There are many reasons as to why we all should be switching to a whole foods vegan lifestyle. Dr. T. Colin Campbell's research (author of The China Study) showed clearly that animal protein was a powerful cancer promoter. His lab rats did not develop cancer, even when injected with substantial amounts of a cancer-causing agent, until they were fed a diet with 20% animal protein. When the animal protein was reduced, the lesions started to regress, showing that cancer could, literally, be switched on and off by manipulating the amount of animal protein in the diet.
In addition to this problem, most of livestock that is being raised for human consumption is constantly injected with growth hormones and antibiotics, which, when consumed, infiltrate our bodies and make them weaker and more prone to illnesses. Growth hormones (steroids) cause our children to develop prematurely physically and cause an array of health issues. I am sure that most of us, knowingly, would never inject our kids or ourselves with steroids. It is unfortunate, however, that unknowingly it is done on daily basis.
To add to the list of above-mentioned reasons, please take a moment and watch this video. You can see a few more of similar informative videos at