Phosphorous, The mineral too often ignored!

Our society tends to be very calcium aware while failing to recognize the importance of the mineral phosphorous. Phosphorous is the second most abundant mineral in the body, and is responsible for maintaining proper levels of calcium in the tissues. The ratio between calcium and phosphorous must be within a 10 to 4 range to maintain the calcium concentration in bones and tissues at proper levels. When this balance is disturbed, calcium leaves the bones and will tend to deposit in areas around the body, creating many problems.

When calcium precipitates out in the eyes, it will cause cataracts. In the teeth, it's called tartar. In the joints, it’s arthritis. In the kidneys, it's kidney stones.

Phosphorous is important in the synthesis of lecithin and cerebrin, both of which are needed by the brain. The approximate fifteen million brain cells need a generous supply of phosphorous. Phosphorized fats constitute the solid matter of brain tissue.

Grey and white matter of nerve and brain tissues are comprised of 16-18% phosphorous. This is required for higher levels of brain function.

Phosphorous is essential for synthesis of both RNA and DNA. Damage in these areas can allow for genetic damage resulting in various diseases.

Phosphorus is important for the construction of healthy bone and teeth. Phosphorous stimulates hair growth and helps maintain the healthy pH of blood. Phosphorus maintains bone density and hard tooth enamel.

A deficiency of phosphorous can create arthritis, loss of memory, failing eyesight (specifically in the left eye), cataracts, neuralgia, rheumatism, tooth decay, bleeding gums, and fatigue.

Phosphorous is the element your body uses to construct the high-energy molecule known as (ATP) adenosine tri-phosphate. Phosphorus is required for energy production and can be viewed as the accelerator of the body while potassium can be viewed as the brakes.

A person who cannot relax and slow down may be deficient in potassium. When the person cannot get off the couch, they may be deficient in phosphorus.

Phosphorus is destroyed by excess sugar in the blood-stream. Just sucking on a piece of candy will permit sugar to enter the bloodstream by way of the salivary glands allowing phosphorus in the blood-stream to be destroyed resulting in tooth decay and bone degeneration.

When phosphorous levels are low and calcium has deposited into tissues, patients will many times complain of damp environments causing increased pain of arthritis. Many times these people find relief in a more arid climate. Avoid trashing your phosphorous levels by cutting excessive sugars in your diet. Sodas aren’t worth a lifetime of pain and misery.
Dr John A. Briggs N.D.
20 N.E. Lillich St.
Clatskanie, Oregon 97016