I am now 2.5 months into my obsession with getting chiseled abs [thus ab-session]. My goal is to have a 6-pack showing... or as close to it as possible. With teaching 9-10 fitness classes a weeks it is not too hard to achieve, except that I have to be diligent to give my body enough rest to recover. If there is not enough recovery time and the food is not right, instead of getting ripped there is a possibility of actually putting on a few pounds. So, the abs could be ripped under the layer of fat, but it would be very hard to notice if the body does not have enough down time to recover, restore, recuperate and burn existing fat cell.
I have to be very vigilant about doing just that. My crazy schedule and even crazier personality hardly allow me to slow down. I feel that even when I am asleep I am really awake--my brain won't stop working. So, now I have to take extra percussion to force my goal-driven self to R-E-L-A-X. It is only a 5 letter word, but it requires a lot of work on my part.
Ready to see my achievement? [click on the image to see full-size]
I noticed that the mid section is more pronounced [bottom row middle image], and the obliques are more defined [left image on the bottom]. All of this in 2.5 months. Not bad, huh?
The secret to my success, in addition to aforementioned rest and relaxation? Good, clean nutrition. Nutrition=Energy. The cleaner the energy and easier to absorb the better my machine [my body] operates.
I always make sure to consume 16-32 oz of green smoothies a day to help with my protein intake [greens are rich in protein] and to help recovery and tissue restoration process. Greens are rich in Chlorophyll, which aids the restoration process. Chlorophyll is like liquid oxygen.
I also consume unprocessed foods in smaller portions, and now I TRY to stay away from my only weakness in life--bread. I have found great ways to get wheat out of my diet with the latest discovery of buckwheat flour. I now make the meanest pancakes out of it that even hubby, the wheat lover, likes. I will post a recipe for them in the next few days.
Today's green smoothie was out of this world. Only 3 ingredients, but it was so delightfully refreshing.
Pineapple Cilantro Green Smoothie
Makes close to 60 oz
- 2-3 cups water
- 1/2 bunch cilantro [about 2 cups if chopped]
- 4-5 collard greens leaves, stemmed
- 1/3 of large, ripe pineapple, cored*
*keep the core to blend it later and make facial mask out of it
That's it! Simple, but SOOOOOO delicious. Hubby and I split the pitcher, although he ended up with more ;)
Any secrets ab exercises from my readers? I can always use more :)!