finally got an opportunity to play with my new toy. First I made Veggie Enchiladas. They turned out pretty, although I found them to be a bit too sweet. If I ever make them again will have to adjust the recipe... or just invent my own :)

Then I made Cinnamon Raisin Crackers. They are delicious, although, even after dehydrating them for 2 hours more than I was supposed to they were not crunchy, and I don't think they will be, unless you dehydrate them for much longer. But they great nevertheless. I can see making ice cream sandwiches with them and some Banana or Cherry Ice Cream, although I would then spread batter a bit thicker and pre-shape it into circles.
So, today my breakfast was a combination of both.
I will be experimenting with the dehydrator much more to have enough recipes to teach an all RAW Cooking Class in the near future, as the number of raw food enthusiasts is growing in the Cowlitz County.

I am thankful to the folks at Excalibur for making such a great machine. It makes living an Unprocessed life not only easy, but fun.

Until next time, folks, EAT HEALTHY! BE HAPPY!

Save the Date: Vegan/ Raw Cooking Classes

If you live in Longview, Kelso, WA or surrounding areas (Kalama, Rainier, Vancouver, Portland, Castle Rock, Cathlamet, etc.) and you are looking for ways to improve your health through diet you can’t afford to miss THIS!!!

I am so excited to let you know that I am finalizing dates for the first ever Unprocessed Life Cooking Class!!! Currently, all I am waiting on is a response from the venue owner where the classes will be held to get the Green Light!!!

As of now the space that I will be using for classes will limit the class size to 5 students. Since I already received inquiries double that number (and that is even before I posted it anywhere in town!!!) I am going to attempt to schedule either a Friday and Saturday class, or two Saturday back to back classes or even two Saturdays in the row.

The TENTATIVE date is 6/20/2009. We will start at 10 am and will wrap up by 12-12:30 pm. Location: Longview Sewing & Kitchen [945 Washington Way, Longview, WA 98632].

In the first class I am planning to talk about the Basics of healthier living, so I will present a variety of dishes. I am already planning classes that will be dedicated to specific meals: breakfast food, gluten-free living, healthful delicious and guilt-free snacks, etc. Yes, my imagination is running wild and I am totally EXCITED!!!

While I am waiting, I thought I should give you more information on what to expect to learn in the class.

Unprocessed Life Basics
with Elena Wilkins

Time: 10 am-12 pm
$55 per person or $90 per couple
Registration Required

Supercharge your health and send your energy levels soaring! Learn how to nourish your body with the foods for which you are biologically designed—you will be amazed by the results.

This class will teach those who are looking how to add nutritious healthy meals to everyday life and for those who are embarking on a vegan and raw food diet. You will have a chance to explore how to make this lifestyle work for you. Through lecture, demo, hands-on experience and tasting you will learn how to create raw and cooked vegan dishes and take advantage of all the health benefits they provide. You will learn the principles and techniques that will help you prepare tasty food with less fat, salt and sugar.

Instructor: Elena Wilkins, Unprocessed Lifestyles Coach. Elena has thrived on a vegan/high raw food diet for almost 3 years, and has studied extensively on the subject of health, nutrition and diet. By incorporating vegan diet into her life she was able to reverse her and her husband’s health conditions and helped others along the way.

To Register contact Elena (me!) at 360-355-7370, or e-mail her. Space is limited to 5 seats, so register today (as soon as the date is finalized : ) )!

On the Menu:
· Alfredo Pasta (raw; with a cooked option)
· Rice and Beans and loads of Greens (cooked and raw) (subject to change)
· Hummus Wraps (cooked/raw, with all raw alternative)
· Bell Pepper Salad (raw)
· Kale Salad (raw)
· Banana Strawberry Ice Cream (raw)
· Fruit/Green Smoothie (raw)

*I reserve the right to substitute ingredients and menu items. However, I will make every effort to remain true to our advertised menu.

Up for Discussion:
· Vegan/Raw food diet basics (Why, What, How)
· Kitchen organization for healthy cooking
· What equipment to have in the kitchen
· What food to keep on hand
· Food Combining

Registration and Payment Policies

Class Sign-Up: To sign up for a class or to receive more information, contact Elena at 360-355-7370 or e-mail at To guarantee your place in a class, payment, registration and student waiver must be received when you enroll. If a class has insufficient enrollment number, it will be cancelled 24 hours prior to the start of the class. We will contact you by phone regarding cancellation. You will receive a full refund or will have an opportunity to reschedule for a different time.

Cancellations: To cancel your class registration please contact Elena at 360-355-7370. A full refund will be credited if you cancel 48 hours prior to the start of the class. We require at least 2 days notice of cancellation in order to contact others on the waitlist; otherwise we cannot refund or transfer it to a future class.

So, now that you have all information you might need (except for the final date), make sure to start making plans. Let me know if you have any questions!!! If you are planning on enrolling, shoot me an e-mail, so I can plan accordingly!

If you know of someone else that might be interested in taking the class, please pass on this information!

Until then, EAT HEALTHY!!! LIVE HAPPY!!!

Let’s start a HEALTH REVOLUTION in this town! Even it if is one meal at a time : )


Sports Nutrition

As we are getting my husband ready to take off on the 788 mile marathon our diet is more raw and nutrient packed than ever! I am feeling even better than before, that is except when I have to wake up early in the morning. Being so busy with new things unfolding all around me I average about 6 hours of sleep every night. It might be sufficient for some, but it leaved my body wanting… : ) My new goal for the next several months will become going to bed earlier… I love waking up COMPLETELY rejuvenated. However, even with my current load I am able to get to feeling energized in about a half hour. I normally start off my morning by doing several stretches, before diving into my getting-ready-for-work “ritual” : )

But… I sidetracked here.

I decided that I should let my readers know a bit our “marathon” diet, although I am now learning more and more about proper sports nutrition (what, how and when to eat for maximum results). It is not that I did not know before, but most of our work outs were 1-1.5 hrs long, so that I did not really have to become too meticulous with little details. Now that Demetrye rides for up to 2.-3 hrs at a time it is a completely different story.

Our mornings always start with liquid intake. I try to get down at least a glass or so of water as I prepare our breakfast and lunch meals. Then, we normally follow up with a green smoothie to get our energy up and going. Smoothies differ from day to day, as I try my best to rotate greens, fruits and veggies for most benefit.

Today’s Green Smoothie consisted of:
• 1 cup water
• 1 cup Rejuvelac (water can be used instead)
• Greens: Chard and Lambs quarters
• 1 banana
• 1 apple
• 3 small carrots
• Flaxseed (my Vita-Mix grinds it up for me, so I do not have to pre-grind it)
• 1 teaspoon of Spirulina for each of us

Because of Spirulina (fresh water algae) the smoothie comes out extra green. I actually enjoy the intensity of the color. Spirulina has many wonderful benefits and, perhaps, one day I can dedicate a whole post to it. I have been wanting to add Spirulina and Chlorella to our diet for quite some time, and just recently discovered that Whole Foods carries Spirulina in bulk. .06 lbs cost me only $26, which is a lot less compared to what I would have paid for it in a tablet form. Now I just need to get the store to start carrying Chlorella and I will be a happy camper. The two are a perfect “twin” set for not only sports nutrition but for anyone who wants to achieve optimal health. They both are rich in chlorophyll and rich in protein, among other things.

For snacks we grab simple things—I prefer to have mono-fruit (meaning that I have either an apple or a banana, etc., but don’t combine them). It is easier to digest foods that way, and I actually find it more enjoyable. Apples, especially Fuji (and others that are crunchy and juicy) are my favorite snack food.

For lunch I had Corn Chowder (I made it for the first time last night. I liked it enough with some sort of bread, be it raw or not. Demetrye, however, was not a huge fan and let me have his portion as well : ) Sorry, Carolyn!) I had it with my vegan (cheese-less) pizza made from home ground grain.

I will be planning our dinner later on, but will most likely down another serving a green smoothie before our evening meal.

I am feeling great and energized! There is nothing like it.

To make things better I have taken the plunge and ordered a 9 tiered Excalibur dehydrator. I am looking forward to making more raw creations and reducing the desire for cooked foods in my life to a minimum.

Speaking of dehydrators, and I realize I am nearly ranting and spilling my guts out here, another reason I cannot wait to get my new toy, is because I have started making Sprouted Granola Bars . Last night Demetrye and I prepared 38 of these babies for him to take on a road with him to keep his body as clean as possible from any processed foods he might have to eat on the road. With my new dehydrator making these will be nothing but fun! I just need to figure out how to get them packaged so I can make them available to everyone.

For the Marathon we are preparing not only Sprouted Bars, but also Energy Bites and tons of Green Smoothies. I am also planning to make a couple of Sports Drinks and Sports Recovery Drinks I found in Brendan Brazier’s book: The Thrive Diet (I am actually so excited—I am planning to buy the book for Demetrye as his Welcome-Home gift! So…. Shhhhh… don’t tell him! I know that he is too busy to read my blog at this point ;))

As exciting as this week is going to be for Demetrye, I already know that I am going to miss him terribly. Believe it or not, but in over 6 years of being married, this is going to be our FIRST time being apart for more than 1 day… Life is just not the same without him… :( To make things more complicated it will also be the first time that he will spend his birthday without me (since we've met).

I am getting myself prepared to see him off on Thursday, when he and the rest of the team will take off from Longview, WA. And, I am sure more than ready to see him come back this coming Sunday. I am so proud of him! He was able to get ready for this marathon in a record time—less than a month. His recovery time is amazing (due to our diet and lifestyle)! He bounces back overnight!

Please join me in praying for the entire team’s safe travel there and back. They are setting out to accomplish a great goal and deserve a great reward for that!

Until next time: LIVE AN UNPROCESSED LIFE!!!