Our second Wellness Society Meet-Up in Longview, WA, was a hit! Here are some of the delicious raw dishes we got to taste and share:

The cookies were made by yours truly. I got this recipe from another great raw food blog. You can find it here:
Raw Epicurean (instead of mulberries I used strawberries).

Raw Chef Kyler, who visited us from Portland, OR, treated us with chocolate ganache, that was made from avacado, dates and raw cacao. Claude, our wonderful host, could barely wait for the treat (at least that's how it looks here : )) so he made his way to the dessert before everyone else.

Believe it or not, these are raw Cinnamon rolls made by Christa from Portland. They tasted even better than the "real" rolls. My husband is an expert when it comes to cinnamon rolls--it is actually his weakness, and he could not get enough of these (he literally did not get enough, since we all had to share ;))

If you are near Longview/Kelso, WA are and are looking to join a health-minded group, look no farther--we are here! Whether you are a pro at raw/vegan living, just starting out or simply curious you can join us for our next meet-up, which I will be announcing in the next couple of weeks.
As you can see--raw/vegan food is not boring--it is very colorful and delicious. You won't be giving up much when you give up foods that make you tired, sick and overweight and trade it in for something much better that will bring life and rejuvenation to your body.
Until next time, folks: Eat Healthy!!! Be Happy!!! [and don't salivate too hard looking at these pictures :)]