Dear Readers, it is my pleasure to announce that after much thought and consideration I have decided to start Eat Healthy!!! Be Happy!!! Wellness Society—a local wellness group that will emphasize whole foods vegan/raw vegan lifestyle and its benefits. I am now actively looking for a facility that I can use for wonderful and tasty, once a month, potluck meetings. If you know of such a place locally, or are willing to volunteer your own home, please e-mail me: elena (dot) wilkins (at) (please replace (dot) with . and (at) with @--I have to do it this way, so I do not get a bunch of junk/spam mail). I am looking for a place where we would not have to pay a fee, or pay a small fee, for the use of facilities, since I am uncertain of what the participants will be willing to do. At this point I already know of at least 10-15 people who are interested in getting involved. Once we start meeting on regular basis and have a core group, we can then make proper arrangements.
The focus of this group, as I mentioned above, will be whole foods vegan diet. You will have a chance to meet other vegan/raw vegan foodists, share your recipes, stories, and taste wonderful meals. You will have opportunities to learn from others’ successes.
I am also planning to invite speakers, when possible and/or appropriate, to share on different topics of healthy living. I already have spoken with a local naturopath, who had graciously agreed to visit with us, once we get going.
The Society will be open to anyone who is wanting to receive support on their health quest, whether they have been vegan/raw vegan for a while, or are just starting out, or, maybe, just considering taking the leap. However, all meals that will be shared at the meeting, will be whole foods vegan/raw vegan.
Having said all this, I am hoping that we can get going soon, and, perhaps schedule our first meeting for sometime in January, just in time for all those New Year resolutions :).
If you are near or in Longview/Kelso, WA area and would like to be added to the list of participants, so that I can e-mail you with information about dates/times/places of our meetings, shoot me an e-mail at the address mentioned in the first paragraph of this post.
I hope you all have a wonderful New Year and a Blessed Christmas!!!
The focus of this group, as I mentioned above, will be whole foods vegan diet. You will have a chance to meet other vegan/raw vegan foodists, share your recipes, stories, and taste wonderful meals. You will have opportunities to learn from others’ successes.
I am also planning to invite speakers, when possible and/or appropriate, to share on different topics of healthy living. I already have spoken with a local naturopath, who had graciously agreed to visit with us, once we get going.
The Society will be open to anyone who is wanting to receive support on their health quest, whether they have been vegan/raw vegan for a while, or are just starting out, or, maybe, just considering taking the leap. However, all meals that will be shared at the meeting, will be whole foods vegan/raw vegan.
Having said all this, I am hoping that we can get going soon, and, perhaps schedule our first meeting for sometime in January, just in time for all those New Year resolutions :).
If you are near or in Longview/Kelso, WA area and would like to be added to the list of participants, so that I can e-mail you with information about dates/times/places of our meetings, shoot me an e-mail at the address mentioned in the first paragraph of this post.
I hope you all have a wonderful New Year and a Blessed Christmas!!!