Why You Need to Lose Weight
To be able to see something through there must be a driving force, a compelling reason why you want to do it in the first place. Without such a reason, or a goal in mind, you won’t be able to stick to the process for the long run and be able to overcome whatever difficult or challenging moment that may occur. This is true for trying to lose weight as well. You have to know why you’re doing it.
In this article, I want to convince you why losing weight is something you want, a goal that can help you improve your life in more ways than one, often in unknown ways. It may be difficult to read about such things now, when you still have some weight to lose, but know this: what your life is right now may not be as it will be later on. It is up to you to make the right kind of change in your life, the kind of change that you want to achieve. Use these reasons as the primary force for losing weight and changing your life.
The most important thing: Health
This may be a cliché, but your health is the most important thing you possess. It doesn’t matter how much money you have or how big your house is, if your health is poor, your life is miserable. It’s no secret that your nutrition and your weight have a great effect on your health. Being overweight is a risk factor in many illnesses such as diabetes, strokes, heart conditions, high blood pressure, and so on. The more research I read about the effects of being overweight (not to mention obese) on your long term health, the more afraid I become for the many people I see who are overweight.
You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to take care of yourself as much as possible. You need to take whatever steps you can to have good health. It will help you live longer, feel better, and avoid nasty diseases that can simply make life harder.
One topic which is not often talked about is that of prejudice against fat people. A lot of people have some nasty assumptions when they see a fat person: they think of things such as them being lazy, unhealthy, tired, lacking energy, unable to take care of themselves, etc. The results of such prejudice can have a dramatic effect on your earning potential, your ability to land high paying jobs, your promotion prospects, and so on. People just naturally give more opportunities to thin people. It’s shameful, it’s disgusting, but it does happen.
Losing weight is also a financial decision. Have no doubt, it can help you make more money for many years to come. This is why I believe that investing in a good diet plan is often just as financially sound as putting money into your education.
Let me start by saying that there are overweight people who have fantastic relationships that last for decades and they have love and joy and companionship with their partners. There are also thin people who never find their soul-mate and continue living in loneliness. Looking better is no guarantee of happiness. Far from it. However, there is no doubt that if you’re looking for a partner, whether it is for a long term relationship or for something casual, that looks matter. People are shallow, at least in part, so looking as well as you can can help you attract more potential partners. This is not the main reason why you need to lose weight but if it gives you motivation, by all means, make use of it.
A better life
Saying that losing weight can help you have a better life is a generalization and a problematic one at that. However, shedding those excess pounds can make it easier for you to travel, play with your kids, enjoy your favorite sport, dance, and be more active. All those things count for something. It counts as a better quality of life.
In Conclusion
There are many reasons why you may need to lose weight. Choose the one or ones that give you motivation and make you take action as soon as possible. The time to take action is now. There is simply no reason to wait.