Hi, loves! I know I have been MIA, but I just got back from a wonderful vacation in AZ and have been trying to catch up with my life—it does not seem to ever slow down. One day, when I grow up, I will go on a permanent vacation ;) but for now… work, work, work! However it is Work AND Fun!
Our Biggest Winner Challenge [BWC] contestants are making an amazing progress: health issues are improving and weight is coming off. Weight loss is achieved easier on a plant-based diet as the body is able to detox and get extra junk out at the same time.
If you have not marked The Biggest Winner Challenge blog yet, please do! It seems that we just experienced our first growth spurt overnight since I came back from vacation! Head on over to: http://thebiggestwinnerchallenge.blogspot.com/ and become a Friend through Google Connect [especially all of you my wonderful Friends and Subscribers]. You can also RSS or e-mail feed the blog. I want you to show all the love and support to the Biggest Winner participants you can find in yourself. They are working hard and are doing great.
Meanwhile don’t forget to enter the Kaia [raw food vegan snacks] giveaway. It will close at 10 pm tomorrow [Friday], and the winner will be announced soon after.
Over the weekend I will be working with the BWC contestant very closely, creating some magic in the kitchen, so I am going to be taking some fun pictures and maybe even videos of us working together!
One more thing, if you are a company that supports plant-based and/or healthy living with your products and would like to sponsor the Biggest Winner Challenge, head on over to the blog and find out how you can help the participants.
Until… very soon ;) Green Love, you all!
Today’s Green Smoothie is named in honor of where I snapped this image…
The Green Bag Smoothie
[makes 3 servings]
- 3 cups water
- 2 oranges
- 2 tbs raw honey
- 8 oz beet greens and broccoli greens
- 1 tbs kelp
- 1 tbs maca root powder
- 2 tbs wheatgrass powder
Delicious, nutritious and good to take with you on the go or for lunch, like I had to today!