Cosmetics Linked to Future Infertility

A recent study by the researchers at Edinburgh University have shown that exposure to chemicals in the first 12 weeks in the womb can negatively impact baby boy’s future fertility—it can affect sperm production in manhood. Unfortunately, many of these products are routinely used by a majority of women. Some chemicals used in cosmetics can block hormones.

The skin is the largest organ in the body, and anything that is put on it gets absorbed and ends up in the blood stream, ultimately coming into contact with unborn babies.

In the study, male hormones in rats were blocked for a period of time when they were in the womb. These rats went on to suffer from infertility. The scientists concluded that these chemicals may also increase the risk of baby boys developing other reproductive conditions in later life, including testicular cancer. They urged women who were intending to become pregnant to avoid putting these harmful cosmetic products on their skin.

Prof. Sharpe, who led the study says, "There are lots of compounds in perfumes that we know in higher concentrations have the potential to have biological effects, so it is just being ultra safe to say that by avoiding using them your baby isn't at risk.

"If you are planning to become pregnant you should change your lifestyle. We would recommend you avoid exposure to chemicals that are present in cosmetics, anything that you put on your body that might then get through your body into your developing baby.

"It is not because we have evidence that these chemicals categorically cause harm to babies, it is only based on experimental studies on animals that suggest it is a possibility."

If these products disrupt the hormonal balance in baby boys, then doesn't it stand to reason that they could potentially have a harmful effect on all of us?

The natural health community has already concluded that natural, organic or wild products are best. Nature provides everything we need, and putting toxic chemicals on our skin is not going to ultimately make it softer, smoother or younger.

The best choice is for every person to choose natural cosmetic products, not just women who are becoming pregnant. It is such an easy way to become less toxic and improve wellbeing.

The problem is that the study also showed that chemicals in household fabrics and plastics can cause the same problem.

So, you might wonder, where and how you can start improving your and your family’s health. Start taking small steps and progressively change your entire household. I personally no longer use facial/body creams or lotions. Solution was more simple than I had thought possible in the beginning. I found that using essential oils is much better than using chemically laden lotions. I personally use Jojoba and Grapeseed oil for my face, hands, and the rest of my body.

Instead of using shower gels or body washes that you find at most retail stores, I use simple Dr. Bronner’s soap. It comes in many varieties and contains no chemicals.
For make-up I use Bare Essentials, but you can use any other mineral make-up that can easily be found at any health store.

For deodorant I now use Nature’s Garden, and I am quite please with it. I am ordering a new deodorant to try out as well: Herbal Magic Roll-On Deodorant, and will report on my satisfaction (or lack thereof) once I’ve had a chance to use it.

I am in the process of looking for naturally occurring perfume, so I can discard my present choice. Although I am still using it, I always make sure to use as little as possible, and NEVER spray it directly on my skin, but only on the outermost parts of my clothing.

For dish detergent I use Biokleen Dish Soap, and have been very pleased with it. It is very gentle on my skin. I am also ordering dishwasher soap by this company to try out.

For clothes detergent, I will soon be ordering Chinese Soapberry Tree nuts .

For glass cleaner I mix water, vinegar and soda. For surface cleaning I add a few drops of Dr. Bronner tea tree soap.

For restroom air freshener I use incense. For rooms you can use essential oils of your choice.

The possibilities of creating clean environment for you and your family are endless. Go ahead and give it a try :) it is well worth it!


Breakfast Sandwiches

I had never adhered to the traditional breakfast items of sweet cereal, bacon and eggs, even before I became vegan. Eating sugar loaded cereals gave me a headache, especially early in the morning. Bacon and eggs were never my favorite. I always preferred to start my morning with either soups or salads. I would then have steady stream of energy supplied through the morning hours and my brain was absolutely functional.

Since we have become vegan I reinforced my healthy habits even more, and now always look to load my body with nutrients that will give me clear mind and an energetic body. “Tired” is not a part of my vocabulary anymore… well, at least not in the mornings.

A couple of days ago Demetrye and I had a wonderful breakfast together. I hope you try to make it and enjoy it too.

Whole Wheat Sandwich and Summer Salad


• Thinly sliced homemade whole wheat bread
• Dark leaf lettuce
• Tomatoes
• Red onion slices
• Cucumber slices
• Anything else you might want to add
• 1 tablespoon of vegan mayo (optional)
• Sea salt to taste

• Tomatoes
• Zucchini
• Red onions
• Green onions
• Beans (any kind)
• Sea salt to taste
Make sure to prepare the salad a few minutes before you sit down for breakfast, so veggies have enough time to marinate in their own juices.

EAT HEALTHY!!! BE HAPPY!!! And have loads of energy!

Raw Foodists Arrested for Trafficking Chocolate; Interrogated for "Cacao Crimes"

I thought I have heard my share of crazy stories, but turns out you can never hear enough. I just read an article on Natural News web-site that made me shake my head in unbelief. This is truly Ridiculous and Painful!!!

Here is a short version of the article:

“When Ron and Nadine from the Living Libations beauty care and chocolate company ( attempted to fly to the United States in August of this year, they ran into something completely unexpected: Drug-sniffing dogs at the Toronto airport. When their dogs took a special interest in their raw, unrefined chocolate with hemp seeds and superfood extracts, they were arrested, handcuffed and put through hours of tortuous interrogation. Such begins the journey of Ron and Nadine, the chocolate freedom fighters from Canada.

Accused of trafficking two and a half pounds of hashish (which was really just raw, homemade chocolate), Ron and Nadine were arrested, physically separated into interrogation rooms and handcuffed to chairs. Their six-month old baby was forcibly taken from them, and they were immediately subjected to intense interrogation.

Their chocolate looked suspicious, they were told, because it wasn't in a commercial wrapper. If it's not Hershey's, it must be drugs! An on-the-spot drug test from the NIK company (which makes portable drug testing kits) returned a positive result, the Canadian police claimed, and that's all the evidence they need to arrest anyone.

…it turns out the NIK drug testing kits return false positives nearly 100% of the time if the results are interpreted incorrectly, as they were in this case...

Is this Canada, or Gitmo?
Emboldened by the positive drug test on the two pounds of raw chocolate, Canadian drug agents scrambled to action. They hadn't seen a big drug bust in a long time, and excitement was brewing over the possibility of nabbing someone with a whopping two pounds of hashish! Thus, the tyrants of law enforcement went to work on Ron and Nadine, using Guantanamo Bay tactics to try to force them to admit to being hashish drug traffickers.

Over the next several hours, Ron and Nadine were interrogated by the Canadian equivalent of FBI agents who verbally assaulted them using every lying, deceitful police interrogation tactic in the book. They screamed at Ron and Nadine, threatened them with years in prison and even told each of them that the other had already confessed to drug trafficking, trying to trick them into admitting to crimes they never committed.

Through the entire episode, Ron and Nadine resisted the tactics, held their ground and continued to hold positive intentions. "As I was sitting in the cell," Ron told NaturalNews, "I kept focused on light and truth.”

After the interrogation, the threats of "life in jail" and other dishonest tactics used by law enforcement to try to get them to "admit" to drug trafficking, they were finally released on bail. Their baby son was returned to them, and they went home. For the next 30 days, they were subjected to surprise visits by Children's Aid employees (the Canadian version of Child Protective Services), who were told by law enforcement authorities that Ron and Nadine were drug smugglers.

Over this 30 day period, as felony drug trafficking charges were pending against them, Ron and Nadine managed to connect with legal help. Their lawyer, Marcy Segal, was able to persuade the Crown Attorney to send the chocolate "hashish" sample to a proper lab for testing. And wouldn't you know it: The test showed that chocolate is chocolate, not hashish.

The charges were dropped, but no apology was ever offered to the couple. Instead, Canadian law enforcement authorities declared, "You must have been smoking something before you came to the airport."

(No doubt someone in this story was on crack, but it doesn't seem to be Ron and Nadine...)

NaturalNews has acquired the actual document delivered to law enforcement official in Toronto, declaring there to be absolutely no drugs in Ron and Nadine's possession. You can view the PDF of this document here:

Let's try this again
Following their being cleared by the lab tests, they were determined to return to the United States and attend the Raw Spirit Festival in Sedona Arizona. Their lawyer had contacted U.S. authorities in advance, advising them that Ron and Nadine were bringing chocolate through their security checkpoints as they crossed from Canada to the United States. "Watch out, it's chocolate!"

They were told everything was understood, and the chocolate would be allowed through. Imagine their surprise, however, when Ron and Nadine were once against arrested at the airport and accused of -- guess what? -- smuggling hashish disguised as chocolate!

U.S. law enforcement authorities boost their careers when they take part in big drug busts, and 2.5 pounds of hashish was a huge bust by anyone's accounting. So they had every incentive to try to make this bust stick.

Desperate to prove themselves right, the American drug enforcement police ripped though Ron and Nadine's luggage and clothing, opening every vial, asking questions about all the "strange" things they found there.

What kind of strange things? Sea salt. Zeolites. Tea tree oil. Essential oils. Hemp seeds. Probiotics. Raw cacao nibs. You know, dangerous superfoods and supplements.

They were questioned at great length about all these "strange" substances. Apparently, law enforcement personnel have actually never seen superfoods! Subsisting on a diet of processed foods and diet soda, they apparently believe real food is a foreign substance... a criminal substance, in fact. It is a strange world, indeed, when those who claim to uphold the laws of the land have zero familiarity with food harvested from the land...

$22,000 in legal bills and growing
After being charged with felony crimes, accused of trafficking illegal drugs, interrogated, isolated from his family and denied the right to travel as a free citizen, Ron Obadia is now facing over $22,000 in legal bills.

Buy Chocolate for Freedom!
Ron and Nadine desperately need your support to not just pay off their legal bills, but to sue Canadian law enforcement officials for false arrest.

We need to raise $50,000 in order for this to be pursued. It's an important mission, and if successful, it could send a message to border agents everywhere to keep their hands off the chocolate!

You can help support Ron and Nadine by buying their delicious chocolate from

It doesn't actually contain hashish, by the way. It's made from wholesome superfoods and delicious, raw ingredients! They also carry some outstanding beauty products made with high-grade essential oils and all-natural ingredients. Check it out.

Please Buy Chocolate for Freedom and help support Ron and Nadine right now:

Donate money to help Ron and Nadine pay their legal bills
The third way you can help is to directly donate money to Ron and Nadine. We need to help protect our natural foods community from police state tactics.

[visit original story for further details on how to make a donation]”

So, folks, believe it or not, this is a real-life event. It was not made up or manufactured. It is a Painful Truth indeed.

EAT HEALTY!!! And, Don’t Travel with Healthy Food or you might be arrested :)

Green Bean and Tomato Salad

It is amazing how easy cooking can be. A couple of days ago my husband came home from the farm with a load of tomatoes and green beans. Unlike most, I do not look for way to cook my vegetables, but rather bring out the flavors I like so much, by combining them with each other, or even eating them the way God created them—straight from the patch, with nothing added. This time was no exception. Just by combining Green Beans and Tomatoes and adding a dash of salt and a bit of chopped red onions, I had myself a dish.

What was even better, is the fact that I could also serve it as pasta topping.

Make sure to experiment with seasonal produce as much as you can, as the fall is already here in full force and the lazy days of summer are now gone.


Stovetop Ratatouille

There is more than one way to make a dish that you might like. It certainly is the cause for me. The last time I posted ratatouille recipe that can be prepared in an oven. But who said that it has to be that way? Here is another version of this delectable dish. Perhaps it is nothing like what Ratatouille should be, but it certainly does that trick for me.

· 1 large eggplant, cubed
· 2-3 carrots, cubed
· 1 large onion, cubed
· 3-4 medium size potatoes, cubed
· 1 zucchini or squash, or both, cubed
· 2 large tomatoes, cubed
· 2-4 garlic cloves, minced
· 1 small can of tomato sauce
· Anything else you feel like adding to this veggie medley
· Sea salt to taste
· Your favorite all-purpose seasoning (I use Kirkland organic mix)
· Splash of olive oil

· Start by preheating a skillet with oil
· Add potatoes and fry for 5 minutes
· Add reimagining ingredients and cook on medium heat for 5-10 minutes.
· Reduce heat to medium-low or low, depending on your cookware, and cook until potatoes are cooked through and vegetables intermix their flavors.
· The dish can be served by itself with a piece of whole wheat bread, or on top of your favorite pasta.

ENJOY!!! And remember, “ANYBODY CAN COOK”!!!

Ridiculously Painful Truth

I know it is a Wednesday, but I have to post this Ridiculous Truth, since it is really on my mind and is bugging me to no end.

I read an article today in The Times of India, and could not believe how ignorant the reporters and the “scientists” can be. Let me give you an excerpt from the article, so you can see what I am saying.

“MELBOURNE: Scientists have discovered that going veggie could be bad for your brain-with those on a meat-free diet six times more likely to suffer brain shrinkage.
Vegans and vegetarians are the most likely to be deficient because the best sources of the vitamin are meat, particularly liver, milk and fish. Vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause anaemia and inflammation of the nervous system. ..
Brain scans of more than 1,800 people found that people who downed 14 drinks or more a week had 1.6% more brain shrinkage than teetotallers. Women in their seventies were the most at risk.

Researchers found that the hippocampus-the part of the brain that stores memories - was 10% smaller in beer drinkers than those who stuck to wine.

And being overweight or obese is linked to brain loss, Swedish researchers discovered. “

Now, how stupid can you really be to say that “veggies could be bad for you”? Apparently the author did not have enough intelligence to research the practices of meat production. Maybe he should have read my post on Fast Food Raised Beef . It makes me think that the writer must have overdosed on steroid injected red meat right before he wrote the article. Has no one told him and the “scientists” that Vitamin B12 is made by bacteria?! You can get all the B12 you need from non-animal sources. Where do they think animals get their B-12? You would have to be on crack to arrive to such a conclusion. I know of carnivores with very low B-12 levels, while there are vegans who test high on the same test. But, perhaps, the journalists and the “scientists” who eat a diet of dead meat, processed and homogenized milk, have brains that aren't functioning to be a little more logic...

It is not surprising that the article has no solid data and detail to show how the study was conducted and what biomarkers and criteria was used to arrive at the decision. The only redemption for the writer of this article is to show connection between alcohol consumption and weight problems to brain underperformance.

Believe it or not, folks, but this kind of mindset is Painfully True.

Remember: Eat Healthy!!! Be Smarter!!!


A few days ago I was not feeling too well. I was taking care of my body the best I could, so I could recover quickly and get back to my normal life. Amazingly it took me only two days to beat soar throat. Unfortunately for me, right after, I fell victim to a cold or a flu (not sure which one) because I happened to be sitting right under an air conditioner unit for a few straight days. I followed my normal regiment of food intake, but added a bit more bitter greens. Again, gratefully, the sickness affected me for only a couple of days. I was so glad that I stick to a whole foods diet. Sickness was no match for me this time around, unlike many times before I became vegan. I remember one time when I got sick right after my father's funeral, I had spent three straight days in bed. I was week, unable to eat or to keep down unthing that I did try to consume. This time around I spent only evening in bed, preserving my energy to fight cold. On the second day of being sick I stayed home and away from people, not to share "the blessing". By day three I was back in the game...

While I stayed home, nursing myself to health, I had a craving for "comfort" food. Since I did not have much energy and did not want to spend too much time in the kitchen, I pulled out veggies that I had in my refrigirator and made my own version of Ratatouille. After all "everybody can cook!"

When the dish was baking our home was filled with such a wonderful aroma that both, Demetrye and I, could barely wait for it to be done.

I served it with a dallop of vegan sour cream, and garnished with a couple of potatoe chips (my husband's weakness :)).

● 6 medium size potatoes, thinly sliced
● 1 yellow zucchini or squash, thinly sliced
● 1 green zucchini, thinly sliced
● 1 large white onion, thinly sliced
● 28 oz. can diced or stewed tomatoes
● 1 tablespoon olive oil
● Sea salt, to taste
● Multi-purpose seasoning, to taste
● 4 tablespoons (or more) of nutritional yeast
● 5-6 cloves of garlic, crushed
*feel free to add any other vegetables, such as eggplant, mushrooms, etc. I just happened not to have any at home.

● Prepare all ingredients
● Preheat oven to 400 F
● Spread olive oil on the bottom of the baking dish
● Lay out vegetables in layers, sprinkling each layer with salt and seasoning
● Add garlic to any layers you desire
● Divide tomatoes into 2 or 3 parts and spread between layers and on the top layer
● Sprinkle top layer with nutritional yeast
● Cover with foil or a glass lid, if you have it (which is much better)
● Bake for 60-80 minutes or until potatoes are done


Health News

I know I have not posted in a while, but it seems that I barely had a moment lately to even get behind a computer. Please forgive me :)

Today, I wanted to do something different and share different bits of news I found interesting in the last week. I will start off with a story I read on the Organic Consumers Association web-site.

School Lab Rats Freak Out on GE Food

“Before the Appleton Wisconsin high school replaced their cafeteria's processed foods with wholesome, nutritious food, the school was described as out-of-control. There were weapons violations, student disruptions, and a cop on duty full-time. After the change in school meals, the students were calm, focused, and orderly. There were no more weapons violations, and no suicides, expulsions, dropouts, or drug violations. The new diet and improved behavior has lasted for seven years, and now other schools are changing their meal programs with similar results.

Years ago, a science class at Appleton found support for their new diet by conducting a cruel and unusual experiment with three mice. They fed them the junk food that kids in other high schools eat everyday. The mice freaked out. Their behavior was totally different than the three mice in the neighboring cage. The neighboring mice had good karma; they were fed nutritious whole foods and behaved like mice. They slept during the day inside their cardboard tube, played with each other, and acted very mouse-like.

The junk food mice, on the other hand, destroyed their cardboard tube, were no longer nocturnal, stopped playing with each other, fought often, and two mice eventually killed the third and ate it. After the three month experiment, the students rehabilitated the two surviving junk food mice with a diet of whole foods. After about three weeks, the mice came around.

Sister Luigi Frigo repeats this experiment every year in her second grade class in Cudahy, Wisconsin, but mercifully, for only four days. Even on the first day of junk food, the mice's behavior "changes drastically." They become lazy, antisocial, and nervous. And it still takes the mice about two to three weeks on unprocessed foods to return to normal. One year, the second graders tried to do the experiment again a few months later with the same mice, but this time the animals refused to eat the junk food.

Across the ocean in Holland, a student fed one group of mice genetically modified (GM) corn and soy, and another group the non-GM variety. The GM mice stopped playing with each other and withdrew into their own parts of the cage. When the student tried to pick them up, unlike their well-behaved neighbors, the GM mice scampered around in apparent fear and tried to climb the walls. One mouse in the GM group was found dead at the end of the experiment.

It's interesting to note that the junk food fed to the mice in the Wisconsin experiments also contained genetically modified ingredients.”

Fire Retardant Chemical Found in Children at Three Times the Level of Their Parents

In this latest disturbing discovery, the Environmental Working Group reveals the discovery of fire retardant chemicals (PBDEs) in children's blood at three times the level of their parents. This was found to be true in 19 out of 20 families.

Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine have shown that Bisphenol A in plastics disrupts neurological function in primates even when consumed at doses currently labeled "safe" by the EPA. What kind of neurological problems does it cause? The ones children are being medicated for with dangerous psych drugs, of course.

The study is the latest in an accumulation of research that has raises concerns about bisphenol A, or BPA, a compound that gives a shatterproof quality to polycarbonate plastic and has been found to leach from plastic into food and water.

In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the Yale team exposed monkeys to levels of bisphenol A deemed safe for humans by the Environmental Protection Agency and found that the chemical interfered with brain cell connections vital to memory, learning and mood.

"Our goal was to more closely mimic the slow and continuous conditions under which humans would normally be exposed to BPA," said study author Csaba Leranth, a Yale professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences and of neurobiology.

BPA, in commercial use since the 1950s, is found in a wide variety of everyday items, including sports bottles, baby bottles, food containers and compact discs. One recent federal study estimated that the chemical is found in the urine of 93 percent of the population.

This new evidence directly contradicts the FDA's ridiculous stance on BPA, which claims the chemical is so safe that even babies and infants can drink it. The American Chemistry Council, a trade group, maintained yesterday that "there is no direct evidence that exposure to bisphenol A adversely affects human reproduction or development."

"Unfortunately the regulatory agency charged with protecting the public health continues to rely on industry-based research to arrive at its conclusions, rather than examining the totality of scientific evidence," Rep. John D. Dingell (D-Mich.), chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said in a statement yesterday. His committee is investigating the FDA's handling of BPA.

"The FDA's assurances of BPA's safety are out of step with mounting scientific evidence to the contrary," Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) said yesterday. "For the sake of the health of every man, woman and child in America, we should ban BPA in food and beverage containers, especially because there are alternatives already available."

And now on a happier note…

Laundry soap product grows on trees, replaces laundry detergent with eco-friendly solution

Commercial laundry detergents, fabric softeners and dryer sheets contain alarmingly high levels of toxic chemicals well known to cause cancer, liver disorders, neurological disturbances and hormone disruption. Even worse, all those toxic chemicals get flushed downstream where they contribute to the mass killing of fish and ocean ecosystems, including all the various life forms that depend on the fish (such as birds).

A tree called sapindus mukorrosi grows a small fruit surrounded by a firm outer shell, much like a lychee or rambutan. This tree, also called the Chinese Soapberry Tree, is unique in the fact that it synthesizes its own natural soap-like saponins that coat the shell of the fruit. When the fruits ripen and fall from the tree, local families harvest the windfall, then remove the inner fruit from the outer shell. The shell is then dried in the sun, using absolutely no chemical processing or manufacturing processes. In fact, the whole process uses no fossil fuels either, except in the transportation of the product to the western world (which is efficiently accomplished by ship).

It is this outer shell -- rich in natural saponins which act as water surfactants -- that the native families in India have used for centuries to wash their own clothes. They toss 2-3 shells into a small burlap bag and work it in with their laundry (which is usually washed by hand, by the way). The soap nuts, as they're now called (even though they have no relation to actual nuts), absorb water and release their saponins which circulate as a natural surfactant in the wash water, reducing the surface tension of the water and freeing dirt, grime and oils from the clothing.

When the clothes are rinsed, the soap nut saponins are washed downstream where they remain harmless to the environment. No synthetic chemicals, no fragrance chemicals, no foaming agents or other toxins. Just nut shells grown by nature.

"Soap Nuts!", natural laundry soap, is now offered through Better Life Goods.”

I have not tried the product myself yet, but the prospect of it sounds very exciting to me!

Until next time: Stay Healthy!!! Be Happy!!!

Eat Healthy!!! Be Happy!!! Cooking Classes and Coaching

I am happy to announce that I am now offering one-on-one and small group cooking classes and coaching!

Topics that are covered during classes are:

● Truths about SAD (Standard American Diet)
● Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet
● How to transition to Plant-Based Diet
● How to take care of yourself today so no one will have to take care of you later
● Demonstration of a scrumptious vegan meal in your kitchen

You can sign up for one class at a time or buy a set of classes. You can also purchase a gift-certificate for a friend or a family member that you care about.

How and where do classes take place?

The class(es) will take place at your house. It will give me the opportunity to look through your pantry, refrigerator and cupboards and speak with you about your present food choices. We will then discuss how you can make a smooth transition to a nutritious plant-based diet.

What to expect?

Since I am not a doctor, I will not diagnose, prescribe or do anything else that your family doctor might do. We will talk only NUTRITION!

We will discuss your goals and how you can achieve them.

What about cooking?

After we discuss your goals, review your current food supply and eating habits, and make a transition plan, we will make one or two dishes together. I will show you how easy it can be to make a quick, nutrition packed meal that won’t leave your body starving or ravaged.

How much are the classes?

Each one-on-one “at home” class is $50. The length of each class is 1 hour.

Are there any discounts available?

1. Group Discount: If you have friends and family that would like to join you at your house and participate in the class, there is a group discount available.

2. Cluster Discount: If you sign up for 7 or more classes at the same time, you will receive a cluster discount of 10%.

Contact me for further details on both programs.

How do I sign up?

It is very simple. E-mail me with your contact information. I will call you and we will schedule a time for the class and talk details.

I don't live in the area, can I still book a class?

Absolutely! I provide an intense consultation via on-line service. All you need is sign-up and have a headset with a microphone available (I am using Elluminate Although I won't be able to go through your cupboards and make a meal in front of you, but I will certainly provide you with all necessary tools for you to successfully do it on your own.

Until next time: Eat Healthy!!! Live Happy!!!