I rarely get sick... ever! A few weeks ago my husband and I visited his family in NJ and he, as brilliant as he is and as much as I love him, made a fatal mistake right BEFORE the trip--he worked out at a gym and went outside without enough coverage to protect his body, while the temperatures outside were dropping. So, as you can imagine he got sick... while we were traveling! No big deal. [right... ;(]. We got him feeling well in only a couple of days.
You would think that he had learned his lesson! But NO! He did the same thing again... right before Thanksgiving! As a result he came down with a cold. Now, I have a strong immune system and my diet is impeccable, but when hubster gets sick, no matter what with, he ends up with the worst dry cough. Both of us were getting little to no sleep because of it, while I was still teaching fitness classes. And, although I took care of me the best I could, my body could no longer take the abuse and I ended up with his bug--talk about sharing.
[hubster was cared for by me, so, even in spite of my best practices--no sugars while sick--I got suckered into baking him an apple pie (recipe can be found in the Guilt Free Delicious Vegan Desserts e-book)]
After teaching a power yoga class yesterday morning I got home and still cleaned the house, but then I developed a headache, then the body ache and a fever and then I knew--I am in for a ride.
Thank God that I have a few tricks up my sleeve (read Staying Well During the Flu and Cold Season and Treating Colds and Flus Naturally). I was drinking green smoothies, my health elixirs and mixtures and downing oregano oil as if it was my only hope.
[I normally buy Oreganol's wild Oregano oil, which comes out to a whopping $30+tax for only 1 oz, but this week I lucked out when I stopped by Raisin Rack in Westerville OH and found their in-house brand for HALF the price! Just imagine my excitement!]
I hate being sick because I despise being slowed down for any reason. Yesterday, however, I spent most of the day on a couch in front of a TV. By the end of the day I was too tired of sitting down and too sick of television, so I cleaned the house [again] and then decided to glam myself up for a mini self-portrait session.
The excitement was short-lived though and I was craving all kind of foods. Thankfully I was easily satisfied with our Thanksgiving leftovers: potato salad, mashed potatoes and gravy, Asian salad that I make and freshly made cranberry sauce. I was still trying to behave though--no sugars and lots of green smoothies.
Today [yes, I know, you get to read my boring sick story ;)] I endured only a couple of hours of hanging out on a couch before I rebelled and started to clean every nook and cranny, then fully unpacked the office, scrubbed every surface, did laundry, made myself a smoothie and lunch, and finally, by 4 pm crashed with 100 F fever. BUT... I felt better about being productive.
The appetite was non-existent compared to yesterday, but by evening I was craving comfort food. So finally, at about 7 pm I succumbed to my internal pressure, pulled out bread stuffing leftovers [I made it with celery and cranberries], mixed it with a bit of barley soup I cooked up yesterday [I know it sounds crazy, but bear with me], added coconut creamer, water, baking soda and flour and baked myself yummy bread pudding. I initially wanted to make it savory, but hubby, having his sweet tooth as usual, requested sweet bread puddin'.
Let me tell you, folks, it turned out fabulous!
On the first round I topped it with Toffuti's Better Than Cream Cheese, on the second round I splashed it with fresh cranberry sauce and Toffuti's Better Than Sour Cream and... my taste buds were in heaven. I still wish I made half of it savory, but no deep regrets here. Leftovers, at times, turn out to taste even better than the original dishes. :)
I have a plan to be fully recovered by tomorrow, in time to teach my 5:30 pm power yoga class, so, more Oregano Oil and more fluids for me, along with me health elixirs. Here is a recipe of one of my Ninja Smoothies that Kills Flues and Colds on a Fly :)
- 1-2 cups water
- 2-3 cloves garlic
- 1 finger ginger root
- 1 tsp algae
- 1 ripe pear or banana
- 3 large kale leaves
If this does not get you well I am not sure what will :)
Stay well!