Raw Vegan Week Challenge: Day 5 {Pineapple Bok Choy Green Smoothie}

Cheap Dates and Window Shopping
I am a really cheap date... Now, don't gasp or roll your eyes--I did not say anything dirty :) and it is true.  I always told my hubby that it does not take much to make me happy--he is more than enough.  Everything else is extra.  When it comes to dates, as long as I am with him and what he does for me comes from the heart--I am a happy camper.  Don't believe me?  Then I'll tell you about our last night's date.

I was behind my PC for a few hours, then had a great power yoga work out.  When Demetrye got home after his workout I have had enough of sitting down and needed a breather.  Recently one of the local grocery stores opened  a new location, which we planned on checking out last week but completely forgot.  So, I got dressed, went downstairs and told my hubby that he needs to take me out... He was more than happy to oblige.

We went to Kingsdale's Giant Eagle, which was... giant!  The place looked more like a Whole Foods store that we are used to--a restaurant, bakery, thousands of square feet of groceries.  We heard that the store employs about 500-600 people.

Being the memory keeper that I am, there was no time to waste, so I whipped out my point and shoot camera and had fun.  In the beginning I had to twist Demetrye's arm, but as soon as I reminded him of his promise not to shy away from the camera any longer, I had him where I needed--wrapped around my little finger :)  Needless to say we got looks... But they were not the bad kind of looks as in "look at the crazy kids on isle 10", but rather "I wish I could do the same thing and look as happy" looks.
It happened that the first image we took of the two of us was by HOT sauce shelf.  Need I to say anything else?! ;)  Even one of the managers who passed by us noticed it :)  We are SIZZLING HOT, baby! [no, I am NOT self conceited ;)]
I love the image on the left of Demetrye by his "weakness" shelf [he has a thing for potato chips ;)].

I almost missed the most priceless shot of the night, but Demetrye's eagle sight drew my attention to quite a peculiarly named item: 
Trust me, I could not believe it either!  My Dadz Nutz?  Whom comes up with such titles? :)
We grabbed a slice of peanut butter brownie [$2.50] and headed over to Barnes and Noble book store--we are admittedly book warms and books stores are on the list of our favorite "date" spots.  Having browsed the books shelves we stopped by a local library, grabbed a movie and called it a night.

So, our date cost us a whopping $2.50 plus the gas that we used [BTW Demetrye ate most of the brownie, since I am not a sweets person].  That's it!  I told you I am easy to please :)  At the end of the night I was as happy as I could be, and I went home with the man of my dreams :)

Raw Food Intake
As you might have guessed from my previous posts, my hubby got his chocolate wish with the chocolate lover's brownie.  I took only a couple of bites, but then immediately jetted off for something fresh and raw to bring sugar spike in my blood under control.  I am naturally not a sweets person and a little bit of sugar goes a long way with me.  So, I ended up munching on flax crackers and an apple. 

This morning we kicked off with a fabulous Pineapple Bok Choy Green Smoothie 
  • 2 cups water [or 1.5 c water + 1/4 c George's aloe vera]
  • 1/2 ripe pineapple
  • 3 oranges
  • 1/2 large bok choy
  • raw honey to taste
  • 2 tbs maca root powder [optional]
The smoothie was delightful. 

Later on tonight we are attending a party, so most likely we will munch on something that might or might not be raw.  I am responsible for making and bringing my famous vegan apple pie, so I am getting ready to roll up my sleeves and head to the kitchen.

I am also happy to report that as of this morning, by day #5, I have dropped 2.5 lbs.  I am extremely happy about it, since after the move, although I am not sure how or why since I am eating right and working out on a regular basis, I put on 5 lbs.  So, half of it is gone, and I have another 2.5 lbs to go. 

Demetrye is also quite pleased, as it looks like he is leaning out and his 6-pack will soon be more visible to his liking.