I have been drinking green smoothies for a while now, but not always on regular, consistent basis. That changed about a month ago. Demetrye and I made a decision to consume at least 16-32 oz. of GREEN smoothies a day. After reading Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko I decided to keep a journal for at least a month and record everything that I consume on daily basis, including all ingredients of all meals, and note any changes taking place in my (or Demetrye's) body. There were several things I wanted to specifically observe.
Here is a portion of the food journal entry, straight from the notebook (you can click on the image to see a larger size):

A couple of months ago, after we moved to Washington, a wart-like growth appeared on the bottom of my left foot. In my entire adult life I had a wart only once, and only once as a child, so I was quite surprised that I would get one now, especially with my diet being so clean. The fact that a wart came out meant only one thing--my immune system was not strong enough to fight it off.
When I read Green for Life, the author mentioned same type of occurrence happening in her family. They were raw vegan for several years when her kids developed a couple of warts, much to her surprise. After they started on green smoothies the warts had fallen out within 30 days.
I am a huge believer in pure nutrition and its powers, and I wanted to experiment on myself and see if the same thing would happen to me. I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical in the beginning. So, I had told no one of what I was expecting to see, not even Demetrye. I only made a journal entry and left my foot alone.
A few years ago I had a wart come out on my leg, right above the knee and had to have laser treatments done to get rid of it. Much to my surprise, after being zapped by laser on several occasions, which was an unpleasant feeling altogether, the treatment failed and I had to buy an over-the-counter wart-removing kit. I "froze" it until it was gone. The process was also painful and very unpleasant, but at least it cost me only $10.
Fast-forward to yesterday, 22 days after doing green smoothies EVERY SINGLE day, at least 16 oz. a day, I checked my foot and the wart fell out right into the palm of my hand!!! No zapping, no freezing and burning... It is OUT!!!
I know that some of you might find it a bit disturbing that I am talking about warts with such enthusiasm. However, it is not warts that I am talking about. I am talking about the power of God-given nutrition, that we--the human race--are yet to discover with all of our technological and scientific advances.
I know that this was not a coincidence. My foot bothered me for a long time. When I made the journal entry, to be on a conservative side I had stated that I had the wart for about a month and a half, however, I believe it was more like 3 months. But my point is, IT WORKED!!! Now I am looking forward to observing other things of concern/interest on my list. I will make sure to keep my readers updated.
Now, I would like to transition a bit and touch on what made my experiment possible and a success. First of all, I know that without the miraculous, God-given nutrition nothing would have happened. Secondly, there, of course, had to be determination, which I have boat-load of (thank God). But then I also had to make sure that doing this was going to be easy and stress-less, otherwise I would have set myself up for failure.
Every Thursday now, Demetrye and I go to the local CSA to pick up our produce. We stock up on greens as much as we can. We consume what's possible during the week, and the rest is prepped and frozen for a later use. Here is how our fridge looks every Thursday:
Here is a portion of the food journal entry, straight from the notebook (you can click on the image to see a larger size):

A couple of months ago, after we moved to Washington, a wart-like growth appeared on the bottom of my left foot. In my entire adult life I had a wart only once, and only once as a child, so I was quite surprised that I would get one now, especially with my diet being so clean. The fact that a wart came out meant only one thing--my immune system was not strong enough to fight it off.
When I read Green for Life, the author mentioned same type of occurrence happening in her family. They were raw vegan for several years when her kids developed a couple of warts, much to her surprise. After they started on green smoothies the warts had fallen out within 30 days.
I am a huge believer in pure nutrition and its powers, and I wanted to experiment on myself and see if the same thing would happen to me. I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical in the beginning. So, I had told no one of what I was expecting to see, not even Demetrye. I only made a journal entry and left my foot alone.
A few years ago I had a wart come out on my leg, right above the knee and had to have laser treatments done to get rid of it. Much to my surprise, after being zapped by laser on several occasions, which was an unpleasant feeling altogether, the treatment failed and I had to buy an over-the-counter wart-removing kit. I "froze" it until it was gone. The process was also painful and very unpleasant, but at least it cost me only $10.
Fast-forward to yesterday, 22 days after doing green smoothies EVERY SINGLE day, at least 16 oz. a day, I checked my foot and the wart fell out right into the palm of my hand!!! No zapping, no freezing and burning... It is OUT!!!
I know that some of you might find it a bit disturbing that I am talking about warts with such enthusiasm. However, it is not warts that I am talking about. I am talking about the power of God-given nutrition, that we--the human race--are yet to discover with all of our technological and scientific advances.
I know that this was not a coincidence. My foot bothered me for a long time. When I made the journal entry, to be on a conservative side I had stated that I had the wart for about a month and a half, however, I believe it was more like 3 months. But my point is, IT WORKED!!! Now I am looking forward to observing other things of concern/interest on my list. I will make sure to keep my readers updated.
Now, I would like to transition a bit and touch on what made my experiment possible and a success. First of all, I know that without the miraculous, God-given nutrition nothing would have happened. Secondly, there, of course, had to be determination, which I have boat-load of (thank God). But then I also had to make sure that doing this was going to be easy and stress-less, otherwise I would have set myself up for failure.
Every Thursday now, Demetrye and I go to the local CSA to pick up our produce. We stock up on greens as much as we can. We consume what's possible during the week, and the rest is prepped and frozen for a later use. Here is how our fridge looks every Thursday:

As you can see, we set up ourselves to succeed. You don't see any "junk" that might tempt us. If we had a craving for anything we have to choose from what's available in the house. If you place an apple pie or ice cream in your fridge, you make it easily accessible to yourself and your family. If you replace it with apples, pears, and other nutrition foods, when you are hungry or have a craving, you will be forced to choose from these healthy options. That is how you succeed.
One more important aspect of success is to surround yourself with people who are willing to support you, better yet, like-minded people. It has never been a problem for me to stick to something I made up my mind about, however I have heard many say that they don't have that kind of "will-power". I do not contribute our success to will-power at all. I contribute it to education and retraining our minds once and for all. But, if you do subscribe to the "weak will, strong will" theory then you must take steps to ensure you have the right kind of support. "How can one do that?" you might ask. It is simple. Outside of eliminating the temptation in your own household, find like-minded people. Find a local group or another family you can befriend and spend time with them. They will be more than happy to encourage you on your new journey. They are pursuing the same goals. Demetrye and I were blessed to have met such a family recently. Darlene and her family are raw vegan, and they are simply a joy to be around (thank you, Darlene, Eric and Wyatt :)).
Now I don't mean to tell you that you need to ditch your family and friends who don't support you, but for some, if you have to distance yourself for a while, until you retrain your mind, you might have to do that. You also can ask your family and friends to be respectful of your decision. In our case, none of our family and friends have decided to become full-fledged vegan (at least not yet), but many have been so wonderful in accommodating our dietary needs, it is simply amazing. If we are invited to come for a visit there are always a couple of scrumptious vegan dishes awaiting us.
My 30-day experiment is nearly over. I am planning to make my food-journal available in PDF format. It will include all of my little notes and all Green Smoothie recipes. If you would like to receive a copy, e-mail me. The link to my e-mail is on my profile page (just click on my picture in the side bar to get there).
Set up yourself for success!!! Get out there and improve your health ONE MEAL AT A TIME!!!