You think this is bogus? Want more?
"Fourteen-year-old Jessica Vega went into the emergency room at Renown Regional Medical Center in Reno on Thursday night when she couldn't move her legs and her arms felt weak.
"Her legs are paralyzed, her arms are affected. She is very weak in her arms," said Tondra Vees a family friend. "She has to use a walker. Even with that, she can't get to the bathroom. She can't stand up at all."
Vees said the girl has been determined by her doctor to have Guillain-Barre syndrome, an acute, autoimmune condition that can lead to paralysis.
The girl, whose mother Rhonda Vega is a full-time teacher's aide at Carson Valley Middle School, received her first booster shot of the cervical cancer prevention vaccine Gardasil on May 2.
"According to her neurologist, that's what caused this," said Vees." [emphasis added]
You can read the rest on their site.
So, what is HPV Vaccine? What's in it? And why, oh why, are young girls and now boys are getting jabbed with it?
After searching the net for about 20 minutes I was finally able to find an insert for Gardisil (HPV Vaccine). Here is a link to it. Knock yourself out reading through it--it is 15 pages of jibberish.
In short, just a few ingredients that I will list are these:
Virus-like particles of HPV Types 6, 11, 16 and 18.
" The purified VLPs are adsorbed on preformed aluminum-containing adjuvant (amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate). The quadrivalent HPV VLP vaccine is a sterile liquid suspension that is prepared by combining the adsorbed VLPs of each HPV type and additional amounts of the aluminum- containing adjuvant and the final purification buffer."
"Each 0.5-mL dose of the vaccine contains approximately 225 mcg of aluminum (as amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate adjuvant),
9.56 mg of sodium chloride,
0.78 mg of L-histidine,
50 mcg of polysorbate 80,
35 mcg of sodium borate,
and water for injection.
The product does not contain a preservative or antibiotics."
Yes, you read it correctly: Aluminum, sodium borate and polysorbate are among the list of all unnatural ingredients.
Aluminum is in an amount 18,000 times higher than what the FDA previously considered safe in injectable products; polysorbate 80 which has been linked to infertility; and sodium borate, a common roach killer....
Sodium borate "is now known to be a dangerous poison, it is no longer commonly used in medical preparations," according to a 2005 listing at The National Library of Medicine (NLM) of the National Institutes of Health. The symptoms of sodium borate poisoning, according to the NLM citation, include many of the side effects being reported after less than six months of the vaccine usage. These include convulsions, collapse and seizures (twitching of facial muscles, arms, hands, legs and feet). "
Are you excited yet? This is what is being injected in the bodies of our young girls... and soon boys!
What's the catch? According to CDC web-site the vaccine is life-saving, and will cost you only "The retail price of the vaccine is about $125 per dose ($375 for full series). " Yippee!!! Only $400 to have death injected into your body.
Since I was a physics/engineering major in college I like numbers. So, let's do quick math. Let's suppose that out of 400 million Americans at least 1/2 are women. 200,000x$375 (staying on a conservative side here, as I have see some site siting cost to be over $500 for the full series)=$75,000,000 [if you are not sure what these zeros represent--it is 75 million dollars]. But why stop only in the US?! There is a whole world Merck can vaccinate and make a buck on. The earth's population is about 6 billion humans now, with over half of them women. I can guarantee you that the Muslim world will reject the vaccine, as might the Jews, but the rest of us will fall easy prey to money mongering Big Pharma. So, even to be very conservative, let's suppose that only 2 billion females get vaccinated. The treasures of Merck will swell up by $750,000,000,000 [that is in trillions folks, unless I don't knot my numbers, which, looking at all these zeros, I might have lost a sense for].
Merck has lobbied to pass laws that require young females (and soon males) to be vaccinated with this poison, all new immigrants are now REQUIRED to get this vaccine in order to come to the US (so much for democracy). Doctors are now pushing this vaccine on Gay Men, targeting low income and minority females (originally it was intended for girls age 9-26).
I know I am going in a sort of a reverse order here. But I wanted to start with reality of what the vaccine causes and end with what the Big Pharma claims as facts. What I am about to quote if directly from CDC web-site (central for disease control, they call it...) [emphasis and comments are added]
"Genital HPV is a common virus that is passed on through genital contact, most often during sex. Most sexually active people will get HPV at some time in their lives, though most will never even know it. It is most common in people in their late teens and early 20s.
There are about 40 types of HPV that can infect the genital areas of men and women [so, how can one vaccine take care of all 40 types we should ask...]. Most HPV types cause no symptoms and go away on their own. But some types can cause cervical cancer in women and other less common genital cancers— like cancers of the anus, vagina, and vulva (area around the opening of the vagina) [so how do you know if you will ever get the type that will cause a cancer?]. Other types of HPV can cause warts in the genital areas of men and women, called genital warts. Genital warts are not a life-threatening disease [so, why vaccinate?] . But they can cause emotional stress and their treatment can be very uncomfortable."
"Ideally females should get the vaccine before they become sexually active, when they may be exposed to HPV. Females who are sexually active may also benefit from the vaccine, but they may get less benefit from it. This is because they may have already gotten an HPV type targeted by the vaccine. Few sexually active young women are infected with all HPV types covered by the vaccine so they would still get protection from those types they have not yet gotten. Currently, there is no test available to tell if a girl/woman has had HPV in the past, or which types." [Isn't it interesting that they never mention that those who contract HPV do so from being sexually active with MULTIPLE partners? Why not teach our kids to be with one partner for a life-time?]
I don't really want to keep going with this, since it is upsetting me more than I want at this point.
Gardasil's approval was fast-tracked by the FDA on false premises. "The faster-than-usual review is granted at a drugmaker's request for medications that address "unmet medical needs."" [or greed, perhaps?] I am quoting from the same article: "Most Wall Street analysts have expected Merck to beat GlaxoSmithKline to market. Typically, the first approved drug dominates the market, at least initially. Analysts said Gardasil annual sales for Merck could start at $500 million and eventually reach $3 billion." Is it possible that the vaccine is fast tracked because of this mind-boggling amount that is to be gained ANNUALY?
Gardasil has not been studied long enough to show whether it is effective or not. Even CDC web-site says it was studied for less than five years... How can you know if something is safe long-term if there is not proof?
You can find more information on-line just by doing a quick search [or reading newspapers] and find tons of information on how harmful the "vaccine" has been. Lives have been damage and lost.
DO YOU REALLY WANT TO BE THE NEXT VICTIM? Would you want for someone that you know of love to go through the pain and agony similar to the examples I showed in this post? If not, DON'T BE SILENT! Get out there and rally against it!
You can read another helpful article on the subject here.
Avoid Vaccines, Folks! EAT HEALTHY! LIVE HEALTHY! We already have what we need in the abundance God provided for us through nutrition!
Let me finish with this image from [click on the image to enlarge]