Natural Remedies To Relieve Constipation

Natural remedies to relieve constipation should be considered as they are generally safer as compared to the use of harsh chemical laxatives. Harsh chemicals can produce side effects and usually cannot be used over a prolonged period. Constipation is a condition whereby sufferers find difficulty in smooth bowel movements. It is a problem that many of us have at some point in our lives.

Some discussions on dietary changes are vital as these can go a long way in treating constipation. In many cases, constipation is largely a result of not having adequate fiber and water in our diet. Therefore, it is recommended that you maintain a diet that is rich in fiber and one that involves drinking plenty of water.

Bulking laxatives can help to relieve constipation by introducing fiber and lubrication that promotes bowel movements while cleansing the system. Natural remedies such as psyllium husk, flax seed, and fenugreek provide bulk in your bowels; thereby cleansing your colon. You will need to drink a few glasses of water when using this type of laxative.

Natural remedies used to relieve constipation usually involve the use of herbs. Herbs, such as cascara sagrada, are known to help stimulate the function of the intestines. You should, however, be cautious when using certain herbal laxatives as they may cause diarrhea and dehydration. Irritating laxatives include aloe, which is not the same as aloe juice. It is very strong and requires close monitoring. Castor oil serves as a laxative, but can cause dehydration and hence, chemical imbalances in the body.

Licorice is a safe laxative that can also be combined with other herbal laxatives to increase their effectiveness. Licorice is able to help in relieving spasms that causes cramping.

Another constipation natural remedy is the dandelion root. Dandelion root is mild and can be safely used by those with chronic constipation. A tea made with dandelion root can be consumed up to four times daily as it is not a harsh laxative. Natural health doctors recommend that with a long term problem with constipation that is not related to diet or stress to drink this herbal tea. Chamomile tea to help soothe the stomach is also helpful.

If your constipation recurs several times over due to an unhealthy diet and lifestyle, then be aware that using herbal laxatives can only do little to help. It is better if you add herbs to your regimen of cleansing and incorporate exercises on a regular basis to promote an overall calming effect. Additional measures include eating a cleansing diet, drinking plenty of healthy fluids, such as organic juices and distilled water and balancing your energy with stretching and yoga.