What’s for Dinner

Even though there are no pictures with this post, I thought that I still should share the recipes of what we had for dinner last night.

Roasted Potatoes
• 6-8 red potatoes, thoroughly washed and cut into wedges
• 1-2 tablespoons coconut oil (coconut oil withstand higher heat better than olive oil)
• Sea or Himalayan salt to taste
• Your favorite spices

1. Preheat oven to 400 F
2. Toss all ingredients in a bowl, until potatoes are well coated with other ingredients
3. Lay out on a baking sheet and bake until golden and crispy (I flip my wedges over half way through with a spatula, to get even golden color)
4. Serve with ketchup or home-made tomato sauce and veggies

Baked Eggplant
Before becoming vegan or whole foods minded I used to make an eggplant dish that had me coming for more over and over… For a while I gave up the dish, since eggplants were fried in oil, and were dipped in eggs… that is until I could figure out how to improve on my favorite dish. Now I get to enjoy it again.

• 1 eggplant, cut lengthwise into about 1/4 inch slices(if too long, cut into half and then cut lengthwise)
• Sea or Himalayan salt to taste
• Your favorite spices
• 2-3 ripe tomatoes
• 1-2 avocados
• 1 zucchini
• ½ teaspoon coconut oil
• 2-3 garlic cloves, pressed in a garlic press

1. Preheat oven to 400 F (I made this dish at the same time with Roasted Potatoes)
2. Melt coconut oil, if it is too hard, and spread on the bottom of a baking dish, just enough to coat it, to prevent eggplants from sticking (you may also consider sprinkling some roughly ground flour on the bottom instead of oil)
3. Mix salt and spices, toss eggplants in the mixture and lay out on the baking dish
4. Bake until desired tenderness is reached
5. Meanwhile slice zucchini as thin as you can, sprinkle with a little bit of salt and let the slices marinate in their juice (is zucchini skin is too bitter, peel it off)
6. Cut tomatoes into thin rounds, or you can make them as thick as you like
7. Take avocados out of their shell and smash with fork, adding salt and any other spice you like
8. When eggplants are done, take them out of the oven and lay out on a plate
9. Take squeezed garlic and spread over eggplant slices (a little goes a long way, but do spread all over the slice evenly—don’t drop into one spot)
10. Spread desired amount of avocado blend
11. Lay a couple of slices of zucchini
12. Finish by placing a couple of tomato slices on top (if you like sprinkle a bit of salt on top)

Enjoy! This makes for a delicious dinner!

Raw for 30Days Once-In-A-Lifetime Offer

So, remember that movie screening I had talked about? Remember how I told you it was great and worth every penny? Well, things just got better! I subscribe to a few raw food blogs and I could not believe what I had read on a couple of them… The makers for Raw for 30 Days are offering a deal of unimaginable proportions—you can buy the DVD and the second companion DVD for only $49.99, AND get over $300 of other goodies for FREE! I have reviewed what they offer with this special offer and was blown away! Even if you did not get the free goodies the DVD is worth the money, but with all that they offer it is impossible to say NO! Check it out here and act on it quickly: Raw for 30 Days Blowout !

I do have to tell you that I am not getting any kickback from this—absolutely none. I have no financial connection to the company, and I am sure they are really not making money off of giving away tons of free life-saving products. They are interested in helping people get well, as am I.

Have a great day!

"Simply Raw" Movie Screening

If you have not yet seen the documentary DO SO as soon as you can, especially if you, or someone you know is living with diabetes.

The movie screening of “Simply Raw” last Saturday was a success. 20+ people joined us. The documentary got everyone’s attention. You could almost feel that the audience was following the events and emotions of the characters. We followed up with a Q&A session, and have met wonderful people, who suffer from numerous curable ailments. We were delighted with the response from our community and might do similar event in the future.

We will soon plan our next monthly get-together, so stay tuned.

Until next time: EAT HEALTHY!!! BE HAPPY!!!

Phosphorous, The mineral too often ignored!

Our society tends to be very calcium aware while failing to recognize the importance of the mineral phosphorous. Phosphorous is the second most abundant mineral in the body, and is responsible for maintaining proper levels of calcium in the tissues. The ratio between calcium and phosphorous must be within a 10 to 4 range to maintain the calcium concentration in bones and tissues at proper levels. When this balance is disturbed, calcium leaves the bones and will tend to deposit in areas around the body, creating many problems.

When calcium precipitates out in the eyes, it will cause cataracts. In the teeth, it's called tartar. In the joints, it’s arthritis. In the kidneys, it's kidney stones.

Phosphorous is important in the synthesis of lecithin and cerebrin, both of which are needed by the brain. The approximate fifteen million brain cells need a generous supply of phosphorous. Phosphorized fats constitute the solid matter of brain tissue.

Grey and white matter of nerve and brain tissues are comprised of 16-18% phosphorous. This is required for higher levels of brain function.

Phosphorous is essential for synthesis of both RNA and DNA. Damage in these areas can allow for genetic damage resulting in various diseases.

Phosphorus is important for the construction of healthy bone and teeth. Phosphorous stimulates hair growth and helps maintain the healthy pH of blood. Phosphorus maintains bone density and hard tooth enamel.

A deficiency of phosphorous can create arthritis, loss of memory, failing eyesight (specifically in the left eye), cataracts, neuralgia, rheumatism, tooth decay, bleeding gums, and fatigue.

Phosphorous is the element your body uses to construct the high-energy molecule known as (ATP) adenosine tri-phosphate. Phosphorus is required for energy production and can be viewed as the accelerator of the body while potassium can be viewed as the brakes.

A person who cannot relax and slow down may be deficient in potassium. When the person cannot get off the couch, they may be deficient in phosphorus.

Phosphorus is destroyed by excess sugar in the blood-stream. Just sucking on a piece of candy will permit sugar to enter the bloodstream by way of the salivary glands allowing phosphorus in the blood-stream to be destroyed resulting in tooth decay and bone degeneration.

When phosphorous levels are low and calcium has deposited into tissues, patients will many times complain of damp environments causing increased pain of arthritis. Many times these people find relief in a more arid climate. Avoid trashing your phosphorous levels by cutting excessive sugars in your diet. Sodas aren’t worth a lifetime of pain and misery.
Dr John A. Briggs N.D.
20 N.E. Lillich St.
Clatskanie, Oregon 97016

7 Day Detox Challange and Much More

Hello, blog readers!

SO MANY things happened since I last posted on my blog. All good, of course. Having sent off our tax return, I decided it was time to get the SOOO coveted VitaMix, especially after playing with it at our last EHBH Wellness Society meeting. On Friday I even called the closest Costco, knowing that VitaMix comes out there at least 4-6 times a year and offers a discount to shoppers. What a surprise it was when, even before I could finish asking my question, a friendly voice on the other end of the line chirped: “They are here TODAY!” My mouth got dry, my palms perspired… “They are there?” I nearly whispered. “Yes! And will be this entire weekend!” You can imagine what was going through my head: “It is meant to be,” I thought. “This is a sign!” [forgive me my dramatization, but that is how it felt]

On Friday Demetrye and I were going to Blossoming Lotus in Portland, OR with a couple of friends, so we planned to do some grocery shopping at the Whole Foods and end our evening with a visit to Costco. We had such a lovely time at dinner that we had to wait until Saturday to go shopping. First store on the list, as you can imagine, was Costco! I spearheaded for where I thought VitaMix stand would be. My heart skipped a beat when I saw…THE VITAMIX LADY with a whole wall of this superhuman machines behind her! I quickly made my way to the stand and grilled the rep with any question possible. I had her do a grain grinding demo for me as well.

It was so adorable to see Demetrye watching me. He wanted the blender for as long as I did (since about 3 years ago), but he thought that I had the look on my face that he could not say NO to, which works for me :) Having asked my questions, we looked at each other, and, as if on command, nodded our heads and said: “Let’s get it!” And we did!!!

Since then, my smoothies have not been the same! I blended as much as one person could in a course of one day. I made smoothies, soups, hummus, spreads. I ground fresh flour and baked fresh bread, pizza and Demetrye made cookies. The smoothie experience is so much more enjoyable now. It takes less than a minute from the minute I flip the switch on to the moment I can start drinking them, and the texture is amazing! Which leads me right to the next topic I wanted to discuss.

About a week ago I stumbled across a new blog. It is called The Raw Divas. It is absolutely great and full of wonderful information. One thing that impressed me the most was that the owner, Tera, is of the same mindset, in a way, that I am. Let me explain it a bit. Instead of encouraging people to go all raw overnight, she suggests to start with small steps. She is running a program: 7 Day Detox, to help people experience what raw foods can do for them. I was so pleasantly intrigued with the idea that I signed up to do it. I know you probably are thinking that it’s not a big deal for me, since I am pretty much doing it now, and… you are right. However, the 7 Day Detox calls for the simplest of foods that require no prep, or as little prep as possible. The most complex thing they suggest is making a smoothie or a salad, and anyone can do that! So, since I am now armed with a new VitaMix {which is not necessary for the 7 Day Detox} the program is not only interesting but also fun!

I issued the challenge to Demetrye and my sister, Marina, and they agreed that we should all do it together. Just imagine how easy that makes it on me. I even get to sleep in extra 20 minutes every day! One of my friends has agreed to follow the 7 Day program as well, so now there are at least 4 of us doing it together.

Now, is the most fun part… If you are reading this blog and you are either a raw foodists, a vegan, or are just intrigued by the whole idea, I want to challenge you to take the challenge as well. It is only 7 Days! You can always go back to your raw butters, raw desserts (if you are a raw foodie), or to your cooked vegan foods, or back to your meat. All I am asking you to do it follow through with this program for 7 DAYS! That’s it! We started today, but if I get enough people to step up and take the challenge, I will do another week just for the fun of it. So, what do you say?!

The greatest thing about this program is that you do not have to think about what you can or cannot, should or should not eat. If you go to
http://www.therawdivas.com/7daydetox/index.php and scroll all the way to the bottom and complete a form, you will receive several e-mails from Tera, preparing you for one week detox, AND she will also provided you with a downloadable guide that will tell you all about foods that you CAN have.

So, are you IN?

EHBH Wellness Society Meet-Up

Our second Wellness Society Meet-Up in Longview, WA, was a hit! Here are some of the delicious raw dishes we got to taste and share:
The cookies were made by yours truly. I got this recipe from another great raw food blog. You can find it here: Raw Epicurean (instead of mulberries I used strawberries).

Raw Chef Kyler, who visited us from Portland, OR, treated us with chocolate ganache, that was made from avacado, dates and raw cacao. Claude, our wonderful host, could barely wait for the treat (at least that's how it looks here : )) so he made his way to the dessert before everyone else.

Believe it or not, these are raw Cinnamon rolls made by Christa from Portland. They tasted even better than the "real" rolls. My husband is an expert when it comes to cinnamon rolls--it is actually his weakness, and he could not get enough of these (he literally did not get enough, since we all had to share ;))

If you are near Longview/Kelso, WA are and are looking to join a health-minded group, look no farther--we are here! Whether you are a pro at raw/vegan living, just starting out or simply curious you can join us for our next meet-up, which I will be announcing in the next couple of weeks.

As you can see--raw/vegan food is not boring--it is very colorful and delicious. You won't be giving up much when you give up foods that make you tired, sick and overweight and trade it in for something much better that will bring life and rejuvenation to your body.

Until next time, folks: Eat Healthy!!! Be Happy!!! [and don't salivate too hard looking at these pictures :)]

Celebrating: Love, Life and Miracles

Yesterday Demetrye and I drove out to Seattle, WA to celebrate three most amazing events of our lives, which all happen to coincide on the same day this year: 7 Years since Demetrye's brain surgery, from which he was miraculously helped by our Lord when the doctors could do no more for him; 6 years since the most beautiful day in our life together--our wedding anniversary; and, of course, the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus! It could not be a more perfect day today!

Last night we went to Generation Thrive for dinner--if you are in Seattle, you have to check them out. Their food is amazing, and dessert is to live for. Unfortunately they were out of Tiramisu, but I had Mocha Latte Heaven for dessert and it was indescribable.

Today we are going to check out Chacao Canyon Organic Cafe for breakfast/lunch. I will let you know how that goes. Then we will go visit Pike's market and head back to Longview.

Happy Resurrection to everyone! Happy Anniversary, Baby! I am so glad that you came into my life and especially that you decided to spend it with Me!!! I love you! Every day seems to get only better with You!!! And, Thank You, Lord, for the gifts You have given us through Your life, death and Resurrection! You Are Amazing!!!

Doc’s Corner: Gluten Sensitivity

A while back I posted about going gluten-free (see here and here), while trying to resolve some of my health crisis. After being tested I found out that I WAS NOT gluten intolerant. However, what I did find out from my personal observation of my body was that any time I have bread (home-made, although with store-bought organic flour) I have excess of mucus build up, which I find very unpleasant and aggravating. I did not notice it in the past, until I started to clean up my diet and became more in-tune with my body. So, ever since going gluten-free for two months, and actually breaking that food-dependency, I restrict my gluten intake, and only strive to get to a point where, unless I grind my own flour, I will not eat gluten-products. Now, if I observe that I have the same reaction to any other gluten-containing foods, even whole and unprocessed, I will have no problem dropping it, since I was able to wean my body off it already.

This week Dr. Brigg’s newsletter covered Gluten sensitivity, and I thought it would be a great one to share on my blog.

April 8, 2009

Good afternoon. As I pondered what to write today, I was reminded of a recent patient who continued to suffer multiple symptoms with extreme fatigue, weight gain, and sky high cortisol levels. Upon further investigation we found that she was very gluten intolerant. Treatment had to be directed to adrenal and intestinal repair with strict avoidance to gluten containing foods.

Gluten Sensitivity

Last week we looked at toxins and their influence on health. Today I want to touch on the condition of gluten intolerance. The big question is, why does an otherwise healthy person develop intolerance to gluten, which is found in wheat, oats, rye, spelt, and many other grains?

Part of the answer can lie in the fact that we're exposed to an abundance of solvents in our environment. Xylene, toluene, formaldehyde, benzene, and other aromatic hydrocarbons are plentiful in food, air, and water sources. These elements break down the fats in our cells. When this happens, cell walls become very porous, allowing various elements to pass boundaries they shouldn’t.

In the intestines, this can allow gluten directly into the blood stream. Since undigested gluten is considered a foreign element in the blood, the body creates antibodies against it. This creates an allergic reaction. This allergic reaction leads to swollen and damaged surface of the intestines, blocking absorption of essential nutrition.

When undigested foods are allowed into the blood stream, the body begins to create antibodies to that particular food. This is what can give rise to the anti-gliadin antibodies seen in a gluten sensitive individual.

When we look at some of the solvents used in preservatives, flavor enhancers, and colorings, it's easy to see why, over a period of time a person may develop a sensitivity to otherwise healthy foods. Many systemic problems can be due to gluten intolerance. Things like headaches, psoriasis, colitis, inappropriate weight gain or loss, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, arthritis, and chronic allergies can be directly linked to gluten allergy.
The use of herbicides and pesticides in growing wheat, combined with the use of genetically modified seeds can predispose consumers, who rely heavily on wheat products, to suffer this problem.

A term for gluten intolerance is Celiac disease. In this condition, the intestinal wall becomes swollen and there is a loss of the micro-villa that allow absorption of nutrition. Healing the intestines requires the complete avoidance of gluten in all forms.

When it comes to grains, the only safe ones to consider are rice, corn, amaranth, buckwheat, and millet. Avoid all wheat including; einkorn, emmer, spelt, kamut, wheat starch, wheat bran, wheat germ, cracked wheat, hydrolyzed wheat protein, barley, rye, and triticale.
Wheat requires zinc to be metabolized, and without adequate nutritional replacement, causes reduction of prostaglandin 3 which is responsible for reducing inflammation. If you suffer lots of inflammation, you may be gluten sensitive. Try living without any of the gluten foods for a while and see if the inflammation reduces.

To treat gluten sensitivity, zinc and essential fatty acids, which are usually missing from most wheat-based foods, are essential. Use of full spectrum B vitamins assist in the repair of the intestinal tissues. Many times, the only way to get absorption of these B vitamins is through vitamin B shots due to this poor absorption. Supplements must be evaluated for wheat content. Most of the supplements I prefer to use for nutrition have some sort of wheat base. This is where I have to modify my approach. All patients are different and need their own specific program. This is where a good "nutritionally trained physician" can make all the difference in the world.

Dr John A. Briggs N.D.
20 N.E. Lillich St.
Clatskanie, Oregon 97016

Until next time: EAT HEALTHY!!! BE HAPPY!!!

Antibiotics Pose Concern for Ethanol Producers

Frankenstein science era is not over yet, folks, it only seems to be getting worse. More and more often I come across horrifying news such as I read about today. A maker of antibiotic called of virginiamycin that is used in the making of ethanol is trying to ask the FDA to approve this antibiotic, that is used to kill bacteria in the process of making ethanol, as a human food additive. How is this possible, you ask? The article from Cornucopia Institute explains it best. I am including a concise version of it, click here to see the entire article.

“Ethanol’s main by-product, which is sold as livestock feed, has raised potential food safety concerns.

Several studies have linked the byproduct, known as distillers grain, to elevated rates of E. coli in cattle. And now, distillers grain is facing further scrutiny because the Food and Drug Administration has found that it often contains antibiotics left over from making ethanol.
Ethanol production relies on enzymes, yeast and sugar to convert corn into fuel. And just as the wrong bacteria in the body can sicken people, it can also cause a variety of ailments in a batch of ethanol.

If that happens, there’s no ethanol and no profit. To prevent the problem, producers rely on medicine.

Ethanol producers use penicillin and a popular antibiotic called virginiamycin to kill bacteria. And that raises two potential concerns…

[The corn pulp—a byproduct of ethanol is sold to feed livestock… and people eat that livestock, so…] …the antibiotics could find their way to humans through the food chain.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has taken a mostly hands-off approach to the use of antibiotics in the ethanol industry. [This is not at all surprising] But amid increasing concerns over food safety in recent years, the agency is taking a closer look.

Samples were requested from 60 ethanol plants, including some in Minnesota. …testing showed that many contained antibiotics, mainly four types. “Penicillin, virginiamycin, erythromycin and tylosin…” [However, FDA] won’t say if any of the antibiotics exceeded federal guidelines. [The only federal guideline should be to make such substances illegal for human consumption!]

If the FDA decides to restrict antibiotics in the ethanol industry, it could have far-reaching consequences. Distillers grain is a major source of low-cost livestock feed. Any restrictions on its sale and use as feed will hurt the profit-scarce ethanol industry and the livestock farmers who rely on it.”

If you didn’t have enough reasons to quit animal products yet, this should give you an additional incentive!

Until next time: EAT HEALTHY!!! BE HAPPY!!!


Dear Readers, it is such a pleasure for me to start two new Categories on my blog.

I believe that we are personally responsible for our health—we are our best ADVOCATE! However, those of us who have experienced health issues in the past and are now taking steps to reversing them, or just maintaining our physical bodies to the best of our abilities—we need help doing that. I find it SO important to find the right people to help us on our journey with this task. I also find it important that people that help us have same beliefs and values as we do, at least as much as possible.

When we lead a healthy life-style we don’t need too much help from outside, but people that should be on your list should include: a Nutritionist, Chiropractor, Naturopath, Dentist :), a LOCAL Farmer, an owner/manager of a LOCAL health food store or a Co-Op and other helpful people. I have my DREAM TEAM lined up :) I know that the care/help I get from these specialists is worth every penny I spent on them. Unlike Allopathic medicine that concentrates on treating symptoms rather than problems, these folks will help you dig to the root of the problem (take it literally with dentists : )), take care of it once and for all, and teach you how to take better care of yourself to avoid same issues in the future. Their goal is to get you better not to make you a life-long patient.

From now on I will try to feature an interview or an article from my Dream Team members. I think it is very important that we hear their point of view to complement the nutritional changes that we strive to make.

This week I will start with featuring our wonderful Naturopath—Dr. John Briggs. Dr. Briggs is currently working with our family to help us work out a couple of problems—leftovers from our former life : ) (and I don’t mean that we reincarnated : ) ). I heard about him from our Farmer (that is why networking is SO important). Our farmer, whom I hope to feature on here in the future, was helped by Dr. Briggs when “traditional” medicine told him that his condition could never improve and had given him no hope.

First time I met Dr. Briggs was over the phone. He was kind enough to grant me time to interview him (which I strongly encourage all people to do before making a commitment to be treated by ANYONE; I actually refuse to be treated by person that refuse to be interviewed). I presented him with our issues and had asked how he thought he could help us. Without going into details you might have guessed that he “passed” and we hired him as our Naturopath (I prefer to look at things this way, rather than thinking that I became someone’s patient). Dr. Briggs does not abide by the same dietary guidelines as we do, however his diet is pretty clean compared to majority of the people living around us. He takes care of himself—he radiates with health and happiness. And, the good thing is, he never tried to dissuade us from our dietary guidelines. We are blessed to know that Dr. Briggs also shares same spiritual convictions as we do, which helps our treatment plan immensely.

I found out that every week Dr. Briggs sends out a Newsletter, so I made sure to sign up for it. I wanted to know what he had to say. I have enjoyed his insight for several months now. I find his advice to be sound, purposeful and educated—no quackery here! I was disappointed that he does not have a blog, and after unsuccessfully trying to convince him to start one, I asked for his permission to post his Newsletters on my blog, to share it with people from around the world. He was gracious to grant me his permission.

So, without further due, let me introduce two new categories: My Dream Team and Doc’s Corner.

Enjoy Dr. Brigg’s insightful advise. If you are in need of a great Naturopath, wherever you are located, Dr. Briggs offers in-person and over-the-phone consultations.

DISCLOSURE: I do not get any “kickbacks” or financial incentives for featuring Dr. Brigg’s material on my blog. Rest assured that the only gain that I am looking for is to help you improve your life.

April 2, 2009

We are patiently awaiting spring here in the Northwest. The ground is still too wet to till for crops and weather is expected to drop into the 30's again next week. Still, spring cleaning is in the air. I cleaned my office the other day and realize how we need to seriously consider doing spring cleaning for our bodies following a sluggish winter with heavy foods and lack of activity. This is when I love to get started with good detox programs so we can be ready for the activities of summer.


We can live healthy even in the presence of an abundance of environmental toxins. Besides having most vital nutritional elements stripped from our food, damaging elements like preservatives, flavor enhancers (MSG, Hydrolyzed vegetable proteins, and ect.), hydrogenated oils, sugar substitutes, and pesticides have been added.

Many commercial water supplies contain heavy metals and drug residues. Our air contains by-products of factories, internal combustion engines, and cigarette smoke. To top it all off, pharmaceutical and recreational drugs add to this milieu. When digestion is incomplete food begins to putrefy and rot in the system creating autointoxication. This allows highly toxic elements to accumulate in the body.

The first step in living clean involves reading labels. Avoid Dextrose, high fructose corn syrup, hydrolyzed vegetable proteins, and elements with aluminum in them. This includes deodorants and antiperspirants. Drink only pure spring water whenever possible. Clean water, free of chlorine and fluoride, is essential to cleansing the body.

Hardwood flooring can reduce overall toxins from carpeting. The strong smell of new carpets is primarily due to the use of formaldehyde in the manufacturing process. This same element is responsible for the ‘new car’ smell. Hardwood flooring reduces growth of dust mites and potential of mold growth. Off gassing of formaldehyde from carpets and furniture can take years. This chemical is used in preserving corpses. Memories of the cadaver lab in school aren’t my fondest. Since formaldehyde is inhaled in a gaseous form, it goes right into the blood stream, damaging metabolic systems throughout the body.

The inside of your home can be far more toxic than outside. The better the airflow throughout your house the better. Allow windows to be open as often as possible.

Toxin exposure through skin can be far more deadly than many think. We spray bugs with a mask over our face but neglect the skin of our arms and hands. In embryonic development, the tissue that gives rise to skin is the same tissue that creates the nerves. Whatever affects the skin ultimately affects the nervous system. Most bug sprays contain neurotoxins. These are the active components that kill the pests. They will ultimately damage your nervous system if exposed.

Consult organic gardening sources for safer alternatives. Focus on eating foods that support the detoxifying properties of your body. Foods in the cruciferous family like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, and especially Spanish black radish help drive the mechanism of detoxification in the liver.

The detoxification program I love to use involves four specific products which support cleansing of the liver, kidneys, spleen, bowel, blood, and lymph. The program involves dedicating three weeks of dietary discipline, and the payoff is over the top. From now through May 15th we are offering a 10% reduction in the cost of the complete detoxification kit. To get started, call Cheryle of Julie and we will get you going.

Dr John A. Briggs N.D.
20 N.E. Lillich St.
Clatskanie, Oregon 97016

Until next time: EAT HEALTHY!!! BE HAPPY!!!

What for Breakfast?

My breakfasts mostly consist of green smoothies, green or veggie salads and fresh veggie juices. Only on a rare occasion do I make something that "takes time". I also try to NEVER combine fruits with anything, except for greens (in smoothies and juices). I try to stick to proper food combination for good digestions as much as I can (more that the topic to come).

Today was an exception... An idea dawned on me--I decided to try grinding my own fresh flour... using my coffee grinder, to make crepes. I don't need too much flour, so the grinder was not overloaded. My ingenious idea almost worked--the flour turned out to be a little too rough. After making crepe batter, though, I dumped it into my Kitchen Aid blender (yes, I know I am still in the Stone Ages.) Amazingly the batter came out well, and crepes were delightful (I combined wheat flour with flax seed flour and with brown rice flour--all ground on the spot). [for reasons to use only freshly ground flour read this post]

So, what did I have for breakfast?
  • Crepes
  • Fresh fruit
  • Kombucha tea mixed with agave syrup and lemon juice
But... I am craving greens already, so I know what I am going to have for lunch--a very GREEN smoothie.

Have a great day! Take care of Yourself!

BOOK REVIEW: Healing Cancer from Inside Out

Not too long ago I posted a review of a video with the same title. I later found out that there is a companion book to go with it that contains not only research but a practical HOW-TO guide about what to do if you are fighting cancer naturally. As you can imagine I had to get it. Personally I would like to have multiple resources available if I am to help someone overcome an ailment or a disease. There is wisdom in a multitude of reliable sources. Proverbs 11:14 says: “…in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” No one has all the answers, although we all try to, so my goal is to collect the most comprehensive reliable information from TRUSTED multiple sources and make it available to anyone seeking help, so they can in turn make educated decisions. For that reason I devour information constantly. My education never stops. I found these statistics:

• 1/3 of high school graduates never read another book for the rest of their lives.
• 42 percent of college graduates never read another book after college.
• 80 percent of U.S. families did not buy or read a book last year.
• 70 percent of U.S. adults have not been in a bookstore in the last five years.
(Source: Jerold Jenkins, www.JenkinsGroupInc.com)

Fortunately for me, and for those who ask for my advice, that has never been a problem. I read on average 1-2 books a month and follow multiple on-line writings of respected scientists, researchers and leaders in natural health movement. The decision making process for me on whether the information is valid, useful and reliable is based on several criteria:

1. Common sense (that’s a big one! If someone tells me that taking medication long-term is good for me, but then I read a host of side effects that the medication will/might cause, it certainly would violate this criteria and be discarded.
2. Long-term research and practice of presented opinions/findings. (Gardisil vaccine has not been properly researched or tested long or short term, so the side-effects, immediate or long-term, were not knowing before it was released and imposed on millions of young woman and girl. It violates common sense and is not backed up by research, but only but multi-billion Big Pharma companies.)
3. Credentials; although there are many instances, more than not, when this means little. Anyone can go to college and get a degree, but have only book knowledge.
4. History of success of stated practices and opinions. (If someone is going to give me a suggestion to do something that has no recorded proof, I will discard it).

I can go on with my list, but this post is about a book review, so I will stick to the task at hand.

Overall I was very impressed with the level of research put in the book. The writer and filmmaker, Mike Anderson, used to be a corporate executive who designed software, held jobs in the solar energy industry as well as an executive position in a non-profit school serving autistic and emotionally disturbed children and young adults. After getting tired of his career he retired and, through reading, came across information connecting diet and diseases. After researching the topic for over a year he came out with his first documentary: Eating, and the rest is history…

Mike Anderson did his homework and I agree with over 90% of what he had to say in the book. I know that my opinion might not matter in the larger scheme of things, but I have been researching and studying the subject for over 3 years now. In the first year alone I had learned enough to reverse Demetrye’s chest pains, lower his (and, I am certain, mine) cholesterol, lose weight without dieting, and get rid of multiple other problems. So, I think that I am somewhat qualified to make a judgment.

What I did not agree with were following topics:
1. Mike thinks that microwaving food is not as bad as some make it out to be. I have to fully disagree. Enzymes die once fresh foods have been heated over 117-118 F. Microwave zaps them at 1400+ F. Use your imagination on what happens at those levels of heat, and… radiation. Mike argues that we are exposed to radiation through the use of cell phones, computers and other technology, which I agree with, but it does not mean that eating radiated foods that goes into our bodies is OK.
2. Mike states that at least 50% of our diet should be raw. I agree that in an average person’s diet it might be OK. However, for someone who is battling a terminal case of cancer, the intake of raw foods should be increased to maximum, until the disease has been terminated, and then, if they cannot remain on all raw diet, reintroduce cooked foods at a very slow rate, and try to maintain at least 60/40 of raw to cooked food ratio. Although I believe that 80/20 ratio is optimal and desirable for most of us.
3. There were a couple of more minor points, but my best advice is that if you get this book, follow Mike’s most conservative, not liberal advice and you should truly succeed.

Mike, after reasoning on some of the topics I disagree with him, mostly did state that for maximum benefits people should stick to more conservative guidelines. For that reason, I can fully recommend this book to be used as a guide in a fight against not only cancer, but all other degenerative diseases. The book comes with a sizable section dedicated to recipes, so you truly get two things for the price of one.

If you are interested or intrigued, click on this link to get yourself a copy of the book, or get a great deal by ordering the book/video combo, as I did.

DISCOLOSURE: I believed in the value offered in Mike Anderson’s book and video so much that I signed up as his partner, and placed a link on my blog to his site, where you can order a copy of the book and/or video for yourself and your loved ones. I would, however, have stilled posted a review and a recommendation with a link on this blog, even if this program was not offered, because valid and useful information that could help save a life is the greatest reward I could get.

Until next time: EAT HEALTHY!!! LIVE HAPPY!!! And LIVE LONG!!!

What do enzymes do for your body?

With so many things going on in all of our lives we tend to be overwhelmed at times and want to take an easy way out. This is the reason why so many people reserve to going out to eat on daily basis, eat fast foods, including fast food restaurants and TV dinners, pre-packaged foods, etc., because they want to have one less thing to worry about [one less thing on their plate : ) so to speak]. It is unfortunate that out of all things we choose to cut corners on is one the most important aspects—nutrition.

Now it is time for my confession. For the last couple of days I succumbed to the stresses of my life and decided that I wanted a break. I did not have much of a desire to as much as make a smoothie for myself. No, I did not go out to eat, neither did I eat a pre-packaged meal. I did, however, eat more cooked meals than I normally would. Since we are living with my Mom now, who is not into raw foods, and neither is she vegan, we do share the same fridge and the same kitchen. Since we would not eat anything with animal products Mom started to make more vegan dishes, mostly soups, which provides an easy meal for us once in a while [considering the fact that it is already made]. However, I do follow my 80-20 [raw/cooked] rule very closely, so I never have a problem of “overdoing” it.

What I did not realize is how being mostly raw had retrained my body. Fortunately/unfortunately for me Mom had made delicious soups both days—in fact my favorites. So, as you might have guessed by now, I “overdid” on cooked foods [hard to believe for most of you]. To make things more interesting, the day before yesterday Demetrye craved pizza and apple pie, so I decided to spoil him and made both. I had some pizza, and a little bit of pie, and by 6 pm yesterday felt EXHAUSTED! The problem was not that I had cooked foods; the problem was that I ate less raw foods to aid digestion of cooked foods, so my body had to work a bit harder. I still had my veggies and some fruits, but apparently not enough, so my body tried to shut down and preserve energy by trying to put me to sleep.

Lesson learned! I am back on high raw intake today and feel great! Woo-hoo! I feel enough energy to run around the block a couple of times. Interestingly enough today I read a very good article on the same topic that I want to share with you [see below]. I had also read a very poignant statement today that puts in a nutshell what I just took several paragraphs to convey (same source as the article below):

“Cooking kills any life force left in food. The immune system responds immediately when this lifeless food is consumed by quickly and sharply raising the white blood cell count, just as if a poison or an infection had entered your system.”

Enjoy the read and Stay Well!

What do enzymes do for your body?
Enzymes are particularly sensitive to the molecular destruction of cooking. Unfortunately, each of us is given only a limited supply of enzyme energy at birth that must work to keep every body system in working order throughout our lifetime. The only other backup source we have comes from the food we eat. But food cooked above 115° F. kills enzymes! So what happens if you make some big enzyme withdrawals when you catch a virus, do something physically strenuous, face an emotional crisis, breath unclean air, get extremely angry, and then eat cooked and processed foods? The balance is your enzyme account drops low, is not replenished, and your body faces enzyme bankruptcy.

When this happens, the body puts out an emergency call to enzymes throughout the body. The body will rob enzymes from glands, muscles, nerves and blood to help in the demanding digestive process. Eventually there is a deficiency of enzymes in those areas, and this, many scientists’ throughout the world believe, is the real cause of various allergies and diseases. According to medical research compiled by the pioneering enzymologist, Dr. Edward Howell, enzyme shortages are commonly seen in a number of chronic illnesses such as allergies, skin disorders, obesity, and heart disease, as well as in aging and certain types of cancer.

The healing power of enzymes is absolute and proven. Almost every regulatory system in out body depends on enzymes and suffers by their depletion: coagulation, inflammation, wound healing, and tissue regeneration, to name just a few. The enzyme account throughout the body is replenished by the living foods we eat as the enzymes are absorbed into the blood to reestablish normal blood-serum enzyme levels. To track the whole-body value of an enzyme-rich diet, researchers have tagged enzyme supplements with radioactive die and traced them through the digestive tract. They discovered that the tagged enzymes could be found in the liver, spleen, kidneys, heart, lungs, duodenum and urine.

…Few withdrawals and large deposits [into the enzyme account] are the key to becoming richly supplied with the metabolic enzymes that are responsible for building, cleansing, and healing the body.

List of foods that [should be]… an everyday part of your diet…

Asparagus – many of the elements that build the liver, kidneys, skin, ligaments, and bones are found in green asparagus. Helps in the formation of red blood corpuscles. The green tips are high in vitamin A.
Avocado – contains a high amount of fruit oil. Fruit is a rare element giving high food energy value. Contains no starch, little sugar and very few carbohydrates, 14 minerals, all of which regulate body functions and stimulate growth.
Beets – High vitamin A, good for eliminative system and also digestive system.
Broccoli – High in vitamin A and C. Low in calories. Best if eaten with proteins because the combination helps drive amino acids to the brain.
Carrots - The most neutral of all vegetables. So high in vitamin A it has been used extensively to improve eyesight and as a general body builder.
Cauliflower – A sulphur vegetable is more easily digested than cabbage, but is high phosphorus content means it is gas – forming.
Celery – An alkaline, protective food, aids digestion, counteracts acidosis, halts fermentation and purifies the bloodstream. It can help clear up high blood pressure. One of the best foods for keeping the body well, celery can be a brain tonic, and the sodium in it will neutralize acids in the body. The leaves are rich in potassium, sodium sulphur.
Corn – one of the easiest foods to digest and one of the beast balanced starches. Yellow corn is high in magnesium, a wonderful bowel regulator, bone and muscle builder and an excellent food for brain and nervous system.
Cucumber – alkaline, non-starchy, cooling effect on the blood. A wonderful digestive aid, purifying effect on the bowel and very beneficial to the skin.
Garlic – An internal antiseptic, it contains allylic sulfides, which work by waxing chemicals inside cells.
Greens – Are the healers of the body. They bring in chlorophyll, carotene and calcium, all important to the healing process.
Kale – Very high in calcium, vitamin A and iron. Builds strong teeth, and is beneficial to digestive and nervous system
Red Pepper – Peppers are classified as a protective food because they contain so many elements that build up resistance. Best eaten raw, they are very high in vitamin C. They contain vitamin A, which makes our tissue more resistant, especially to colds and catarrhal infections in the respiratory organs, sinuses, ears, bladder, skin and digestive tract and Vitamin B, aids in food absorption and normalizes the brain and nervous system by increasing metabolic processes.
Seeds - Food that have seeds are the greatest foods for us. Seeds are the glands of the plant. Foods with seeds help us nourish the glands, nerves, and brain. Pumpkin seeds in the diet may actually prevent cancer in the prostate.
Snap Beans - Beans, especially green beans, are an alkaline vegetable. Beans are high in protein and essential on a vegetarian diet.
Spinach – an excellent source of vitamin C and A, and iron, contains about 40 percent potassium. It leaves an alkaline ash in the body. Good for lymphatic, urinary, and digestive systems.
Sprouts – Very high in silicon. They come from seeds that contain all the elements necessary for life, and when they first begin to sprout they are rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes and prostaglandins.
Squash – all squashes are low in calories, high in fiber and easily digested. Great for the eliminative system, they produce absolutely no gas in the intestinal tract. Winter squash contains more vitamin A than summer squash.”
[As published by http://www.aliveraw.com/]

Design Update

If you visit my blog on regular basis you can see that there is a slight design to it. I had so much information to share that my 2 column blog could not really handle it anymore, plus there was so much space wasted that could be used for great things… so, after some hard work and searching, I was able to change it to a 3-column layout. Left Column will be all about suggestions, reviews of companies, products, people, etc., featured topics/items, Middle will remain dedicated to posts/topics, and Right Column will be blog related: profile, archives, labels, etc. This should provide for better utilization of blog space.

Note: If you previously subscribed as my Blog Follower, you were not switched over to the new template (sorry). If you would like to continue with subscription, please re-add yourself in the Right Column, under Blog Followers.

I look forward to keep providing qualified and valid information and great recipes on this blog. This blog will be celebrating its 1st anniversary April 17!

Until next time: EAT HEALTHY!!! BE HAPPY!!!

EHBH Wellness Society Meetup REMINDER

This is a reminder that our next EHBH Wellness Society Get-Together is just around the corner (check details here). We will have a special guest visiting us! Kyler Grandkoski, a community organizer and a RAW Chef at The Yummy Tummy in Portland, OR, will be joining us, and will share quick and delicious CHOCOLATE RECIPE(S). Click on this link to get details and RSVP.

See you then!

"Handbook 2009"

I came across this list on another blog.  It reminded me of a few things I need to adjust in my life.  Very practical, yet very simple.  It is easy to get in a rot with our busy lives, so I do have to remember that every moment counts, especially since God has given me only one life.  Today I will make an effort to live a better day!

I started off my day with a green smoothie and Kombucha Tea: tea made with green tea, added Agave syrup for a bit of sweetness.

Enjoy the read!

1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy.
5. Make time to pray.
6. Play more games.
7. Read more books than you did in 2008.
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
9. Sleep for 7 hours.
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk daily. And while you walk, smile.

11. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
12. Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
13. Don't over do. Keep your limits.
14. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
16. Dream more while you are awake.
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
18. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with His/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

25. Call your family often.
26. Each day give something good to others.
27. Forgive everyone for everything.
28. Spend time w/ people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30. What other people think of you is none of your business.
31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.

32. Do the right thing!
33. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
34. GOD heals everything.
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
37. The best is yet to come.
38. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.
39. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.