Marsh mallow Peeps
I spotted these Halloween themed Peeps at the local Sheetz. It is a little early for Halloween products to be out in my opinion, but new candy is always exciting.
These peeps are exactly the same format as the chocolate covered peeps that were released this Easter (see here and here for reviews) The only difference being the marshmallow is orange, and they are in the shape of a jack-o-lantern.
Fans of traditional peeps will once again be disappointed, these peeps are completely void of the all too important sugary crust. I'm also under the impression that most peeps traditionalists prefer the marshmallow to be a bit hard. These must have been fresh off of the line because the filling was actually moist.
So yeah..wet marshmallow isn't my thing either. I was actually able to seperate the chocolate coating from the marshmallow to reveal some extra layer of oily residue. So I can't really recommend that anyone give these a try unless they want an Uni piece for their peepshi.