Our first get-together was Rawsome (I know it sounds cheesy, but so what...)! There were seven of us altogether, but unfortunately I did not pull out my camera until after we were done eating, by that time one of us (Betty) had to leave (sorry, Betty). The people that came out: Linda, Dawn, Heather, Claude, and Betty to join Demetrye and I, absolutely rocked! So full of energy, so thirsty for life and grateful to be alive, so positive! The knocked our socks off, as did their delicious dishes. We went over an hour over our planned time...

Today was amazing in so many ways. We all got to share our stories--our whys and hows of becoming vegan and/or raw vegan. We had one thing in common--we did it for health reasons. But as we were progressing on our journey we also became more compassionate to the world around us, to our environment, people, animals, and our planet. It seems that the two go hand in hand.
We all had experienced miraculous physical and emotional transformations and healing after becoming vegan/raw vegan. Some lost weight, some lost depression, some lowered cholesterol, and some--a combination of all and then some.
The purpose of us all getting together is just this--to share our experience, to help each other along the way, to cheer each other on, since the rest of the world counts as crazy or half crazy, since the medical world has given us no hope ourside of harmful medications...
We are already planning our next meet up, so if you are interested, make sure to e-mail me.
Special Thanks to our wonderful hosts at the Kitchen Inspirations store for making this event possible and providing us with such a welcoming place.
Until next time: EAT HEALTHY!!! BE HAPPY!!!