Diet is, perhaps, the most important aspect of a healthy lifestyle. It goes hand in hand with exercise. However, what we place on our skin is also very importants. Modern make-up, shower gels, dish detergents, etc. are all full of harmful chemicals. Many of the chemicals that are used in production of such items are not regulated by anyone. Thousands of chemicals are introduced every single year, without ever being inspected or tested. Unfortunately money rules over ethics a lot of the times. So, it is then left up to us--consumers, to do the research and make decisions that are sure to effect us and our children.
It is hard to make a quick change in all aspects of our lives. I have been through it myself, and I am still making adjustments in certain areas. As I said above, diet and excercise come first. The next logical step is to go through lotions, detergents, cleaning supplies, and make an educated decision on what you should be brining into your home--your "sanctuary", what you should place not only inside of you but also on you. Numerous sprays, detergents and other "every-day" items are packed with chemicals that raise estrogen in women, causing hormone imbalance and infertility.
If you do a quick study you will see that infertility rates are directly proportional to the rise of chemical use. And this is only one of numerous problems. I am not going to go into depth about everything that is on my heart today, I would not want to lose your attention along the way. I simply want to make you aware of what is going on and what you should be doing. Maybe we can't change the world in one day, but we all can change what we are responsible for, educate those around us, and pray that the rest of the world will follow... at least some day.
As I was starting my quest for better living, I quickly realized that the make-up I was using was not good for my skin. After all, skin is the largest receptor that we have on our body. What goes on it inevetably ends up in our blood stream. I found a great alternative and have been happy since.
Bare Escentuals has a line of products called Bare Minerals. It is 100% natural. Once you put it on it looks natural and you cannot feel it. It has no preservatives, fillers, or binders. I have been using it for over a year now, and the only thing that would make me happier is if my nutural skin looked as good as it does when I wear Bare Minerals. You can access their site by clicking on the image below.