Why NOT Plastic Bottles?

Yes, yet another post for today that has to do with what we put into our bodies. I had been planning to add this one for a while now, since I myself am currently trying to improve this part of our life.

Have you ever wondered if your water is safe? Maybe you are one of those people that buys bottled water to stay hydrated at all times, or to avoid drinking nasty tap water... In any case, there are millions of us spending billions of dollars on bottled water that is not even being regulated for the most part. It is not a shocker, I am sure.

It is not that I am trying to scare you, but the truth has to be told. There are thousands of chemicals being introduced every year and are being used without an FDA or any other approval.

So, what do you need to know? First of all, let's get educated...

Take a few minutes and watch a video on Martha Stewart site. You will find it a bit scary, but very educational and worth your time.

One more video worth watching is from the TODAY show. One thing to keep in mind: whenever you hear phrases such as "might be harmful", consider it harmful, because it is!!!

Other Facts
In March 2008, the Associated Press released the results of a five-month inquiry. Pharmaceuticals were detected in the drinking-water supplies of 24 major metropolitan areas, from Southern California to northern New Jersey to Detroit to Louisville, affecting more than 41 million Americans. The New York State Health Department and the U.S. Geological Survey have tested the source of the New York City's water and found trace concentrations of heart medicine, infection fighters, estrogen, anticonvulsants, mood stabilizers, and tranquilizers. A sex hormone was detected in San Francisco's drinking water. Antiepileptic and antianxiety medications were detected in a portion of the treated drinking water for 18.5 million people in Southern California. High levels of caffeine were found in Seattle drinking water.

So how are these medications getting into our water supply? Anything you put into your body is going to be released when you go to the bathroom. Basically, when you flush it down, it comes back around. And it doesn't just impact us; it also impacts wildlife. Last year, male fish started hatching eggs in the Potomac River, a water source for the Washington, D.C., area. Scientists have yet to determine how these trace amounts of pharmaceuticals affect humans.

Medication is found in bottled water, too. Why? Because 40 percent of bottled water comes from municipal sources, which means it is basically tap water, and most companies don't test for these trace substances.

[Invest] in a good water filter - [such as] Doulton Countertop Ceramic Filter. You can also use a jug like PUR or Brita, with a carbon filter, but remember that it will not filter out everything. Nothing will. (1)

What Should YOU Do?

~Use a reusable water bottle to help keep other toxins from ending up in our water. But stay away from hard plastic bottles; studies show they contain polycarbonate, a known endocrine disruptor. When plastic breaks down, it photodegrades into smaller pieces, which never go away, and it absorbs other toxins like PCBs when it breaks down. Also, most plastics are made from petroleum -- a finite resource. Look for stainless steel or lined aluminum containers for water.

~Get rid of any "topperware" you are using and replace it with glass containers.

~DO NOT MICROWAVE anything that you are planning to consume in a plastic container!!!

~Try to reduce usage of plastic containers, bags, etc.

~Recycle plastic that you do use!!!