Home-Made Applesauce

Today I canned 7 jars of applesauce. The most wonderful thing about it--it did not cost me a dime (outside of electricity and a bit of sugar). Apples came from my brother's yard, jars--from products I had previously purchased. The only reason I added a little bit of sugar was that the apples were a bit sour. I think I will can a few more jars this season, so that later I can use my own apple sauce for baking and just as a simple side dessert.

It is great to know that all of the ingredients (apples, water and a bit of cane [unbleached, organic] sugar) are safe for my health!!!


Today I spent a couple of hours in the kitchen, prepping and bagging freshly picked blueberries to freeze for the later months, so we can enjoy their goodness until next season rolls around. Demetrye and I picked over 31 lbs. of organic blueberries yesterday and are planning to go back to the farm for more.

Let me tell you a little bit about the benefits of blueberries (information taken from WHFoods site).

Blueberries are packed with antioxidant phytonutrients called anthocyanidins, blueberries neutralize free radical damage to the collagen matrix of cells and tissues that can lead to cataracts, glaucoma, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, peptic ulcers, heart disease and cancer. Anthocyanins, the blue-red pigments found in blueberries, improve the integrity of support structures in the veins and entire vascular system. Anthocyanins have been shown to enhance the effects of vitamin C, improve capillary integrity, and stabilize the collagen matrix (the ground substance of all body tissues). They work their protective magic by preventing free-radical damage, inhibiting enzymes from cleaving the collagen matrix, and directly cross-linking with collagen fibers to form a more stable collagen matrix.

Data reported in a study published in the Archives of Ophthalmology indicates that eating 3 or more servings of fruit per day may lower your risk of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), the primary cause of vision loss in older adults, by 36%, compared to persons who consume less than 1.5 servings of fruit daily.

Blueberries help protect the brain from oxidative stress and may reduce the effects of age-related conditions such as Alzheimer's disease or dementia. Researchers found that diets rich in blueberries significantly improved both the learning capacity and motor skills.

Blueberries can help relieve both diarrhea and constipation.

1.00 cup
145.00 grams
81.20 calories
World's Healthiest
Foods Rating
vitamin C18.86 mg31.47.0very good
manganese0.40 mg20.04.4very good
dietary fiber3.92 g15.73.5very good
vitamin E1.46 mg7.31.6good
So, while blueberries are still in season, get out there, eat enough to satisfy your taste buds and store some to get you through the rest of the year!!!

Painful Truths

With Obesity rates on a rise in America, maybe you wonder at times how we got to where we are today.

These statistics are taken directly from the American Obesity Association web-site:

"In the past 30 years, the occurrence of overweight in children has doubled and it is now estimated that one in five children in the US is overweight. Increases in the prevalence of overweight are also being seen in younger children, including preschoolers. Prevalence of overweight is especially higher among certain populations such as Hispanic, African American and Native Americans where some studies indicate prevalence of >85th percentile of 35-40%. Also, while more children are becoming overweight, the heaviest children are getting even heavier. As a result, childhood overweight is regarded as the most common prevalent nutritional disorder of US children and adolescents, and one of the most common problems seen by pediatricians."

So, how did we get here? There are many ways, of course. Here are just a few:

● Food Choices - diets higher in calories (including fats and simple sugars) and lower in fruits and vegetables are linked with overweight
● Physical Activity vs. Sedentary Activity - less physical activity and more time spent participating in activities such as watching TV results in less energy expenditure
● Parental Obesity - children of obese parents are more likely to be overweight themselves. Parental obesity reflects a family environment that promotes excess eating and insufficient activity.
● Eating Patterns - skipping meals or failure to maintain a regular eating schedule can result in increased intakes when food is eaten.
● Excessive weight gain during pregnancy - Several studies have shown that excessive maternal weight gain during pregnancy is associated with increased birth weight and overweight later in life.
● Formula Feeding - Breast feeding is generally recommended over formula feeding. Although the exact mechanism in unknown, several long-term studies suggest that breast feeding may prevent excess weight gain as children grow.
● Parental Eating and Physical Activity Habits - Parents with poor nutritional habits and who lead sedentary lifestyles role model these behaviors for their children, thereby creating an "obesigenic" home environment.

And, of course, I cannot miss the most obvious one--MEDIA!!! Just review these two recent Burger King commercials to see what I am talking about.

With messages like these, played before our kids' eyes day in and day out, how can we expect anything different than what we are seeing... The answer, of course, lies within us and the way we raise our children.

Until next time: Eat Healthy!!! Be Happy!!!

Mango Green Smoothie


  • 2 cups water
  • 1 Mango
  • 1 cup Blueberries
  • 1/2 Banana
  • 2 large handfuls Spinach
  • 3 tablespoons freshly ground flax seed
Makes two 18 oz. servings.


Fast Food Raised Beef?

Sounds hard to believe, doesn't it? Well, maybe not so hard in the society that is used to fast food and fast life.... Whoever thought that we would come to a day when cows would be fed potato chips and chocolate instead of grass and corn... Apparently it is not enough that cows are routinely injected with rBGH to make them produce more milk and hormones to make them grow faster, but now they are fed fast food, since the cattle ranchers cannot afford to buy anything else and make profit. It is ironic that the industry is now starting to reflect the society that it helped to create. Fast food and low quality produce is cheaper than higher quality foods that would give us health. Now cows are experiencing what majority of Americans have to deal with on every day basis.

It is truly ironic...


My apologies for not posting anything on my Painful Truths Tuesdays yesterday. I was so preoccupied with preparing for my presentation that, although I had a lot of painful topics to discuss, I was maintaining a positive attitude. After all, there has to be something right when up to 30 people show up to hear a topic about Plant-Based diet.

One of the dishes I made to sample was Lasagna. Those who came out to hear me speak seemed to enjoy it, so I am posting the recipe.


● 10-15* whole wheat (or any other kind) lasagna noodles, cooked, rinsed and drained
● 5 oz. Follow Your Heart Mozarella (vegan) cheese

● 1 ½ container (about 1.5 lbs) firm or extra firm tofu, mashed
● 10 oz. fresh or frozen spinach chopped
● ½ cup soy milk
● Sea salt to taste
● Any favorite seasoning to taste (I use Kirkland organic mix)

● 1 large onion, minced
● 4 cloves garlic, minced
● 1 medium zucchini, grated (or ½ large eggplant)
● ½ lbs mushrooms, grated
● 1 (26 oz) jar of your favorite vegan marinara sauce
● Sea salt to taste

*Depending on the size of the dish you use.


o Combine all ingredients.

o Mince vegetables by hand or in a food processor.
o Sauté vegetables for a few minutes.
o Add marinara sauce and let simmer on low heat while preparing filling and noodles.

o Preheat oven to 350 F.
o Spread ¼ of the sauce on the bottom of baking pan.
o Lay out first layer of noodles, so the dish is covered.
o Top with ½ of the filling, layering evenly.
o Lay out another layer of noodles.
o Spread another ¼-1/3 sauce.
o Layer with noodles.
o Top with left over of the filling.
o If you have no more noodles left, spread a layer of sauce over the filling.
o Top shredded cheese.
o Bake 40 minutes, then let is stand 10-15 minutes before serving.


What's for Breakfast?

I was not very hungry this morning, so instead of starting off with calorie packed green-smoothie I had a breakfast burrito and a watermelon tonic. It was simple, delicious and a pleasure to behold.

● Whole wheat tortilla
● Sliced yellow zucchini
● Sliced red onion
● Chopped spinach
● Black beans, drained
● Toffuti “Better than Sour Cream”*
● Sea salt
● Olive oil (about 1 tablespoon for 3 burritos for toasting)

*You can substitute “sour cream” with olive oil or any of your favorite dressings.


● Watermelon
● Strawberries

Proportions are completely up to your taste buds.

To make the tonic, place ingredients in a blender and blend until desired consistency has been achieved.


Blueberry Muffins

Blueberry season is here. Demetrye and I have been consuming as much as we can of this wonderful antioxidant. I have started to freeze some for the winter as well. As much as I like RAW blueberries, once in a while we treat ourselves to baked goods as well. Try this Blueberry muffins. I am sure you will like them.

● 2 ½ grated bananas
● ½ cup unsweetened apple sauce
● 1/3 cup warm water
● ¾ cup cane organic sugar
● ¾ teaspoon sea salt
● 2 teaspoons baking powder (make sure to get the kind without Aluminum)
● 1 tablespoon lemon zest
● 4 tablespoons coconut oil
● ¾ cup unbleached white flour
● ¾ cup whole wheat flour
● 1 ½ cup fresh or frozen blueberry

● Combine all ingredients in the order listed, adding one ingredient at a time, constantly whisking the mixture.
● At the end add blueberries and gently fold into batter.
● Preheat oven to 375 F.
● Line muffin form with paper cups and feel almost to the top with batter.
● Bake for 23-25 minutes or until golden and done.


Happy Occasions and Painful Truths

This Tuesday I would like to start off on a happier note. We just welcomed a new member of our family. My sister gave birth to a healthy baby girl, and we all could not be happier.

Human life is one of the most amazing gifts God gives us. It is more precious than any possessions and more valuable than any treasure. We ought to celebrate life on any and every possible occasion and preserve it at all cost. You can see more of the happy family pictures on Elena Photographers blog, meanwhile I am going to transition to a less pleasant topic.

As precious and fragile as our life is, it seems that the big pharmaceutical companies had set out on a quest to destroy it in the name of the almighty dollar, no matter the cost. There is no price they are refusing to pay, most of which, of course, is human lives, only to satisfy, if only momentarily, their greed.

Many of us do not question doctors or the FDA on more than one topic. We just assume that they have our best interest in their mind. I would like to expose how dangerous and costly this mindset can be.

When a baby is born into this world the parents do whatever they know or are told to keep their newborn well and alive. Most of the times it means blindly following doctors orders. One of the first things that greets almost every infant in the USA is a welcome and loving family and... a needle. Infants get their first vaccination within 12 hrs of birth. To be vaccinated so quickly one must be under extreme danger. Or so we are led to think... Let me tell you a little about this "life-saving" vaccine. (Instead of writing up my own article on the subject I am including most of the article I found on a trustworthy site: Natural News)

What is Hep B?

Hep B is a very rare disease caused by the Hep B virus which primarily affects the liver and is principally spread through the blood. Hep B may lead to chronic infection and cirrhosis (scarring) which may then progress to liver cancer. Approximately .2% of the population in America currently have Hep B, leaving 99.8% of the population free of this virus. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), approximately .001 percent of all infants under the age of one year will contract Hep B and 95 percent of them will recover on their own and never contract the virus again. In the U.S. in 2005, only five children under the age of five were reported to have been infected with Hep B (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, March 30, 2007). According to the October 31, 1997 MMWR published by the CDC, "Hepatitis B continues to decline in most states, primarily because of a decrease in the number of cases among injecting drug users and, to a lesser extent, among both homosexuals and heterosexuals of both sexes."

How do you get Hep B?

Hep B is transmitted from bodily fluids that are contaminated with the virus. This can be done through unprotected sex, contaminated needles, blood transfusions or vertical transmission from mother to child.

What is the Hep B Vaccine?

In November of 1991, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the CDC recommended the universal vaccination of Hep B to every newborn in the U.S. There are currently two types of genetically engineered hepatitis B vaccines licensed for use in the U.S.: Merck's Recombivax HB® (each 0.5 mL dose contains 5 mcg of hepatitis B surface antigen with formaldehyde, and .5mg of aluminum (potassium aluminum sulfate) and GlaxoSmithKline's Engerix-B® (each 0.5 mL dose contains 10 mcg of hepatitis B surface antigen adsorbed on 0.25 mg aluminum as aluminum hydroxide, sodium chloride, disodium phosphate dihydrate, and sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate.

When is the Hep B Vaccine Given?

The Hep B vaccine is the first vaccine given to newborns and is injected within 12 hours of birth. The CDC then recommends a second injection at one to two months of age and a third vaccination between six and 18 months (regardless of manufacturer).

Why is the Hep B Vaccine Given?

This vaccine is given because of fear, lack of knowledge and corporate greed from the vaccine manufacturers. Merck generates over $1 billion worth of revenue from this vaccine alone. Most hospitals allow for screening of Hep B in mothers prior to birth, but many do not do this. Even if the mother tests positive for Hep B, there is only a 5% probability that the virus will be passed from mother to child. We are ostensibly injecting helpless newborns (nearly 1 million per year in the U.S.) with this vaccine with the false belief that every mother already has Hep B and if they don't, we will be protecting the future generation of promiscuous teens and drug users. The CDC and FDA know that drug users and prostitutes will not get the vaccine themselves and therefore it is better to vaccinate these potential drug users and hookers when they are born. The CDC and Merck have collaborated to misinterpret and skew the number of cases of Hepatitis B in the U.S. They say each year up to 320,000 new cases occur, yet the CDC documents report that only 10,000 new cases occur. Even of these 10,000 cases, 95 percent (or 9,500) will recover on their own and forever have natural immunity. This type of misinformation and fear tactics are nothing new to Big Pharma, for it is fear that allows one to control the masses and as a corollary, numerous infants and families have forever been harmed.

Adverse Reactions to Hep B?

Accurate data on adverse reactions to the Hep B vaccine are very difficult to come by due lack of reporting by many physicians as well as blocked reporting data from the CDC. The most recent and complete data from the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) and government agencies (CDC, FDA) are from July, 1990 to October 1999 and include 24,775 adverse reactions. These reactions include 439 deaths and 9,673 emergency room visits. These reactions have included, arthritis; skin disorders; compromised immunity and autoimmune disease; neurological damage; vision loss and rare eye disorders such as optic neuritis and epitheliopathy; blood disorders; diabetes; damage to liver and kidneys; severe vomiting, diarrhoea and death.

Because the reporting of adverse events to VAERS is completely voluntary, up to 96 to 99 percent of these reactions are never reported. Realistically, the number of adverse events following Hep B vaccination from 1990 to 1999 would be somewhere around 2.5 million (24,775 multiplied by 99). In addition to the above adverse reactions, additional severe reactions have been reported from Merck and GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals which include: edema of the heart, chest discomfort, Guillain-Barre syndrome, fever, hearing damage, bronchial spasms, hair loss, encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, seizures, herpes zoster, Bells palsy, rash, visual impairments and anaphylaxis. In October of 1998, France became the first country to effectively ban the Hep B vaccine given to children due to an increase in child arthritis, multiple sclerosis symptoms and other serious adverse reactions.

From the above evidence we can conclude that if you wish to groom your children to become future drug users who share needles or prostitutes (or quite possibly both) then the risks of contracting Hep B may outweigh the risks of receiving one of the many adverse reactions. But, if you are a responsible parent and believe that your child is extremely unlikely to come in contact with Hep B through such risky behavior (especially as a newborn or infant), then clearly this vaccine is unwarranted. Furthermore, it is safe to say that this vaccine should be removed from the American Academy of Pediatrics infant vaccination schedule to prevent further damage and death to our children. Interestingly enough, up to 87% of pediatricians believe that the Hep B vaccine is totally unnecessary for newborns. It seems that the Hep B vaccine may be warranted in only the most exceptional of circumstances much later on in life, but it has no place being anywhere near our 12 hour old children with a very immature and underdeveloped immune system.

In conclusion I (Elena) would like to say, that having seen these statistics and read this material it makes no sense to an intelligent mind to inject our children with vaccines that are unnecessary, expensive and dangerous, only to fill someone's pocket with the sounds of jingling coins. Education is the answer!!! Get information BEFORE your doctor bullies you into infecting your precious children with life-threatening viruses. Educate others!!! When you know precious information that can save someone's life, it becomes your responsibility to share it with others, even if they are not receptive in the beginning. I am proud to say that my sister and her husband made an educated decision and REFUSED to have their daughter injected with Hep B vaccine. I am so proud of them!!!

Great day to all!!! Eat Healthy!!! Be Educated!!! Live Happy!!!

Will Return Soon

I know I have not posted in a while, and I apologize. I have been preoccupied with a super-awesome project. I am finishing up my mom's memoirs and getting the book ready for print. I am also working on my presentation for the next week. I promise that I will return soon!!!

This is my wonderful family. I am in my mom's arms.

Post 101!!! Ice Cream Sandwich

It seems that I started this blog not too long ago, but this is my 101 post. I can hardly believe that. What is even more amazing is that most of my posts are actually recipes. I am actually accomplishing my mission: offering healthy alternatives to all who want live well and stay healthy!!!

Today's recipe was another "great idea" of a friend of mine: Simple Raw Food Mamma. I changed ingredients in the "dough", but the idea was completely hers.

This is a delicious alternative to your regular, every-day, ice cream sandwiches. Actually it tastes much better (I am not a fan of store-sold ice cream sandwiches). Enjoy!!!


“Dough” Ingredients
Handful of each, be the judge of how much YOU will need
● Dates
● Raisins
● Cashews

● Blend ingredients in a food processor or blender until cashews are barely noticeable, and the “dough” sticks together and is pliable. Divide into equal parts, roll into balls, then flatten.
● Place on wax paper and freeze until ready to use.
● Make any Ice-Cream from the Dessert section and scoop onto a “dough” piece.
● Cover with another piece and press down.
● If you don’t finish all ice cream sandwiches, no worries!!! Place then in a bag in put in a freezer.

Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet Presentation

Ladies and Gentlemen, if you are in or around 98632 zip code, MARK YOU CALENDARS!!! I will be holding two sessions at the Country Village Nutrition Shoppe and Cafe on August 19 (Tuesday), 3:30-5:30 p.m. and August 23 (Saturday), 12:00-2:00 p.m.

I will be covering topics ranging from nutrition, and how it changed our health, to cooking tips and how to easily incorporate small changes into your daily life that will bear big results. There will be enough time for you to ask questions as well. Not only that, but I will be bringing along delicious samples. YOU SIMPLY CAN'T MISS THIS!!!

Admission is FREE, however, space is limited , so if you decide to come, you need to register. You can do so by calling the Country Village Nutrition at 360-425-8100 or by visiting them in person at 711 Vandercook Way, Longview, WA.

See you there!!!

Painful Truth: Where Does Your Meat Come From?

Demetrye and I just came back from a couple of days at the beach. We went to Seaside, OR. While there, each evening we went out for a stroll. We wanted to enjoy the beauty of nature and to mingle with people. We were not amazed at all, but quite saddened, that there was not even one vegan or vegetarian restaurant. We had NO OPTIONS!!! Thankfully we were staying at a resort that had full kitchen inside each unit, so we brought our own food with us and made it fresh each time we ate.

As we were walking by different establishments our senses were offended by the smell coming from them. It is amazing how our bodies have adjusted in the last 2 years. What we would have thought a delicious smell in the past now makes us gag. Smell of burning oil and animal flesh now turns us inside out.

It made us reflect once again on the cruelty of FACTORY FARMING. Many Americans probably never even heard of the term. Let me enlighten you a little bit. For your reading pleasure I will even pull a definition out of Britannica Encyclopedia.

Factory Farming: System of modern animal farming designed to yield the most meat, milk, and eggs in the least amount of time and space possible... Animals are often fed growth hormones, sprayed with pesticides, and fed antibiotics to mitigate the problems of infestation and disease that are exacerbated by crowded living conditions. Chickens spend their lives crowded into small cages, often so tightly that they cannot turn around; the cages are stacked in high batteries, and the length of "day" and "night" are artificially controlled to maximize egg laying. Veal calves are virtually immobilized in narrow stalls for their entire lives...

For those of you who might not easily imagine such conditions, let me demonstrate it for you with "visual aids".

If you still find hard to believe the cruelty of what you see, go ahead and click on this video. I dare you!

Having seen this, I hope you will think twice before spending your hard-earned dollars, trying to feed your family, in support of such practices. You have a choice!!!

I am not going to stay on this soap-box of mine for long, but I want to encourage you to become educated about what comes into your home, into your mouth and into your body.

We all have a choice... but it seems that it is not truly so. The animals, whose only reason for existence is to end up on a fast-food restaurant's menu, do not!!! Now, please do not write me and tell me about human suffering. I know about it and it hurts me even more to see human beings suffer. However, there is time and place for everything, and the fact that I am compassionate toward animals, God's creation by the way, does not mean that I am less compassionate toward the human race.

So, next time you grab chicken breast, or cow tongue for dinner, whether you are eating out or making your own meal, I hope these images come up in your mind. And then see if you can imagine me wishing you "Bone Appetit!!!"


Green Smoothie Experiment

I have been drinking green smoothies for a while now, but not always on regular, consistent basis. That changed about a month ago. Demetrye and I made a decision to consume at least 16-32 oz. of GREEN smoothies a day. After reading Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko I decided to keep a journal for at least a month and record everything that I consume on daily basis, including all ingredients of all meals, and note any changes taking place in my (or Demetrye's) body. There were several things I wanted to specifically observe.

Here is a portion of the food journal entry, straight from the notebook (you can click on the image to see a larger size):

A couple of months ago, after we moved to Washington, a wart-like growth appeared on the bottom of my left foot. In my entire adult life I had a wart only once, and only once as a child, so I was quite surprised that I would get one now, especially with my diet being so clean. The fact that a wart came out meant only one thing--my immune system was not strong enough to fight it off.

When I read Green for Life, the author mentioned same type of occurrence happening in her family. They were raw vegan for several years when her kids developed a couple of warts, much to her surprise. After they started on green smoothies the warts had fallen out within 30 days.

I am a huge believer in pure nutrition and its powers, and I wanted to experiment on myself and see if the same thing would happen to me. I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical in the beginning. So, I had told no one of what I was expecting to see, not even Demetrye. I only made a journal entry and left my foot alone.

A few years ago I had a wart come out on my leg, right above the knee and had to have laser treatments done to get rid of it. Much to my surprise, after being zapped by laser on several occasions, which was an unpleasant feeling altogether, the treatment failed and I had to buy an over-the-counter wart-removing kit. I "froze" it until it was gone. The process was also painful and very unpleasant, but at least it cost me only $10.

Fast-forward to yesterday, 22 days after doing green smoothies EVERY SINGLE day, at least 16 oz. a day, I checked my foot and the wart fell out right into the palm of my hand!!! No zapping, no freezing and burning... It is OUT!!!

I know that some of you might find it a bit disturbing that I am talking about warts with such enthusiasm. However, it is not warts that I am talking about. I am talking about the power of God-given nutrition, that we--the human race--are yet to discover with all of our technological and scientific advances.

I know that this was not a coincidence. My foot bothered me for a long time. When I made the journal entry, to be on a conservative side I had stated that I had the wart for about a month and a half, however, I believe it was more like 3 months. But my point is, IT WORKED!!! Now I am looking forward to observing other things of concern/interest on my list. I will make sure to keep my readers updated.

Now, I would like to transition a bit and touch on what made my experiment possible and a success. First of all, I know that without the miraculous, God-given nutrition nothing would have happened. Secondly, there, of course, had to be determination, which I have boat-load of (thank God). But then I also had to make sure that doing this was going to be easy and stress-less, otherwise I would have set myself up for failure.

Every Thursday now, Demetrye and I go to the local CSA to pick up our produce. We stock up on greens as much as we can. We consume what's possible during the week, and the rest is prepped and frozen for a later use. Here is how our fridge looks every Thursday:

To be honest, it looks like this most of the time, except, by the end of the week, in much smaller quantities.

As you can see, we set up ourselves to succeed. You don't see any "junk" that might tempt us. If we had a craving for anything we have to choose from what's available in the house. If you place an apple pie or ice cream in your fridge, you make it easily accessible to yourself and your family. If you replace it with apples, pears, and other nutrition foods, when you are hungry or have a craving, you will be forced to choose from these healthy options. That is how you succeed.

One more important aspect of success is to surround yourself with people who are willing to support you, better yet, like-minded people. It has never been a problem for me to stick to something I made up my mind about, however I have heard many say that they don't have that kind of "will-power". I do not contribute our success to will-power at all. I contribute it to education and retraining our minds once and for all. But, if you do subscribe to the "weak will, strong will" theory then you must take steps to ensure you have the right kind of support. "How can one do that?" you might ask. It is simple. Outside of eliminating the temptation in your own household, find like-minded people. Find a local group or another family you can befriend and spend time with them. They will be more than happy to encourage you on your new journey. They are pursuing the same goals. Demetrye and I were blessed to have met such a family recently. Darlene and her family are raw vegan, and they are simply a joy to be around (thank you, Darlene, Eric and Wyatt :)).

Now I don't mean to tell you that you need to ditch your family and friends who don't support you, but for some, if you have to distance yourself for a while, until you retrain your mind, you might have to do that. You also can ask your family and friends to be respectful of your decision. In our case, none of our family and friends have decided to become full-fledged vegan (at least not yet), but many have been so wonderful in accommodating our dietary needs, it is simply amazing. If we are invited to come for a visit there are always a couple of scrumptious vegan dishes awaiting us.

My 30-day experiment is nearly over. I am planning to make my food-journal available in PDF format. It will include all of my little notes and all Green Smoothie recipes. If you would like to receive a copy, e-mail me. The link to my e-mail is on my profile page (just click on my picture in the side bar to get there).

Set up yourself for success!!! Get out there and improve your health ONE MEAL AT A TIME!!!

What's for Breakfast?

Even though it is Saturday, by the time I got up Demetrye was already hard at work, studying. After chit-chatting with my oldest sister on the phone I went to making our breakfast. We had crepes with strawberry and cherry jam (this time I made jam without honey) and a green smoothie. 16 oz. of smoothie and a couple of crepes have me filled to capacity. I am ready to face the day!

● 2 cups water
● 2 bananas
● 1 cup papaya
● 1 pear
● 1 BIG handful beet greens and stems
● 2 tablespoons freshly ground hemp seed
● A couple of cauliflower green leaves
Makes 2 servings

I have an exciting story to share about green smoothies, which I will do in the next post (most likely tomorrow). Until then...