I was hard at work today, working on a client's images when I heard a knock on the door. It was a UPS delivery man. I nearly jumped out of my skin, excited!
A few weeks ago I entered a giveaway on Raw Epicurean blog and walked away with a prize from Mountain Rose Herbs. Once I heard that I won the giveaway I started to count days till "the arrival". I was getting anxious--I checked my mailbox every single day, and finally today the package made it to my door.
I opened the box and began to dig through its contents:
Every single item was wrapped in its own bubble wrap. It looked like it was going to be a lot of fun to open my present... It felt like Christmas! But, I think there must have been a mad elf at the factory packing my belated gift--every item was not only wrapped in bubble wrap, it was TAPED over, and over, and over again. It took FOREVER to get my new kitchen mates out of their prison.
First I worked on oils, then on various pepper blends:
[pretty, aren't they? ;)]
Then I made my way to salts and seasonings:
I can hardly wait to try different varieties of salts, peppers and herbs, not to mention oils.
Thank you Raw Epicurean and Mountain Rose Herbs for a Christmas in January!
Now I can barely wait to get my hands on a Kitchen Aid mixer
that I am planning to get in the near future from CSN stores. If you go to their site you will find about anything you can imagine: office furniture, bar stools, kitchen gadgets and even modern rugs.
You all have a fantastic day!