Green Smoothie

I just came from an open house that was held at a local pilates studio. A new acquaintance of mine, Darlene of Simple Raw Health, was speaking about nutrition and the importance of incorporating green smoothies into our daily diet. Demetrye and I had previously started making green smoothies, but slowly strayed away from it and consumed a lot of veggies by eating salads. Darlene reminded me of the importance of making green smoothies as well. I could tell you many reasons why you should, but since Darlene had already done all of the work for me, I am just going to quote her here.

Benefits of green smoothies will:
● add minerals and nutrients at amount you cannot get from eating salads;
● blending greens will give you much needed fiber, which is important to bind up waste and toxins to take them out of your body;
● help regulate stomach acid to the needed level for proper food digestion (poor stomach acid levels walk hand-in-hand with food allergies, immunological disorders, and more);
● alkaline balance can be achieved (too much acid is bad for our bodies—many types of diseases cannot exist in an alkaline environment).

There are many different ways to makes green smoothies. You can use your favorite greens to make whatever you like: collard greens, kale, spinach, etc. Add in a bit of your favorite fresh fruit or dates for sweetness and your have yourself a green smoothie.

Here is what I made for myself right after Darlene’s presentation. Darlene, thank you for kicking me into the next gear!!!

Collard Greens Smoothie

● 2 large leafs collard greens, washed and torn to smaller pieces
● ¼ large cucumber
● ½ banana, peeled
● ½ orange, peeled and seeded
● ½ avocado
● 2 teaspoons freshly ground flax seed*
● 4 oz. water

● Place all ingredients into a blender.
● Mix until all junks are gone and mixture is smooth.

Makes 1 large or 2 small servings.

*I use a coffee bean grinder to grind flax seed. I bought a small Mr. Coffee grinder just for this purpose.