Staph is a germ normally found on the skin or inside the nose of many people. Most people with staph on their skin or in their nose have no symptoms.
Because staph can easily enter a cut or scrape, it is a common cause of skin infections. Sometimes, the germs get into the blood and cause serious illness or severe pneumonia during influenza (“flu”) season.
“MRSA” is a kind of staph that is resistant to some antibiotics. This kind of staph is common in hospitals.
“CA-MRSA” is a resistant kind of staph that causes infections outside hospitals.
What are the symptoms?
Skin infection caused by staph are usually red and painful.
Some start as a painful bump that seems like a spider bite, but quickly become an abscess (boil) filled with pus and germs.
How does staph spread?
Touching skin-to-skin can spread staph from one person to another.
Staph can be picked up from surfaces that are often touched, like phones or doorknobs. Sometimes shared personal items, like towels, soap, or sports equipment can spread staph.
Pus from an abscess is especially contagious on skin or surfaces.
How can I avoid staph infections?
• Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or hand sanitizer.
• Use your own towels, soap, and other personal items; do not share these.
• Clean shared athletic equipment before use.
If I get a staph infection, how can I keep it from spreading to others?
• Keep a clean dry dressing over the infected area, especially if there is pus.
• Pay extra attention to cleanliness and wash your hands frequently.
• Do not share linens, towels or other personal items with others.
• When possible, use hot water and a hot dryer for your laundry.