"Traces of the industrial chemical melamine have been detected in samples of top-selling U.S. infant formula, but federal regulators insist the products are safe. (of course they do... otherwise they would loose millions, if not billions of $$$)
The Food and Drug Administration said last month it was unable to identify any melamine exposure level as safe for infants, but a top official said it would be a "dangerous overreaction" for parents to stop feeding infant formula to babies who depend on it. (oh sure, we would rather poison the babies knowingly rather than take the time and find healthier alternative, mother's breast milk being one of them)
"The levels that we are detecting are extremely low," said Dr. Stephen Sundlof, director of the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. "They should not be changing the diet. If they've been feeding a particular product, they should continue to feed that product. That's in the best interest of the baby." (or the company that sells is and the goverment that collects taxes off of it)
Melamine is the chemical found in Chinese infant formula — in far larger concentrations — that has been blamed for killing at least three babies and making at least 50,000 others ill. (so, how much of poison is too much, folks?)
Previously undisclosed tests, obtained by The Associated Press under the Freedom of Information Act, show that the FDA has detected melamine in a sample of one popular formula and the presence of cyanuric acid, a chemical relative of melamine, in the formula of a second manufacturer.
Separately, a third major formula maker told AP that in-house tests had detected trace levels of melamine in its infant formula.
The three firms — Abbott Laboratories, Nestle and Mead Johnson — manufacture more than 90 percent of all infant formula produced in the United States.
The FDA and other experts said the melamine contamination in U.S.-made formula had occurred during the manufacturing process, rather than intentionally. (oh, sure... otherwise they would have to be responsible...)
The U.S. government quietly began testing domestically produced infant formula in September, soon after problems with melamine-spiked formula surfaced in China.
Sundlof said there have been no reports of human illness in the United States from melamine, which can bind with other chemicals in urine, potentially causing damaging stones in the kidney or bladder and, in extreme cases, kidney failure. (hey, but if the FDA says we are OK, then we should trust them... and potentially kill our own babies...)
Melamine is used in some U.S. plastic food packaging and can rub off onto what we eat; it's also contained in a cleaning solution used on some food processing equipment and can leach into the products being prepared. (I will say it again: STAY AWAY FROM PLASTICS as much as you can)
Sundlof told the AP the positive test results "so far are in the trace range, and from a public health or infant health perspective, we consider those to be perfectly fine." (but I am sure they would no longer feed their kids this poison... the only things they would stand to lose, if they did, would only be a kidney failure, death... etc... which does not seem to be a huge convern to the money driven FDA)
FDA scientists said then that they couldn't set an acceptable level of melamine exposure in infant formula because science hadn't had enough time to understand the chemical's effects on infants' underdeveloped kidneys. Plus, there is the complicating factor that infant formula often constitutes a newborn's entire diet. (hogwash...)"
Well, I don't know about you, folks, but I am sick and tired of a goverment and companies that would do anything in the name of the almighty dollar. Do you think that they really care about your kids being fed? Think again! They only care about how much they stand to lose if they told the truth. That is why it is so important to get educated and live a life-style of whole food excellence. Think about it--most of these trouble are preventable. More people should vote with their $$$ and put these misarable, selfish companies out of business!
Until next time, STAY WELL! THINK CLEARLY!!!