The last couple of days have been extremely hot, so we have been looking for ways to stay cool. And what a better way to cool off than with a glass of cold water or a cup of ice cream?! My husband asked to make chocolate ice cream yesterday, so we finally got to it this afternoon. You might find it ironic that I just posted a copy of an article about sugar consumption just to follow up with a dessert post. But it is OK to have ice cream, even in the morning, if it is made with fresh fruits and no added sugar. It is the same as if you had a banana with a cup of fresh strawberries.
Enjoy a serving of this decadent dessert with no side of guilt added!

● 2 frozen organic bananas
● ½ -1 cup frozen organic strawberries
● 1/3 cup vegan chocolate chips*
● 1 ½ tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
● 5-7 pitted dates**
*I get mine at Whole Foods Market
● Place all ingredients, except for cocoa powder into a food processor.
● Pulse until everything has been chopped to tiny pieces.
● Add cocoa powder and run on the highest setting, until everything is well mixed, but make sure not to over mix and defrost your fruits completely.
● I stop when I see that chocolate chips have turned into tiny dots.
● Serve immediately.
Makes 2 servings (count 1 banana for each serving).