Tahini Salad Dressing... with a Sidenote

Long weekend is over and I am ready to plunge into another week of healing, learning and enjoying life.

The last weekend was spent in preparation for a surprise visit of my brother and his family (apparently it was not a surprise for me, since I had to do all the planning). I organized a family get-together, which involved doing things that I would not normally be found doing. Want to know what those things are?
• Buying milk
• Witnessing a making of kefir (a souring process of milk) and cottage cheese
• Baking and slicing pizza with lot of meat and cheese toppings
• Serving foods with all kinds of animal products
• Discovering I had developed a gag reflex to these foods
• Watching my family indulge in sickness causing foods and being unable to do anything about it (well, this part is pretty normal in most of our lives though)
• I also was reminded that “normal” people have dessert with their tea (in addition to loads of white sugar they down in it)

Now, I know some of you hard core vegans/raw foodists would not have done it, but to me family relations still do come first. It was interesting for me though, to discover how my body reacted to, not the sight, but the smell of these foods. My Mom was making a dish with meat, and when she threw it in a pot to fry, I smelled death… When I opened a container with potato salad the smell of eggs almost knocked me off my feet.

I also discovered that some of my relatives are talking about Demetrye’s and my dietary lifestyle as one that is cult-like and life-threatening. Apparently I am too thin for their taste (although I am slightly bigger than I was when I moved away in 1998, but I know they have to find a reason to disapprove of what would otherwise convict them), too pale (not too much sun in the state of Washington, and I refuse to “visit” tanning booths), and our obsession with food is more like idol worship (although I spend less than half of the time my family would in the kitchen prepping food and more time enjoying other things in life). The most ironic part of it was that our plight was discussed by two of my overweight brothers.

On a brighter side I got to see my brother, 1-year old nephew, whom I have not seen before and meet my new sister-in-law for the first time, who turned out to be a wonderful and charming woman. And… I concocted a new salad dressing, that I hope you will make and enjoy over your green salad.

Tahini Salad Dressing
• 4 tablespoons Tahini paste*
• Fresh lemon juice of 1 lemon
• Sea salt to taste (optional)
• 1-2 teaspoons of raw Agave syrup or honey (optional)
• Filtered water (the amount depends strictly on how thick or runny you like your dressing)
All you have to do is combine these ingredients and you are done. I place my ingredients into a glass jar, cover with a lead and shake until well-blended.

Next time I make this dressing I will also try adding a clove of minced garlic.

*Tahini paste is made from crushed sesame seeds

Tahini is a source of calcium, protein, B vitamins, essential fatty acids, vitamin E and good source of the amino acid Methionine. Methionine is an important contributor to liver detoxification and helps with the absorption of other amino acids. Lemon juice in vitamin C, among many other wonderful things. Vitamin C is imperative for calcium absorption, so this dressing is a double-whammy—you get your calcium and ensure that it is absorbed into your body at the same time.

Have a wonderful week, and remember that OUR HEALTH IS A BYPRODUCT OF THE CHOICES WE MAKE and FOODS WE EAT.

Quote that's Worth your Thought

"We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment."
~Jim Rohn

I can't remember where I came across this quote, but it speaks volumes and can be applicable to so many areas of our lives--one of them dietary discipline.
Enjoy your life and plan it in a way that you have no regrets when you reach the end of it.

Cancer is Curable!

I would like to dedicate this post to a person whom I have only met by speaking on the phone. Her husband is fighting cancer and they are doing all they can to keep him alive and well.

I am hoping to meet with them both soon to share the resources Demetrye and I have discovered on our journey of searching for our healing.

I am also dedicating this post to every person that is fighting a terminal disease, be it cancer, after-effects of heart attack or a stroke, infertility or anything else, and you have already exhausted all of your means and resources, and doctors have told you that there is no hope. I want to let you know that THERE IS HOPE! Our Lord [God] already provided all we need for life and healing, we just need to take responsibility for ourselves and start the healing process with OURSELVES!

In the next couple of weeks I will start reviewing and featuring stories on different healing centers that use naturopathic approach to healing cancers and other "fatal" diseases.

I am going to start with a set by Thomas Lodi, M.D. of An Oasis of Healing. Please don't assume that since he does not have ABC, NBC or CBS interviewing him, what he has to say is less valid [as a disclaimer, Dr. Lodi's spiritual beliefs are different from mine, however, his approach to life and healing is in line with my beliefs.]

Comprehensive Cancer Care Pt. 1 - Thomas Lodi, MD

Comprehensive Cancer Care Pt. 2

This series is a follow-up to the first series.

Stop Making Cancer - Thomas Lodi Part 1 of 3

Part 2 of 3

Part 3 of 3

Announcement!!! Movie Screening!!!

I am pleased to announced that our newly founded Wellness Society is already set to action. After our first meeting Heather had shared her deep desire to share a documentary that she has seen with as many people as she can. We quickly put our heads together and decided that the quickest way to get the information out to as many people as possible is through hosting a movie screening event at a public library.

WHAT: How to Reverse Diabetes and Other Diseases with Nutrition
Movie Screening of “Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days”

WHEN: April 25, 2009
1:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m.

WHERE: Longview Public Library
1600 Louisiana St, Longview, WA 98632

HOW: You can register a couple of different ways:
1. On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=63507890979
2. Through Movie Screening event site (click on the link)
3. E-mail me through my Blogger profile page
4. You can also just show up, but space is limited

WHO: The screening will be presented by EHBH Wellness Society. We will be there, viewing the movie with you, and will be available to answer your questions or provide you with leads to resource that can help you with things that we cannot.

Folks, I hope to see you there! I hope to see the room packed out, so that we will have to host another viewing! Make sure to spread the word, and please realize that vegan/raw food diet helps to cure a host of various diseases and infirmities. So, whether you are suffering from diabetes or another ailment, or, even if you are well and want to learn, come out and join us!

Until then: EAT HEALTHY!!! BE HAPPY!!!

Raw Eating

Who said that raw food is boring... Check out this beautiful creation-Curried Asian Crepes made by a raw foodist friend of ours-Heather.
I tasted the crape itself--it was delicious.

As far as my diet is going, check out what I made for myself yesterday (last night for dessert)

I like avocados, but I did not know that they can taste so chocolaty. I found a recipe for it here.

This morning I made Nori rolls with Sunflower/Tahini paste, stuffed with carrots and cucumbers. It was delicious.

Now I am off to conquer the world.

EHBH Wellness Society Meetup

Folks, the date for out next meeting has been set for April 10, 2009 (Friday) at 7 pm. I am hoping that this will allow more of you to join us. The meeting will be held at Heather and Claude's house [you will barely ever find more gracious hosts].

RSVP is required to receive directions to the house.

If you want to come out for an evening of food, fun and meeting new people, as well as sharing your life experience with others, let me know. Also plan on bringing a dish to share with others [you will need to let me know what it is ahead of time:)]. It does not have to be complex or gourmet--just vegan or raw vegan. [Please try avoid using soy products, as many people are unable to consume it.]

Feel free to spread the word and invite others (but... RSVP is required for all who are coming). You can RSVP by living a comment on this post, or e-mailing me at elena[dot]wilkins[at]gmail[dot]com. If you are on Facebook, you can RSVP through our event there by (click HERE to get to it).

We also have another exciting event in the works. I will let you know about it SOON! Stay tuned.

Week 3

If you follow my blog you are probably wondering how I am doing on my all raw diet (30 day self-challenge). I have a confession to make--I am back to my 80/20 diet for now. After the vacation, when I allowed myself to relax and enjoy a bit of cooked foods, I just did not feel like I want to stick with it for now. Does this mean that I have a weak will power? No. Trust me if I could stick with an all vegan and near raw diet for over two years, I can handle a 30 day challenge. I think I just lost my motivation for now. I was a bit tired of getting up early in the morning to prepare meals for 3 people for most of the day, and, since I like gourmet type of foods, and like to be creative with what I make, it took me longer than I wanted. I know that I could throw a simple salad together and do similar things, but I just don't want to for now... Plain and honest.

Does this mean that I eat less than a perfect diet? Nope! Not at all! This entire week I am cleaning out my body with allowing myself to eat only one cooked meal a day, if I feel like it. In the mornings I have a smoothie, a juice or a salad. For lunch I pack a jar of a green smoothie (it actually always turns out to be more than I can intake). For dinner, when I get home, I have been eating soups (cooked). Fruits are for snacks, as usual for me. So, as you can see, I really have not "backslid". I hope that one day I will regain motivation to do all raw for 30 days, for no other reason than I think it would be cool--kind of like earning a medal I could hand on my wall. And one day, maybe, I could even try an all-juice diet (I would start with 1 week, though).

There is one more topic I would like to address in this post. In the last several months I have become more raw than I had been in the previous two years. I have not arrived and neither do I strive to be all raw at this point--I am not into labels, only into better health. If one day I decide to be all raw, of if my health demands it, I will do that... as for now this blog is a journal of my dietary journey.

Let me explain why I feel the need to discuss this a bit. At one point I consumed some soy-based products. I just did not know any better! I also saw and read a lot of vegans using tofu, tempeh, and other soy-based foods. I used such products as our transition food. So, when you look at my blog, you will find some recipes with soy products in them.

As of at least 3 months ago, I completely cut out soy of my and my husband's diet. After doing more research and observing how my body reacted to it, I could not find any need or justification for using it. I recently met someone who used one of my tofu recipes from this blog. Someone told the person that soy is not good for most people. She told them that Elena (me) had it on her blog and that's why she made it. I had to explain myself, telling her what you've just read in the last two paragraphs. But I also had to let her and all of my readers know, that I am not planning to go back and delete all of those recipes. This blog is a record of my journey--I prefer not to delete any data. When you read it, start with my latest revelations/entries, and it will be easier for you to understand my old posts and recipes and make a good judgement.

Having said that, if you follow my blog, I would like to thank you. Thank you for your time and trust. I work hard to prove myself worthy of it.

Have a healthful day!

Raw Month Progress

March 11, 2009

A couple of days ago Demetrye surprised me with a vacation. He was going to take me to a resort in Redmond, OR, nested in a cradle of majestic mountains.

Yesterday, March 10th, after a grueling 5 hour drive, we arrived to the resort. It took us a bit longer than we thought to get there, because we encountered snow and icy mountain roads on the way. We even had to pull over to buy chains, otherwise I don’t know if we could have made it here safely.

I knew that staying all raw on vacation is really up to me and could be done easily, especially since the place where we are staying comes equipped with a full kitchen. The only thing it is missing at this point that I would use is a juicer. However, Demetrye, who volunteered to go all raw for a month as well (considering that I make all of his meals) forewarned me that he would “backslide”, so I packed accordingly—a great mixture of raw and cooked dishes were quickly created in my mind.

The night we arrived I made very light split-pea soup, with gluten-free pancakes (although I did add a little bit of wheat flour to improve texture). While I was making dinner I made Demetrye a fruit smoothie.

This morning we started off with a green smoothie (pineapple, apple, orange, lambsquarters [thank God for our organic farmer! I was able to collect and freeze a lot of greens for the winter months]). We followed up with split-pea soup a half an hour later and leftovers of pancakes as our bread. Lots of tea, some with lemon and honey, some just herbal tea with no frills followed after throughout the day.

In the afternoon Demetrye craved cinnamon rolls. He does have them once in a rare while, I just make sure to feed him with a combination of foods that would ensure an easier digestion and passage : ). We went to a store nearby the resort to get a few things besides his dessert. While shopping, and don’t stone me for this, I craved a slice of a chocolate cake. 99.9% of the times I say NO to such cravings, but today I threw caution to the wind and decided to indulge myself, although I can hardly call it that, after having eaten it. I had to make sure to talk myself into not feeling guilty, as I normally would, if I did not adhere to my clean diet. Unfortunately Fred Meyer does not have a big selection of organic produce, so, after getting bottled water (which we have not done in a LONG time, since we drink our filtered water) we headed back to our townhouse. Thankfully, we came prepared and I needed to only supplement what we brought with us.

I was surprised by one interesting thing—at the checkout I was charged extra 30 cents for buying bottled water. Needless to say I was outraged! I was going to be punished for not drinking chlorinated, pesticide filled, water that is heavily induced with fluoride among other chemicals! The cashier did insure me, though, that if I returned the bottles I could get my money back.

For late lunch I made a big green salad with oranges, avocado, red onions and tomatoes served my honey mustard dressing, made with no oils of any kind, and whole-wheat spaghetti served with organic sauce and extra veggies on top. I did indulge in a slice of chocolate cake, only to realize that I craved the taste of avocado more than the taste of cake. So, after the cake, I had another serving of salad. Thankfully, outside of minor gas-works (excuse me for my bluntness here, but after all this is what this blog is all about) I had no side effects.

Demetrye and I had a plan to sweat some of the impurities that we consumed by going to a sauna, but alas, by the time these two silly kids got there, it was already closed. So, here I am, sitting in a Jacuzzi, sweating off some of my junk and typing my food journal.

I can’t really say that I regret not sticking with all raw diet on my vacation—I decided to relax my body and mind. I will make up for these days at the end of the month, by adding an extra week to my raw diet. I also long ago resolved not to live by a label—I found that if I wanted to stick with being raw just for the sake of it, and did not allow myself consume anything else, I became annoyed by it. So, instead, I allow myself to occasionally not adhere to my resolved diet, which actually encourages me and makes it easier to stick with it. I know that this sounds crazy, but I heard about the same phenomenon from others in the raw/vegan movement.

Tomorrow we are planning to get out to Bend, OR. I looked up a couple of vegan-friendly places there, so we want to check them out and explore the town. I also found a Whole Foods Market there, so if all things fail, we will stop there for a snack.

Well, folks, I am going to return to my glorious soaking and then go for a serving of a big bowl of greens or an avocado (and, please, don’t tell me how fattening it is, because it is not—it is full of so many other wonderful things besides healthy oils [in minimal amounts, by the way] and much better than pouring oil over your food) and a cup of tea before retiring for the night. I am enjoying my vacation to the fullest!

SIDENOTE: Let me share with you one of my pet-peeves, and I have a few. I don’t get it when the unhealthiest people in the world tell me: “Why are you so strict with your diet? Live a little!” I want to shout this out, and I will be saying this from now on: “I don’t want to live a little—I want to live a lot (i.e. long)!”

Why do people associate food and happiness? It drives me crazy! Why don’t we associate working and happiness, spending time with family and happiness, achieving your goals and happiness, helping others and happiness? Why does it always come down to food and happiness, especially in the States? Somehow we came to express our lives in this equation: food=enjoyment.

I remember living in Kyrgyzstan, right around the time Soviet Union was falling apart, when we had nothing but bread and water, and still being happy. We would have people over and I would slice a loaf of bread, fry it with a little bit of butter and salt, serve with hot tea, and it tasted to us better than any chocolate cake could, because we did it with our friends and loved ones. Not at one time did we think that we were unhappy because we did not have all kinds of foods. I am not saying that we did not want it, but we never connected it to HAPPINESS!

I like what one of our Raw Foodist friends, Heather, says. She puts it beautifully: “I want to live long, not die long.” That, people, is what our dietary lifestyle about—living long, and dying quickly.

I am not afraid to talk about death—to me it is nothing but a passage from this life to a better life. One day, I hope, Demetrye and I [if we are presented with such a blessed choice] can look at each other, say: “Are you ready, honey?”—the fall asleep and wake up in the presence of our Lord. By the way, for those of you who read the Bible, you can find that it says: “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh: yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” (Genesis 6:3) [For those of you scholars out there, I know that you will tell me that Psalm 90:10 talks about 70 and 8o years, but you have to remember that those words were spoken as an observation by the psalmist, and that the quality of life back then (lack on nutrition for some, and poor sanitary conditions for most) was very different from ours, so I will stick with what God said directly.] So, if God says that we can live up to 120 years—I am taking Him up on His word—I will take care of my and my husband’s houses [bodies] to make sure they make it to God’s limit.

Until next time: EAT HEALTHY!!! BE HAPPY!!!
March 12, 2009

Yesterday I ended up not eating anything else in the evening—what I had during the day was more than enough to carry me through.

This morning we started with a glass of green smoothie each [pineapple, apple, orange, lambsquarters, cilantro], followed by a bowl of split-pea soup [yes, I still have some left over—I am on vacation, so I made a big pot to last a couple of days].

Demetrye and I had a great 50 minute cardio/weights work-out, and then spend 40 minutes in a sauna. We felt great and cleansed afterward. We swallowed a small serving of a green smoothie, and after dry-brushing toxins off us, took showers and ate huge servings of green salad. We then headed to explore Bend, OR. After visiting Whole Food Market to grab more greens, we called several restaurants and settled on Kebaba, which we did not regret. They had a great selection of vegan dishes, most without soy! I had rice pilaf with a big green salad and steamed veggies in coconut curry sauce, Demetrye had a veggie/tempeh pita with a serving of fries. The food was delicious. I would give it 4 stars.

We are about to rest for a half hour and then go for another work out! [Have to make sure to work off all these cooked foods, so they don’t creep up on me.]

For the late evening meal I have planned roasted potatoes with… you guessed it—a green salad. And I actually don’t eat greens because I have to, but because I do enjoy the taste 

Good evening to all. And remember: EAT HEALTHY!!! LIVE HAPPY!!!

SIDENOTE: I absolutely have to share this story. When Demetrye and I were calling Bend restaurants to inquire on their vegan options, at one of them a young lady answered the phone. I asked her if they offer vegan dishes. She said: “We sure do!” Then, I could almost feel that she actually stopped to think for a second about what I had asked her. She then said the following, which had nearly bursting at the seams: “Vegan… so, it’s like you do eat vegetables, right? Because we have a lot of vegetables…” I gave her a quick explanation of what VEGAN meant, but, needless to say, she cost her restaurant two customers. Demetrye and I had a good laugh several times recounting the call.

Day 6 and 7

Yesterday I filled myself with all the wonderful things at the RAW get-together. In the evening, before we could get hungry, we were invited by our new friends Heather and Claude to their house for blood orange juice, which was spectacular, as well as wheat grass juice (mixed with lime, apples and ginger), flaxseed crackers and onion raw "bread" (I so want a recipe of that! I cannot tell you what was in it, outside of red onions, but it was scrumptious!), along with cashew hummus and almond ice cream covered with raw chocolate. Heather is so amazingly creative. I cannot wait until she starts sharing her recipes either here, on our Facebook group, or starts her own blog!

Today I started off my morning with a very green smoothie, trying to restore my voice, which is nearly gone.

Lambsquarters Smoothie
  • Lambsquarters greens
  • Bananas
  • Oranges
  • Chia seeds
  • Dates for sweetness
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice (only a couple of tablespoons to cut the "green" taste)
  • Kombucha Tea
I had also made Seaweed Noodles (raw) which Heather gave me to try. I made it with an array of veggies and a miso paste. If was delicious!

After a while I followed that with a cup of chemomile tea with lemon and honey. Before lunch I had a glass of Green Juice.

Green Juice Ingredients
  • Celery
  • Apples
  • 2 Oranges
For lunch I had leftovers of carrot salad from yesterday, and then made a stuffed tomato.

Stuffed Tomato
  • Tomatoe
  • Cauliflower
  • Basil (leaves and stem)
  • Spices
  • Sea Salt
  • Chia Seeds (optional)
  • Cut the top off the tomato, clean insides into a food processor
  • add remaining ingredients and blend until desired consistency has been achieved
  • fill the tomato with the filling
  • Garnish with a basil leaf and sesame seeds
I am not sure what I will much on for the rest of the day, but one thing I know for sure--it won't be boring. I've never had this much fun with a diet. As I learn more raw gourmet tricks from our new friends I see no problem to going 90-100% raw whatsoever. Although I still want to emphasize, especially for those of you who are just starting on this journey, and your life does not depend on being 100% raw--take your time, explore. Don't be so strict with yourself that you think you have to go 100% raw overnight. If you are eating mostly cooked meals now, start by going to 50/50 or 60/40 raw to cooked ratio. Then eventually progress to more, as you can and as you are learning more recipes. I would not want you to feel like you have been thrown into a foreign land with no help--you are bound to fail that way and go to your previous diet.

Instead, take baby steps, if you have to. Take time to explore. You will benefit by making small changes on regular basis, and by slowly increasing your raw food intake. It took me over a year and a half to get to 70/30 and 80/20 ratio. I personally do not notice too huge of a difference being 100% raw as opposed to 80/20, except for the fact that I eat more often (those of you who are 100% raw now, do not stone me, I am only speaking from MY PERSONAL experience).

So, start where you are. Work your way up, and even if you remain 70/30 or 80/20 raw for the rest of your life, and get all the junk our of your diet, especially dairy products, and reduce meat intake to 10% or less of your daily diet (although I prefer that you cut the meat out too), you will be so much better off than where you used to be, you won't believe the transformation. Just remember to eat whole, unprocessed foods.

Until next time EAT HEALTHY!!! BE HAPPY!!! And remember that Life is GOOD!

Truth about HPV Vaccine

Yesterday I was asked a question about HPV Vaccine, whether it is good or bad, and if bad, how so. My short answer--it is not only bad--it is evil! Run from it--as quickly as you can, because your life depends on it. Want to know what it can do to you? Just take a few minutes to watch this video...

You think this is bogus? Want more?

If this is still not enough for you, go over to YouTube or Google Videos and listen to tons more of similar testimonies from people from around the world about their struggles from the "benefits" of this "life-saving" drug.

I know there will be tons of you still skeptical about what I am saying here. You think this people have gone crazy and just want someone to blame. You still believe that the pharmaceutical companies are there to help you rather than make a buck on your health. Here is another story for you, printed in the Nevada Appeal newspaper May 17, 2007:

"Fourteen-year-old Jessica Vega went into the emergency room at Renown Regional Medical Center in Reno on Thursday night when she couldn't move her legs and her arms felt weak.

"Her legs are paralyzed, her arms are affected. She is very weak in her arms," said Tondra Vees a family friend. "She has to use a walker. Even with that, she can't get to the bathroom. She can't stand up at all."

Vees said the girl has been determined by her doctor to have Guillain-Barre syndrome, an acute, autoimmune condition that can lead to paralysis.

The girl, whose mother Rhonda Vega is a full-time teacher's aide at Carson Valley Middle School, received her first booster shot of the cervical cancer prevention vaccine Gardasil on May 2.

"According to her neurologist, that's what caused this," said Vees." [emphasis added]

You can read the rest on their site.

So, what is HPV Vaccine? What's in it? And why, oh why, are young girls and now boys are getting jabbed with it?

After searching the net for about 20 minutes I was finally able to find an insert for Gardisil (HPV Vaccine). Here is a link to it. Knock yourself out reading through it--it is 15 pages of jibberish.

In short, just a few ingredients that I will list are these:
Virus-like particles of HPV Types 6, 11, 16 and 18.
" The purified VLPs are adsorbed on preformed aluminum-containing adjuvant (amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate). The quadrivalent HPV VLP vaccine is a sterile liquid suspension that is prepared by combining the adsorbed VLPs of each HPV type and additional amounts of the aluminum- containing adjuvant and the final purification buffer."

"Each 0.5-mL dose of the vaccine contains approximately 225 mcg of aluminum (as amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate adjuvant),
9.56 mg of sodium chloride,
0.78 mg of L-histidine,
50 mcg of polysorbate 80,
35 mcg of sodium borate,
and water for injection.
The product does not contain a preservative or antibiotics."

Yes, you read it correctly: Aluminum, sodium borate and polysorbate are among the list of all unnatural ingredients.

Aluminum is in an amount 18,000 times higher than what the FDA previously considered safe in injectable products; polysorbate 80 which has been linked to infertility; and sodium borate, a common roach killer....

Sodium borate "is now known to be a dangerous poison, it is no longer commonly used in medical preparations," according to a 2005 listing at The National Library of Medicine (NLM) of the National Institutes of Health. The symptoms of sodium borate poisoning, according to the NLM citation, include many of the side effects being reported after less than six months of the vaccine usage. These include convulsions, collapse and seizures (twitching of facial muscles, arms, hands, legs and feet). "

Are you excited yet? This is what is being injected in the bodies of our young girls... and soon boys!

What's the catch? According to CDC web-site the vaccine is life-saving, and will cost you only "The retail price of the vaccine is about $125 per dose ($375 for full series). " Yippee!!! Only $400 to have death injected into your body.

Since I was a physics/engineering major in college I like numbers. So, let's do quick math. Let's suppose that out of 400 million Americans at least 1/2 are women. 200,000x$375 (staying on a conservative side here, as I have see some site siting cost to be over $500 for the full series)=$75,000,000 [if you are not sure what these zeros represent--it is 75 million dollars]. But why stop only in the US?! There is a whole world Merck can vaccinate and make a buck on. The earth's population is about 6 billion humans now, with over half of them women. I can guarantee you that the Muslim world will reject the vaccine, as might the Jews, but the rest of us will fall easy prey to money mongering Big Pharma. So, even to be very conservative, let's suppose that only 2 billion females get vaccinated. The treasures of Merck will swell up by $750,000,000,000 [that is in trillions folks, unless I don't knot my numbers, which, looking at all these zeros, I might have lost a sense for].

Merck has lobbied to pass laws that require young females (and soon males) to be vaccinated with this poison, all new immigrants are now REQUIRED to get this vaccine in order to come to the US (so much for democracy). Doctors are now pushing this vaccine on Gay Men, targeting low income and minority females (originally it was intended for girls age 9-26).

I know I am going in a sort of a reverse order here. But I wanted to start with reality of what the vaccine causes and end with what the Big Pharma claims as facts. What I am about to quote if directly from CDC web-site (central for disease control, they call it...) [emphasis and comments are added]

"Genital HPV is a common virus that is passed on through genital contact, most often during sex. Most sexually active people will get HPV at some time in their lives, though most will never even know it. It is most common in people in their late teens and early 20s.

There are about 40 types of HPV that can infect the genital areas of men and women [so, how can one vaccine take care of all 40 types we should ask...]. Most HPV types cause no symptoms and go away on their own. But some types can cause cervical cancer in women and other less common genital cancers— like cancers of the anus, vagina, and vulva (area around the opening of the vagina) [so how do you know if you will ever get the type that will cause a cancer?]. Other types of HPV can cause warts in the genital areas of men and women, called genital warts. Genital warts are not a life-threatening disease [so, why vaccinate?] . But they can cause emotional stress and their treatment can be very uncomfortable."

"Ideally females should get the vaccine before they become sexually active, when they may be exposed to HPV. Females who are sexually active may also benefit from the vaccine, but they may get less benefit from it. This is because they may have already gotten an HPV type targeted by the vaccine. Few sexually active young women are infected with all HPV types covered by the vaccine so they would still get protection from those types they have not yet gotten. Currently, there is no test available to tell if a girl/woman has had HPV in the past, or which types." [Isn't it interesting that they never mention that those who contract HPV do so from being sexually active with MULTIPLE partners? Why not teach our kids to be with one partner for a life-time?]

I don't really want to keep going with this, since it is upsetting me more than I want at this point.

Gardasil's approval was fast-tracked by the FDA on false premises. "The faster-than-usual review is granted at a drugmaker's request for medications that address "unmet medical needs."" [or greed, perhaps?] I am quoting from the same article: "Most Wall Street analysts have expected Merck to beat GlaxoSmithKline to market. Typically, the first approved drug dominates the market, at least initially. Analysts said Gardasil annual sales for Merck could start at $500 million and eventually reach $3 billion." Is it possible that the vaccine is fast tracked because of this mind-boggling amount that is to be gained ANNUALY?

Gardasil has not been studied long enough to show whether it is effective or not. Even CDC web-site says it was studied for less than five years... How can you know if something is safe long-term if there is not proof?

You can find more information on-line just by doing a quick search [or reading newspapers] and find tons of information on how harmful the "vaccine" has been. Lives have been damage and lost.

DO YOU REALLY WANT TO BE THE NEXT VICTIM? Would you want for someone that you know of love to go through the pain and agony similar to the examples I showed in this post? If not, DON'T BE SILENT! Get out there and rally against it!

You can read another helpful article on the subject here.

Avoid Vaccines, Folks! EAT HEALTHY! LIVE HEALTHY! We already have what we need in the abundance God provided for us through nutrition!

Let me finish with this image from NaturalNews.com [click on the image to enlarge]

EHBH Wellness Society is now on Facebook

If you are on Facebook, and are looking to meet like-minded people locally (Cowlitz county, Longview/Kelso, WA and surrounding areas), or are looking for RAW VEGAN recipes and fresh ideas, or people to communicate with, you can find us here (you will need to join Facebook to join the group).

First EHBH Wellness Society Meeting

Our first get-together was Rawsome (I know it sounds cheesy, but so what...)! There were seven of us altogether, but unfortunately I did not pull out my camera until after we were done eating, by that time one of us (Betty) had to leave (sorry, Betty). The people that came out: Linda, Dawn, Heather, Claude, and Betty to join Demetrye and I, absolutely rocked! So full of energy, so thirsty for life and grateful to be alive, so positive! The knocked our socks off, as did their delicious dishes. We went over an hour over our planned time...
Heather made the MOST delicious cheesecake I've ever had. It is 100% raw. Who would have thought... She promised to give us a recipe for it. Demetrye is already counting moments until I make a whole cake just for him...
This is cauliflower samosa's wrapped in coconut wrapper with mango chutney. Delicious!
RAW lasagna was absolutely wonderful...
...as was this salad (I can't even remember what the main ingredient was, but I know that I will find out and start making it--it is so refreshing and yummy!)
Tofu nuggets...
Carrot salad (you can find a recipe on this blog).
I tested one of the kitchen gadgets today, and loved it--a very great juicer. It juiced greens and fruits alike with no problems or any hickups, and minimum pulp wasted. This juice has apples, celery and collard greens. It was very refreshing... And I might want that juicer soon...
Oh, and did I say that we had cheesecake? We did! Doesn't it look awesome?!
As I get recipes from my raw vegan friends, I will share them here with their permission.

Today was amazing in so many ways. We all got to share our stories--our whys and hows of becoming vegan and/or raw vegan. We had one thing in common--we did it for health reasons. But as we were progressing on our journey we also became more compassionate to the world around us, to our environment, people, animals, and our planet. It seems that the two go hand in hand.

We all had experienced miraculous physical and emotional transformations and healing after becoming vegan/raw vegan. Some lost weight, some lost depression, some lowered cholesterol, and some--a combination of all and then some.

The purpose of us all getting together is just this--to share our experience, to help each other along the way, to cheer each other on, since the rest of the world counts as crazy or half crazy, since the medical world has given us no hope ourside of harmful medications...

We are already planning our next meet up, so if you are interested, make sure to e-mail me.

Special Thanks to our wonderful hosts at the Kitchen Inspirations store for making this event possible and providing us with such a welcoming place.

Until next time: EAT HEALTHY!!! BE HAPPY!!!

Day 5

I was a bit under the weather for a couple of last days. Unfortunately for me I could not take any time off work until today to let my body rest. Fortunately for me I know enough to help my body fight viruses in a very short period of time.

A couple of days ago my throat felt a bit scratchy. I made sure to include more greens into my daily intake and lots of fluids. I woke up barely able to speak for a couple of days. I was helping to organize an event at my job, which required me to push my vocal cords to the limit. By the end of the day I could barely me a hissing-like sound.

This morning I slept in, giving my body ample time to rest. Upon getting up I did not feel hungry, which it quite normal when your body is fighting. I finally made myself a Celery Juice... Oh, it is not as bad as it sounds--it was very good actually. However it was not pure celery. By the time I took the picture (only minutes after making it), it looks like some of the ingredients separated, but I can assure you that it is purely delicious.

Celery & Apple Juice
  • Celery
  • Apples (try to get Grannie Smith or Fuji apples, since they are juicer)
  • Pineapple
  • Lemon
The juice was delicious--our entire family enjoyed it. Even my Mom did not say NO to a second serving.

The rest of the day I consumed: "Taco" salad (dark lettuce leaves chopped and covered with freshly made salsa and ground beans); soup made from juicing pulp with chopped tomatoes and potatoes (everything was raw, except for potatoes); and another serving of Celery Juice.

I am feeling as good as new today. My voice is still a bit hoarse, but at least I am able to communicate.

I am looking forward to tomorrow's EHBH Wellness Society get-together. Hope to see you there!


The first official EAT HEALTHY!!! BE HAPPY!!! Wellness Society meeting is coming up!!!

It will take place March 7, 2009, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at Kitchen Inspirations specialty store, located at 945 Washington Way, Longview, WA. The owner of the store is kindly allowing us to use their kitchen.

If you are intending to come, please RSVP! The space is a bit limited at this point, but I think we will be OK for the first few meetings, until the word gets out.

Everyone who is coming will be expected to bring a dish with them (does not have to be big). It does have to be vegan or raw vegan. Make sure to bring the recipe for your dish with you, in case someone will want it. If you are not sure what to make, if you are just starting out or curious, check recipes on this blog for ideas. Feel free to make anything that you find here. Please let me know ahead of time what you will be bringing.

There is NO fee at this point of any amount. I just want everyone to come and enjoy each other’s company, share stories and learn. I will be open to answer and discuss topics of interest to you, unless you would want a one-on-one consultation, of course.

I can’t wait! E-mail me at elena{dot}wilkins@gmail{dot}com (make sure to replance {dot} with a period, of course).

Day 2

Day 2 of my RAW MONTH was quite interesting, and it is not over yet. There must be some kind of law in nature to make you want what you set out to avoid. Normally I don't crave too many crazy things, or think about the foods that I am going to eat, as long as they are good for me. I can go on raw foods all day and never think about anything cooked. The moment I resolve to purposefully avoid all cooked foods is the moment I start craving cooked foods. It is quite upsetting, as you can imagine.

Today was no exception that that rule. I had craved at least several cooked dishes that I make that would make almost anyone lick their fingers... But... I have proven once again that I have control over my body and it knows that I am not giving in, no matter the reasons it comes up with.

For BREAKFAST I had a Fruit Smoothie with Rainbow Chard in it. My SNACKS were: apple, orange and banana. For LUNCH I had a green salad with cucumbers and cauliflower. For DINNER I made Nori Rolls, and Kombucha Tea.

I was going to use soaked sunflower seeds to make the paste I used in rolls, but I don't have 4 hours to wait for that to happen, so I used freshly made Hummus. If you decide to make this dish, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

For late night snack I am going all out--I will have Chocolate Ice Cream, made with frozen bananas, dates and cocoa... Eat your heart out!


-Nori Sheets (it is up to you to determine the quantity)
-Greens (I used Romaine lettuce leaves)
-Thinly sliced carrots (I used a julienne peeler)
-Thinly sliced cucumbers
-Sunflower seeds
-Avocado slices
-Sea salt to taste
-Whatever else your soul might desire

-Lay Nori Sheets rough side up
-Spread hummus/sunflower paste from edge to edge, leaving about an inch on the front and the rear side, to seal the roll later
-Lay greens of your choice, a stem of cilantro (unless you want to chop it)
-Cucumber and carrots
-Avocado slices
-Salt to taste
-Add sunflower seeds inside or on top
-Moisten the front edge of the nori sheet
-Roll from back to front, pressing down gently (bamboo mat can be very helpful, if you have one)
-Use serrated knife to cut roll into smaller pieces
(It is OK to refrigerate rolls, they are not likely to go bad too quickly)

Until next time, folks: EAT HEALTHY!!! BE HAPPY!!! HAVE A RAWSOME LIFE!!!

PS: If you are near Longview/Kelso, WA area, make sure to check out my post about the upcoming first official EHBH Wellness Society meeting! I hope to see you there.

30 Day Challange

For a while now I have been wanting to go on a month long juice diet. I was particularly inspired by Real Food Tulsa’s blog writer Penni who had done it before, and reaped great benefits. My only dilemma is that I do not have a juicer that would successfully and efficiently process greens, and at this point I am not looking to spend $250-300 to buy one either. I have to do with what I have.

So, what would be the next best thing to juicing? I decided that I want to go ALL raw for a month, consuming a lot of green smoothies, salads, especially green salads, and liquids. I will consume some legumes on occasion, and RAW nuts and seeds.

I was slightly reluctant to do this, but for no other reason than that I now live with 3 other people in the house. It was much easier to do it with Demetrye and I, since I did all the cooking, but things tend to be a bit more complicating in a dietary sense, when you have 3 cooks in the house.

I spoke with Demetrye last night about going on all raw diet for a month and he was not only supportive, but wanted to participate! That was good news. This morning I had a chance to speak with my sister, who wants to lose a few pounds by month end. I presented her with my plan, and she also was very willing to participate. Three out of four! I am excited. I know that I will have to step it up a notch in pre-planning our meals for the week, but I cannot wait to observe the changes in our bodies.

I am not looking to lose any weight, especially since I just went on a shopping spree, and I am quite content with my size 4 frame, although, if my body decides to get rid of any extra excess weight, who am I to protest?! I enjoy feeling and looking great!

I do plan to keep a food journal once again for the next 30 day, recording everything that goes into me. I am not planning to record amounts, since you can’t really overeat on plant foods, which are rich in enzymes, fiber, vitamins and nutrients. This is also timely, since our first EHBH Wellness Society will take place this coming Saturday at 10 am (see details two posts below).

Let me know if you want to join me on this cleansing journey. My desire would be to get a group of at least 8-10 people who would do the same. So, what do you say? Leave a comment to let me know!

Until next time: EAT HEALTHY!!! BE HAPPY!!!

PS: If you are anywhere near Longview/Kelso, WA, area and want to explore whole foods lifestyle or are looking for support, make sure to join us this Saturday! It will take place March 7, 2009, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at Kitchen Inspirations specialty store, located at 945 Washington Way, Longview, WA.

Beet Juice

As I am continuing on improving my health and overall being, I incorporating more juices into my diet... At least I try. I still do not have a juicer that could effectively extract juices from greens--the ones that I want cost more money than I would like to spend at this point, but... I am going to be saving so that when I do spend it--it will be on something that would last several years, rather than several months. Meanwhile I do with what I have. Yesterday I made beet juice. Well, it is not beet only really, but, if I had to name it something, I am going to settle on something singular.
Here is my recipe.
  • Beets
  • Carrots
  • Lemon
  • Kombucha tea
I combine all of them, and... happy drinking! (I added only about a glass of Kombucha tea to split into four servings.)