Flaxseed - A Natural Wonder Treatment for Eczema

Up to 20 percent of the world's population has suffered from eczema at some point in their life. For some, it is a chronic condition that worsens with particular irritants in their diet or environment. For others, they are the lucky ones and grow out of eczema as the years go by. Eczema is a general term which describes a number of different skin conditions with the most common being atopic dermatitis. It appears as a dry, red and itchy type of rash over the body.

Typical Triggers that Cause Eczema Flare-ups

Eczema looks different from person to person and is also the reason why there are a number of factors that can cause flare-ups. Allergies to dust mites, pollen, meat or dairy products trigger eczema in some people while detergents, hot weather or even stress can be the cause. Colds and other illnesses caused by viruses can also be included in what sets off a bout of eczema.

Eczema is not age specific as babies and adults alike can develop this recurring irritating skin condition. However, many medical experts contend that those people who have a family history of skin conditions and allergies are twice as likely to develop eczema as someone who is not. Basically, the reason that eczema occurs is because it is an anomalous reaction to the body's immune system.

There is no cure for eczema but the preventative and treatment measures for it are boundless. Many of the preventative measures end up only lessening the severity of the eczema flare-up and these include: moisturizing often, reducing stress, avoiding skin irritants like new detergent or soap, reducing allergens such as pollen, dust mites and pet dander, avoid extreme temperature and humidity changes and even taking care to not sweat.

Common Eczema Treatments

With eczema, a huge number of medical treatments are in the form of some type of ointment or cream. Corticosteroids, cyclosporine A and a few new forms of ointments and creams under the calcineurin inhibitor family which work to regulate the body's immune response are among the many treatments today.

Perhaps one of the most successful treatments is flaxseed, a natural solution for many different health issues. Flaxseed is chockfull of essential fatty acids like Omega 6 and Omega 3 so important for many functions of the body. Flaxseed can be taken both internally and externally, depending on a particular person's preference. Some people enjoy the taste of flaxseed and will eat it as a snack or sprinkled on some other food. Others prefer to use the liquid form of flaxseed called flaxseed oil which can be ingested or applied topically.

If taken internally, flaxseed will take a little time to build up in the body before it can actually be helpful in the treatment of eczema. However, in the oil form, it can be directly applied to the skin which will soothe the itchy rash, moisturize it and eventually clear it up. Suppleness and elasticity slowly returns to eczema-prone skin after repeated treatment with flaxseed.

It is important to consult with a doctor before embarking on flaxseed as the treatment of choice for eczema. While it is natural and therefore should not be harmful, a doctor can best guide someone as to the dosage to take if ingesting versus spreading it on the body as a topical treatment. The great news is that doctors will likely not have a problem with flaxseed as a treatment for eczema because it has proven to be so beneficial in the treatment of a number of other health issues.

Kerry Ng is a successful Webmaster and publisher of The Omega3 Flaxseeds Blog. For more great helpful information about Omega3 Flaxseeds visit The Omega3 Flaxseeds Blog

Source: http://www.classicarticles.com/Article/Flaxseed---A-Natural-Wonder-Treatment-for-Eczema/28082
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