So, remember that movie screening I had talked about? Remember how I told you it was great and worth every penny? Well, things just got better! I subscribe to a few raw food blogs and I could not believe what I had read on a couple of them… The makers for Raw for 30 Days are offering a deal of unimaginable proportions—you can buy the DVD and the second companion DVD for only $49.99, AND get over $300 of other goodies for FREE! I have reviewed what they offer with this special offer and was blown away! Even if you did not get the free goodies the DVD is worth the money, but with all that they offer it is impossible to say NO! Check it out here and act on it quickly: Raw for 30 Days Blowout !
I do have to tell you that I am not getting any kickback from this—absolutely none. I have no financial connection to the company, and I am sure they are really not making money off of giving away tons of free life-saving products. They are interested in helping people get well, as am I.
Have a great day!