Fear of withdrawing from drugs and alcohol will be long forgotten memories in ages to come. Future breakthroughs have arrived. Tibor A. Palatinus CCDC has discovered health clinics in advance of all others in the fields of drug and alcohol withdrawal and detoxification. Tibor is a Certified Chemical Dependency Counselor who has made an extensive search into finding the healthiest and natural withdrawal programs which work.
Fast and effective detox and withdrawal recovery is the norm in several US and Canadian specialized withdrawal centers.
Nutrients are necessary for fast effective recovery.
While coming off drugs is often difficult even in a supervised withdrawal setting, the pain and discomfort associated with drying out need not be intolerable at all. Anxiety and depression so often associated with withdrawal from cocaine, crystal meth and other stimulants are unnecessary. Both physical and mental trauma dreaded by drug abusers can be and are being resolved naturally. The muscle spasms and aches and pains associated with withdrawal can be reduced significantly by the use of exact vitamins, mineral formula and rest in a non-disruptive environment. The use of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids have shown significant improvements in creating a positive attitude and reducing anti-social behavior when given to British prisoners, reports "The Province" newspaper in Vancouver.
According to Adelle Davis, nutritionist, drugs produce dietary deficiencies. Nutritional deficiencies stand at the cause point of all disease. Therefore, it makes sense to include a host of key vitamins and minerals as part of any dry out a person is doing to off-set the throws of withdrawal. A normally functioning body with ALL needed nutrients required for that person's survival, will feel great! If you aren't feeling great, trust me, you're in-sufficient in one or hundreds of key elements (including sleep and oxygen) required for good health and feeling great. A great deal of withdrawal pains, anxiety, depression and grumpiness may just be associated with the body trying to normalize function and eliminate toxins (drug metabolites) from its system.
Drugs hijack the body's sensitive hormone and nervous systems and throw them out of balance and into disorder. Once the body and mind become accustomed to the presence of these drugs (life threats), it gets used to operating with them and ceases to function normally. Strangely, the body substitutes the drugs for its own hormones and neuro-chemicals and ceases to produce enough of those for itself. The result is drug seeking behavior even to the point of anti-social activity. Removing drugs and alcohol from a drug abusers diet of self destruction through drugs and alcohol causes his / her body and mind to scramble again. This re-balancing (called homo-stasis) is the bodies and mind's effort to alert the body that these life hostile chemicals and poisons (drugs and alcohol) are no longer present. This experience is called a withdrawal symptom.
The use of niacin amide has long been used by health professionals in treating mental disturbance. The trauma associated with drying out is relieved considerably by niacin amide when taken with other nutrients in proper balance.
I have personally been consulted by experts in withdrawing people from long term use of heroin, Oxycontin, methadone, benzodiazepines, pain killers, crack cocaine, crystal meth etc. There exist several different clinics using similar methods of effectively withdrawing individuals with minimal and sometimes no alternative medications at all. According to the clients who've used these modalities, they experienced little or no adverse effects coming off of drugs instantly: even coming off of methadone and benzos was easy. These medical clinics / centers use cutting edge methods of withdrawal, not available in rapid opiate or medical withdrawal facilities.
Source: http://www.classicarticles.com/Article/Withdrawal-Recovery-in-Record-Time--Nutrients-Hold-the-Secret/28491
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