Winner[s] of Best Organic Wheatgrass Powder Announced!

Good morning, luvs!

I hope your day is bright and shiny and filled with amazing healthful foods and loving people.

It is time to announce the winner of the Best Organic Wheatgrass drawing giveaway!

[Remember, I did tell you that there is a surprise and EVERYONE who entered this drawing will walk away having won something? To find out what I meant, stick through the whole post—the announcement will be toward the end of this post.]

I can tell you that the decision of who should get this amazing gift was not easy to make. There were many entries that touched my heart. So many that I did not want to make that decision myself. I had to recruit the help of my husband AND my sister to help me.

After reading EVERY single entry and deliberating we reached the decision that the recipient of the Best Organic Wheatgrass powder should be… Shannon M!

Shannon wrote:

“I would really like to win this product because I am a desperate woman!! I need to make major changes in my health, but feel overwhelmed and under motivated. Believe me, if this helped kick start my journey into health; I could be the poster child for turning your health around. Additionally, I would like to have my eldest son (9 years old) take this with me, as he needs some serious detox after having 3 open heart surgeries and more medications that I can list. When we came home from his last 2 open heart surgeries, for the following week when I would go into his room in the morning to get him up, I would panic because his room stunk so bad - I thought it was the smell of death. But God has other plans for him and he's pulled through, but the horrible smell, I believe, was his body sweating out toxins from the hospital. Who knows how many more nasties are still in there! He's so adventurous at trying his mommy's various concoctions :) Please, please, pick us!”

Shannon, e-mail me with your complete mailing address and kind folks at Best Organic Wheatgrass will send you your prize!

Now, don’t click off yet, my assistant judges and I also determined that to make sure wheatgrass is not the only thing you start doing to help yourself and your son, and to get you motivated toward better health, AND to make you the “poster child” for turning one’s health around [that’s what you wanted, right?] I am also giving you 1-month access to Back to Eden Vegan Forum!!!

Our community will help you get started and keep you motivated, as long as you are willing. Head on over to Back to Eden, click on Sign Up and complete your information. Once that is done you will be approved to become a member of our community [B2E]!

[Shannon, you have 2 days to respond. If I do not hear from you by tomorrow night the prize will be given to someone else.]

For the rest of you lovely people, who entered this drawing, you all also are winners! Head on over to this page, fill out your information and you will receive 7 day supply of Best Organic Wheatgrass Powder! Enjoy it and let me know how you liked it! [you can do that by coming back and leaving a comment under this post].

But… hold on also, I don’t want to leave the rest of you out either. EVERYONE who entered the drawing get 1-week free membership to Back to Eden! All you have to do is head on over to Back to Eden and sign up! You then will be approved for membership and will have one [1] week to enjoy information we have in the B2E community! 

[If you are not sure what Back to Eden is, read HERE.]

I hope you all will have an amazing green day! I hope that “your healing shall spring forth speedily” and “the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.” [Is. 58:8]