Bmi (Body Mass Index) For Different Body Types
Reasonable Predictors
Body Mass Index or BMI is frequently used by healthcare providers as a weight assessment tool and is derived by dividing body weight in kilograms by height in meters squared (BMI=kg/m²). Or, if you prefer, divide weight in pounds by height in inches squared, then multiply the result by 703.
Example: Weight = 150 lbs, Height = 5'5" (65")
Calculation: [150 ÷ (65)²] x 703 = 24.96
While it is a reasonable predictor of individual risk for developing chronic diseases and obesity related health problems, it has limitations. For example, BMI does not take into account the difference between excess fat and muscle. Consequently, fit and healthy people with a high proportion of muscle tissue can be erroneously classified as overweight. BMI measures total body weight, not the actual amount of fat a person is carrying. Some people are naturally stocky and have a body mass index that is in the overweight category, when in fact their weight is due to muscle mass and a heavier bone structure rather than excess fat.
Relying on BMI, scales, or even body fat measurements alone can paint an inaccurate picture of realistic weight goals. It is more important to attain a healthy weight based upon several factors, including: Family history, medical history, body-fat distribution and body composition.
Family history takes into account genetic factors, including physical characteristics that are good predictors when trying to establish weight loss and management goals. Medical history is valuable in assessing health risk factors and establishing weight loss goals that may be appropriate for type II diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc. Body-fat distribution (aka waist-to-hip ratio - WHR) is valuable in determining risk because body fat located in the upper body (especially around the stomach area) is a greater indicator of heart disease, diabetes and prostate cancer than weight around the hips.
BMI is used to classify body weights in 4 general categories, and for different race types of body.
For example: -
Generic European
* under 19 = underweight
* 19-24.9 = normal
* 25-29.9= overweight
* 30 or above - obese
Generic Asian (because excessive weight gain is a greater health risk for those of us of Asian descent
* under 19 = underweight
* 19-22.9 = normal
* 23-24.9 = overweight
* 25 or above = obese
BMI is a somewhat simplistic formula, but it is a guide.
Obesity and overweight is a sever health risk. The illness called ' early death' being a normal result.
Another factor is where on your body the weight is, as fat is different depending on where the fat cells are (more on another post)
Check also with your doctor or a reputable gym on your body fat (depends on your body type).
But here are some general guides
Body fat Men
* 12%-20% - ideal
* 20.1-25.00% - overweight
* over 25% - obese
Body Fat Women
* 15%- 22% - ideal
* 22.1-30% - overweight
* over 30% - obese