You're about to learn an easy, low-cost home cure for a vaginal yeast infection. More women are seeking an alternative yeast infection treatment. With a natural yeast infection treatment you don't have any of the side effects associated with over the counter yeast infection treatments. And another benefit of using this home treatment is, the Candida yeast taking residence in your vagina can't become resistant like they can to an anti fungal treatment.
This article is in no way a replacement for your health practitioners diagnosis or treatment recommendation. You use the information in this article at your own discretion.
Your yeast infection
Your yeast infection has been developed by a bacterial imbalance inside of your vagina. When you use an over the counter treatment this bacterial balance is made worse instead of better. This is one of the reasons numerous women start to suffer from chronic yeast infections. An anti fungal cream or suppository will neuralize all of the bacteria inside of your vagina, and that includes the friendly bacteria that is there to keep the Candida under control.
You have a yeast infection already because the friendly bacteria can't do it's work properly because it is outnumbered by the mutated Candida. When the anti fungal cream or suppository wipes out all the fungus in your vagina there is no safeguard left to fight against the repopulating Candida. This is why some women are unfortunate enough to have their yeast infection come back more resistant than before they treated it.
Your home remedy for your yeast infection
A natural cure for your vaginal yeast infection that is readily cheap enough, and is a treatment that your yeast infection can't build any resistance to is a natural, live yogurt. All you need to do is dip a tampon into the yogurt, then insert the tampon as you would do usually. Leave it in for an hour or two then take it out. The coolness of the yogurt will help relieve you of the discomfort, and you just need to re-apply the yogurt and tampon when you need to. Keeping the tampon in for too long (many hours can actually make you more uncomfortable.
It's important that the yogurt you use is a live yogurt that is sugar free. A yogurt that consists of sugar will just feed the Candida, and your infection will get worse.
The friendly bacteria in the live yogurt lives freely inside of your vagina, and this is the reason why the yeast won't become immune to it.
It can get a bit messy with the dipping and inserting but this natural treatment for your vaginal yeast infection is side effect free, and a lot more affordable than an anti fungal cream.