A couple of days ago I watched HEALING CANCER FROM THE INSIDE OUT for the first time. I must tell you that it is an absolutely wonderful, revolutionizing, thought provoking documentary. It is a must see!
My husband was so troubled by watching it, that he immediately started to share the new-found information with everyone who would possibly listen. He even invited a friend of his and a couple of our relatives to watch it with him.
Here is Editorial Review from Amazon:
Mike Anderson s documentary exposes the failings of conventional cancer treatments and how the medical establishment and the cancer industry wildly - and deceptively - exaggerate the benefits of treatments. Interviews with people who have beaten the disease demonstrate how cancer can be successfully healed with dietary treatments and natural supplementation.System Requirements:Running Time: 127 minutes Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: DOCUMENTARIES/SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY UPC: 881394104822 Manufacturer No: CLS1048
Make sure to get out and watch it! And spread the news to others!