Once in a while we all need a good internal scrub. If you have been feeling sluggish, foggy, low on energy or gained a couple of unwanted pounds you might agree with me.
There is no easier and quicker way to clear up your mind , give yourself a bust of energy, and kick off your weight loss than a short term [3-Day] Green Smoothie Cleanse.
I created a downloadable e-guide filled with instructions, ingredient list and recipes to help you kick start your journey to a healthier you.
The Guide will be released 7/5/2010—in time for post Independence Day celebration cleanse. You can pre-order your copy NOW!
The Guide will be released 7/5/2010—in time for post Independence Day celebration cleanse. You can pre-order your copy NOW!
See what others said about it and about the Cleanse at the STORE.