Overview of Chantix - Quit Smoking Pills

Chantix is an anti-smoking pill, which will enable smokers to quit smoking. For smokers who are prescribed Chantix to purchase, they will be offered with an opportunity to enroll in a behavioral modification program called "GETQUIT Support Plan" at no additional cost. The plan was introduced and developed by Pfizer with input from smoking cessation experts. By developing Chantix to help smokers quit smoking, we hope to take a positive step towards improving the health of smokers, their families and friends, and society in general.

Currently, however, many smokers do not have access to the benefits of smoking cessation services. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), although 66 percent of Americans who are under the age of 65 are insured through an employer, only 24 percent of employers offer coverage for necessary treatment of tobacco use. Like other drugs chantix too have some side effects. Those chantix side effects are Nausea, Stomach pain etc.

Chantix Varenicline is reasonably priced and is easily available prescription formulation in the US markets. For the convenience of the smokers all over the world the company has managed its availability through various online websites also. Quite a few well known and reputed pharmacies of the United States offer these formulations online for the smoker's convenience.

The smokers who are sincerely willing to quit smoking may visit any of the available online websites and procure their quota of prescribed course online and get rid off this unwanted habit to live smokeless healthy and longer life. The online pharmacies are actively responding to the customer's query and offer customer care specialists twenty four hours a day, seven days a week rather all the three hundred sixty five days of the year.

The "GETQUIT Support plan" will specify extensive behavior modification support that smokers can customize to their individual needs, including general "Habit Changer" to identify and address their personal triggers to smoke, and daily communications that help them track their progress. Purchase your dosage of Chantix today and avail the benefits of quit smoking.

Source: http://www.articleviral.com/Article/Overview-of-Chantix---Quit-Smoking-Pills/83742
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