Hello, loves! Can you believe we made it through Day 6 of all Raw? We have not gone hungry at all. Although we had a few cravings here and there and certainly miss some of the cooked dishes, we are having FUN! Just read all of the previous posts about each day’s food intake
Doesn’t it all look fabulous?!
I know that some of you are thinking that the only way you could do raw for a week… or whatever length you are thinking about, is if I moved in with you and made all of the meals. Well, as fabulous as I am [and I am pretty much all that and a cheesecake (not a bag of chips! ;)], I am certain that by looking at the recipes I posted this week you realized how EASY it is to make these meals yourself. The ingredients are very simple--I made sure not to introduce anything so different that it would scare you, and the process of making these dishes is simple and time saving! You will spend little time in the kitchen if you start your raw week all prepped [grocery shopping, meal planning]. If you feel that you get stuck in the kitchen it would be for only one reason—you are loving the exploration part of it! That simple!
Having said that I am ready to tell you what we had on our Day 6 of all Raw Vegan Food intake.
Morning Smoothie—one of my favorites:
Strawberry/Banana/Spinach Green Smoothie
with a little zing to it!
• 3 cups water
• 2 quarts strawberries
• 2 bananas
• 2 huge handfuls spinach
• 1-2 inch long ginger root
• 2 tbs dulse flakes
Delicious! Will have you asking for more! Ginger is optional, but is SO great for your health that you would be amiss not to include it. Dulse flakes are great for overall health, and especially for your thyroid gland, and your hormone health.
Want to know what I had for my morning snacks? I will tell you: and orange AND a delicious, creamy, melting-in-your-mouth, chocolaty, fluffy… Chocolate Cheesecake! Yum! Yes, I had cake for Breakfast! No guilt, but a side of hot cup of tea!
If you want to take a chance of getting a recipe for the cake see what I said about it in yesterday’s post and share your thoughts ;).
I went out to lunch [a very rare occasion for me indeed—I prefer making my own meals]. I met with a very dear photographer friend over lunch to share ideas, thoughts and to catch up on our lives. I had a HUGE green salad with cucumbers, shredded carrots and sprouts served with in-house made vinaigrette. 3 hours later I still felt satisfied.
Afternoon Snacks
After getting home around 5:30 pm I snacked on... the cheesecake. Yes, indeed, it must sound wrong, but it really wasn't. With the extra boost from raw cacao and other ingredients I had enough energy to complete a 4-mile walk around the lake, help my sister shop for a new appliance, grocery shop and make dinner! Not bad?!
Having made Okroshka [my and my sister's weakness] the day before dinner was a no brainer! I shopped enough to make Okroshka... times 4! Yes, I increased the ingredient list times 4 and made that much of it! Between myself, hubby and my sister half of it was gone the same night. Tons of wonderful liquid with fresh veggies! What we did not finish at dinner is going to be split for lunch... although mine might be gone WAY before that time.
Enjoy your raw meals, loves! I will chat with you tomorrow abour our final day 100% RAW!