Mandatory Mass Vaccination, Codex, HR 2749 and One World Order (15-20 min. read)

Call me crazy, call me what you want, but today's topic is not going to be a usual one. It is not going to be about another recipe, another health tip (although a bit of that too), another way to encourage you to live well (although a bit of that as well). But do have patience with me and read this article through. I am going to take the next couple of hours out of my life to write about it, and I ask only for a few minutes of your time to read through it. When you read through this post, you will have drawn your own conclusions. You might disregard what I say, count me as a conspiracy theorist, call me crazy, but at least you would have allowed me the opportunity to sow a seed of curiosity in your mind. So, follow me on a short Odyssey.

Enter the Twilight zone that seems more like a movie than a reality. Something that you see in the likes of I am Legend movies. A man-made vaccine (virus) that is believed to cure diseases kills billions on planet earth, living some behind irreversibly damaged (mutants) and only a few survivors. A vaccine that was supposed to be a cure and made billions of dollars for its makers mercilessly wiped out human life. While billions are dying, to maintain some order a Marshall Law is enforced, and only those deemed uninfected and worthy are provided with a way of escape.

Sounds like a Science Fiction, doesn't it? But how far from such a "fiction" are we?

Here are some facts.

1. President Obama is preparing to sing a Mandatory Mass Vaccination order against Swine-Flu virus this fall, in expectation of a global pandemic.

2. Once the order is signed we will be forced to vaccinate, whether we like it or not.

3. USA, along with 193 other countries is a part of the WHO(World Health Organization).

4. WHO has a global authority in the event of a pandemic. Under special pandemic plans enacted around the world including the USA in 2005, national governments are to be dissolved in the event of a pandemic emergency and replaced by special crisis committees, which take charge of the health and security infrastructure of a country, and which are answerable to the WHO and EU in Europe and to the WHO and UN in North America. If the Model Emergency Health Powers Act is implemented on the instructions of WHI, it will be a criminal offense for Americans to refuse the vaccine. Police are allowed to use deadly force against "criminal" suspects.

5. Under the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, upon the declaration of a “public health emergency,” governors and public health officials would be empowered to:

a. Force individuals suspected of harboring an “infectious disease” to undergo medical examinations.

b. Track and share an individual’s personal health information, including genetic information.

c. Force persons to be vaccinated, treated, or quarantined for infectious diseases.

d. Mandate that all health care providers report all cases of persons who harbor any illness or health condition that may be caused by an epidemic or an infectious agent and might pose a “substantial risk” to a “significant number of people or cause a long-term disability.” (Note: neither “substantial risk” nor “significant number” are defined in the draft of these provisions.)

e. Force pharmacists to report any unusual or any increased prescription rates that may be caused by epidemic diseases.

f. Preempt existing state laws, rules and regulations, including those relating to privacy, medical licensure, and–this is key–property rights.

g. Control public and private property during a public health emergency, including pharmaceutical manufacturing plants, nursing homes, other health care facilities, and communications devices.

h. Mobilize all or any part of the “organized militia into service to the state to help enforce the state’s orders.” Ration firearms, explosives, food, fuel and alcoholic beverages, among other commodities.

i. Impose fines and penalties to enforce their orders.

6. Here is the latest list of WHO countries I found on their site: Since then 3 more countries have joined the ranks.

7. HR 2749 (a food "safety" bill) just passed the house. The bill was fast tracked and will accomplish the following:

a. It gives FDA tremendous power while significantly diminishing existing judicial restraints on actions taken by the agency. The bill would impose a one-size-fits-all regulatory scheme on small farms and local artisanal producers; and it would disproportionately impact their operations for the worse.

b. HR 2749 would impose an annual registration fee of $500 on any “facility” that holds, processes, or manufactures food. [That would include every home and garden in the US.]

c. People making foods such as lacto-fermented vegetables, cheeses, or breads would be required to register and pay the fee, which could drive beginning and small producers out of business during difficult economic times, while presenting to problems to huge farms that are brain-children of Monsanto and the likes.

d. HR 2749 empowers FDA to regulate how crops are raised and harvested. It puts the federal government right on the farm, dictating to our farmers. [This control opens the door to CODEX, which I will mention shortly.]

e. WTO "good farming practices" will include the elimination of organic farming by eliminating manure, mandating GMO animal feed, imposing animal drugs, and ordering applications of petrochemical fertilizers and pesticides. Farmers, thus, will be locked not only into the industrialization of once normal and organic farms but into the forced purchase of industry's products. They will be slaves on the land, doing the work they are ordered to do - against their own best wisdom - and paying out to industry against their will.

f. HR 2749 gives FDA the power to order a quarantine of a geographic area, including “prohibiting or restricting the movement of food or of any vehicle being used or that has been used to transport or hold such food within the geographic area.” [This could mean even your cars that are used to bring groceries home. This is using food as a cover for martial law.] Under this provision, farmers markets and local food sources could be shut down, even if they are not the source of the contamination. The agency can halt all movement of all food in a geographic area, which means that they can control the population, since they will be controlling food distribution, thus making you a slave to their will.

g. HR 2749 empowers FDA to make random warrant-less searches of the business records of small farmers and local food producers, without any evidence whatsoever that there has been a violation. Even farmers selling direct to consumers would have to provide the federal government with records on where they buy supplies, how they raise their crops, and a list of customers.

h. HR 2749 creates severe criminal and civil penalties, including prison terms of up to 10 years and/or fines of up to $100,000 for each violation for individuals.

I had warned you that this is going to be a heavy read. But, stick it out and read on.

8. HR 2749 opens the door to Codex. What is Codex? you might ask... [reference taken from]

Codex is an industry dominated regulation setting organization. Participation in Codex is said to be voluntary. Theoretically speaking Codex has no legal standing, but it has risen to the level of de facto legal standing because it is administered by the WHO and FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). They fund it and run it at the request of the UN.

The committees of Codex work up guidelines, rules and regulations, and present them to a Codex commission for ratification. Once they are ratified and approved by consensus, they become mandatory standards for any country that is a member of the WHO [USA included].

Codex was accepted as a means of harmonizing food standards globally for easy trade between countries. As a result, countries must harmonize with Codex if they want to have any standing in a trade dispute. When disputes arise and countries are pulled in to WTO, the one that is Codex compliant automatically wins, regardless of the merits of its case.

Compliance with Codex in the U.S. will mark the end of its consumer protection laws. Codex will not serve consumers. Codex will serve the interests of the medical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, chemical, and big agricultural industries.

Under Codex most nutrients are declared to be toxic and poisonous. And as poisons, they claimed people must be protected from them through the use of toxicology and risk assessment.

Nutrients allowed under Codex are limited to those on the positive list, expected to contain only 18 nutrients, one of them being fluoride. Although fluoride has no biological benefit whatsoever, it does make people complacent.

Under Codex, 7 of the 9 forbidden POPS (persistent organic pollutants )will again be allowed in the production of food. All together, Codex allows over 3,275 different pesticides, including those that are suspected carcinogens or endocrine disrupters. There is no consideration of the long-term effects of exposure to mixtures of pesticide residues in food.

Monsanto, a member of Codex, will benefit greatly as production of genetically modified (GM) foods are stepped up and more GM plants are given the green light. Terminator seeds will be approved for international trade. GM food animals will also be on the way.

Codex Alimentarius is scheduled for full global implementation on December 31, 2009.

Still sounds like a rambling of a mad woman? To make my "hysteria" more legit, let's go to a "trusted" source (as one person recently asked me if my information comes from "trusted" source, as if my word was a word of a lunatic). CNN!

9. [Link to the entire article, which I am copying here.]

Military planning for possible H1N1 outbreak

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The U.S. military wants to establish regional teams of military personnel to assist civilian authorities in the event of a significant outbreak of the H1N1 virus this fall, according to Defense Department officials.

The proposal is awaiting final approval from Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
The officials would not be identified because the proposal from U.S. Northern Command's Gen. Victor Renuart has not been approved by the secretary.

The plan calls for military task forces to work in conjunction with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. There is no final decision on how the military effort would be manned, but one source said it would likely include personnel from all branches of the military.

It has yet to be determined how many troops would be needed and whether they would come from the active duty or the National Guard and Reserve forces.

Civilian authorities would lead any relief efforts in the event of a major outbreak, the official said. The military, as they would for a natural disaster or other significant emergency situation, could provide support and fulfill any tasks that civilian authorities could not, such as air transport or testing of large numbers of viral samples from infected patients.

As a first step, Gates is being asked to sign a so-called "execution order" that would authorize the military to begin to conduct the detailed planning to execute the proposed plan.

Orders to deploy actual forces would be reviewed later, depending on how much of a health threat the flu poses this fall, the officials said.

Have you noticed expressions such as "execution orders"? And what about military being involved in the matters of health?

Here are the questions that beg to be answered:

1. How can anyone can predict a pandemic with a precision down to the weeks when it "might" take place unless there is a plan to release a virus first?

2. Why is it that ever since Obama took office of the President [don't bail on me yet] things seem to have started going down the hill? He signed more bills threatening human life, liberties and family values in his first few months in the office than most presidents in their entire terms in the office.

3. Is it coincidental that HR 2749, Swine-Flu scare, possible H1N1 outbreak, possible martial law, restriction of the possession of fire-arms, Codex, AND Universal Health care are all happening at almost the same time?

Here are my conclusions: Like wars, pandemics are planned. They are planned for control, financial gain and population reduction. They are a sign of tyranny--because no entity should have control over an entire population (or the globe) regardless of the pretenses and fronts that are being used, such as protecting your health.

So, where were we when all these things were happening? Well, to be honest, most of the U.S. Americans were glued to TV sets watching shows that are dumbing down their senses, such as Simpson, Nip Tuck (or whatever that atrocity is called), The American Idol, and other "feel-good" programs, or salivating after yet another processed food commercial. We, as a nation, and the world at large, have been lulled to believe that our governments love us so much that they will take care of us. And in the process, somehow "by the people" and "for the people" have been turned upside down and has become "by the government and big corporations" and "for the government and big corporations". "We the people" do not really matter anymore, because we have proven that we can be manipulated. We have become slaves to the system without taking a moment to realize the reality of the possibility of it all.

I believe that if the pandemic is induced, and the authorities come knocking on our doors, most people will gladly stretch out their arms and get vaccinated, believing that the government is truly protecting them. Some will actually line up at the clinics praying to get their dose "in time". Most of the population will turn against people like us, who want to maintain our freedoms and choose our own way to overcome an outbreak, if it really happens, or die, because they will believe that we will be a threat to their health.

There will be some who will choose vaccination, if forced, not because they believe in it or want it, by for the sake of their children and the loved ones. No parent wants to end up in jail or shot with their precious children put in foster homes where they will be forced to vaccinate and possibly be neglected and abused. The people behind this scare know this too.

They know that as humans we are susceptible to fears, and they have been fear-mongering you for the last several months, preparing you for a pandemic, while there are very few true deaths that happened in connection with the swine-flu outbreak--much less than those that happen through abortions, adverse reactions to approved drugs, plane or car accidents on a daily basis. Not enough to be made a valid concern, yet blown out of proportions by the media and US Health Department (or whatever country you live in). They are conditioning you by manipulating your emotions. They are developing your trust in their goodness--they tell you they want to help you.

Here is how Swine-flu vaccinations will happen (source:

The vaccine is to be given by a series of three injections. Speaking on the Republic Broadcasting Network with Dr. Rebecca Carley as host on July 11th, meta-analyst and vaccine researcher Patrick Jordan reported belief that the first injection will be for the purpose of turning off the victim's immune system. The second injection will be for the purpose of loading people with deadly organisms. And the third injection will be to turn the immune system back on for the purpose of creating a cytokine storm that will deal a lethal blow to the body.

More details HERE.

When the body detects foreign microorganisms indicating an infection, it can respond by overprotecting the site of that infection. In its hurry to get antibodies to the infection site, the body may dispatch so many that the level of cytokines becomes highly elevated, creating a cytokine storm that can be fatal.

Jordan points out that the current "swine flu" vaccine is made with an adjuvant that may contain a material poison,
mercury, salmonella, or typhoid fever toxin, along with squalene. Although not known with certainty, the second round of injections given to the soldiers in 1918 is believed to have contained typhus. Squalene produces auto-immunity and eventually death in everyone who takes it.

Squalene contributed to the cascade reactions known as Gulf War Syndrome that left GIs with arthritis, fibromyalgia, lymphadenopathy, photosensitive rashes, chronic fatigue, chronic headaches, ulcers, dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuro-psychiatric problems, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and other diseases.

These are scary reactions. Now consider on who is to be vaccinated first.

The Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization established by the Director-General of the WHO in 1999, suggested the following groups for consideration, noting that countries need to determine their order of priority based on country-specific conditions: pregnant women; children over the age of 6 months with one of several chronic medical conditions; healthy young adults of 15 to 49 years of age; healthy children; healthy adults of 50 to 64 years of age; and healthy adults of 65 years of age and above.

You have heard my arguments. You now know the facts. The rest is up to you.

There are things that you can do to help prevent annihilation of our freedoms:
-Contact your Representative now!

To contact your Representative, use the finder tool at

-Ask Congress to Defeat HR 2749 by sending a message through the petition system at

-Or call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

-Refuse and Resist Mandatory Flu Vaccines by signing the petition here:

-Sign the Health Revolution Petition.

-Take a stand! Benjamin Franklin said: "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-Educate others.

-Buy local and ORGANIC-vote with your money.

-And above all PRAY!

*Pray, because there is still time.

*Pray, because God honors prayer. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says:

...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

I am not calling anyone to panic! I am educating those who choose to know, and who might not know otherwise. There might come a time when free speech is no longer permitted in the U.S. and the likes of me might be threatened or locked away, but while there is still time, it is time to cry truths from the roof-tops. I know I sound a bit Apocalyptic, but things are bound to happen. It is just a matter of when and with whom. While there is still time we need to act and pray for our land (i.e. people and the government) to come to its senses for the sake of us, our children, and the generations to come.

Until next time: Take a Stand! Make your Voice Heard! and Live an Unprocessed Life: spirit, soul and body.

How to Make a 6-Course Meal in less than an Hour

I had several posts prepared to add to the blog these days: all pretty, with recipes and images. However, I decided to add a fun short post today instead. What’s the occasion?

Over the weekend I was able to reconnect with my college roommate and a good friend. The last time I saw her was over 4 years ago. Since, she married and moved to Israel, and is now a Mom of two absolutely heavenly looking girls. They came to town a couple of days ago and yesterday I stole them away from everyone else so we could catch up on what is going on in our lives. And, you know that it had to happen over some good food.

There are people out there that I know that are raw vegan, or simply vegan, who accommodate their guests based on their guests’ dietary preference, be it good or bad. In my case I am who I am and I do not bend our house rule for anyone, unless food allergies are involved. I know it sounds harsh and almost heartless, but it is not—it is actually the opposite. First of all, when people come to visit me at my home, they are coming into my territory—my natural habitat, so logically they cannot [or at least should not] expect for me to change my life, or my diet just for them. Again, I know it sounds almost rude and cruel, but it is not. What my guests can expect is unprecedented care and hospitality. I will pull out all stops to make the feel at home—they can count on that. I will also make sure they are comfortable, relaxed, entertained and well-fed—they can count on that too. But they will NEVER, EVER find a shred of compromise in my life. That is a fair trade off in my opinion.

When I invited my friend, Caroline, and her two little girls over, I did not dash off to the nearest store to buy a pack of meat and cheese and other frills to make the dishes that I used to make for all of us while we were in college, in my pre-vegan life. Instead, I opened my fridge, pulled out all of my wonderfully fresh produce and got to cooking. I ended up with 6 dishes in an hour. How did I do that? I am so glad that you are curious.

I unashamedly recruited the help of everyone who crossed the threshold of my house. I created a menu in my head: 1 cooked and 5 raw dishes, and made sure that I had all of the ingredients for all 6. I, then, delegated different tasks, like shredding, peeling, chopping and blending to different people, while I worked on more specialized tasks, and tasting, which is a tremendously important and enjoyable part of cooking—right kinds of spice can make a dish or a wrong kind can destroy it or make it mediocre.

Here are the dishes that we (yes, I am saying WE) made:
Potato Ravioli (I, and my sister Marina worked on it)
Carrot Salad (my niece Luba and my hubby knocked this one out)
Zucchini Noodles (I made the noodles, while Demetrye blended the sauce)
Tomato and Cucumber Salad (my friend Courtney made this one, with my guidance)
Apple/Celery Salad (I made the entire dish, but my guest Caroline stuffed the apples with salad)
Banana/Strawberry Ice Cream (totally me, although Demetrye did prepare the strawberries)

The meal was delicious. Everyone was happy and NO ONE complained about the lack of animal products. The best part of our meal was that no one went into a food coma, since plant based, whole foods eating fills one up much quicker, and live foods, being rich in enzymes, ensure a more efficient easier digestion. It was a wonderful experience.

I normally do try to involve my guests, especially kids, in meal making, so that they can get excited about what they eat and will also realize that vegan living is fun and easy. But having 5 adults working in the kitchen with me was AMAZING, especially because I was the only expert on raw cooking in the room.

One of the shows that my husband and I enjoyed watching, when we used to subscribe to cable, was The Iron Chef. On the show there were a challenger and the Master Chef. They were given only an hour to compete and prepare the most delectable, best looking meals to determine who, indeed, is the master of the trade. After having worked with 5 sous chefs I can tell you that I am ready for my kitchen stadium experience! Bring it ON!

Ladies and gentlemen, until next time in my kitchen stadium, where mere singular ingredients are transformed into scrumptious meals, I wish you all to live an Unprocessed enjoyable life!

Raw Vegan Sushi

I had never been a huge fan of sushi until I became vegan. Then, all of a sudden, as if on queue , my body started to enjoy the taste of sea smelling nori. Who knew? As my diet is becoming more and more raw, and for the sake of saving time on cooking brown rice for sushi rolls, I started to look for alternative. What I discovered came as a surprise to me, although I am quite sure that it is old news to many raw foodists--jicoma root, when broken down, looks like white rice.

I had made "rice" looking salads from jicoma before, but a couple of days ago, after getting home from a long day, I wanted something raw, quick and yet filling. There was not too much going on in my fridge to peak my creativity, except for a few veggies and the jicoma root. I eyed it, looked around and considered my options, and, all of a sudden an idea, as a little siren, went off in my head: Why not make raw sushi?!

Well, why not?

So, here is my latest creation. By the way, I took it to out monthly Wellness Society get-together and the people seemed to enjoy it. There were a couple of newcomers among us, one of which does not like sushi, but even he enjoyed it enough to ask for one more piece when I was wrapping up leftovers to take them home. So, Chris, if you are reading, this one is for you.

Raw Vegan Sushi
makes 18-20 pieces
  • 3 Nori sheets
  • 1/2 large jicoma root
  • 1 carrot, julienned
  • 1-2 cucumbers, julienned
  • 1 avocado, cut into thin strips
  • 1 shoot of green onion, green part cut into thin long strips
  • Ground ginger, just enough to taste it
  • Tamari sauce
  • Wasabi sauce
  • Peel jicoma root, cut into medium size junks and pulse in a food processor until looks like rice, although to smaller pieces (you should still have small fibrous junks, so don't process until the root becomes too mooshie)
  • Lay out one nori sheet at a time
  • Strain jicoma root from all liquid (I use a slotted spoon and push liquid out of it as much as possible). If you don't strain jicoma juice your nori rolls will fall apart in no time.
  • Divide jicoma into 3 equal part, and spread on the nori sheet, leaving about an inch of space on the side closes to you and up to 1-2 inches on the far side of the sheet
  • Take julienned vegetables, make a little groove in jicoma "rice" closer to the edge closest to you (about 2 inches from the edge), lay them in a straight line, one on top of another, smearing a bit of ginger or wasabi sauce underneath
  • Roll up the sheet, wetting the far end of the roll with a little bit of water. Make sure to press down on the roll, as you are moving it forward. Once you get to the edge, go along the roll and press it until the sheet is "sealed"
  • Repeat with remaining ingredients
  • Cut each roll into 6-7 equal length parts and place face up on a plate (as see on the image above)
  • Serve with organic Tamari sauce. Add Wasabi sauce if you want a little bit of spice.


Tomorrow I will be posting a couple more raw recipes, that are delicious and absolutely nutritious too, so make sure to come back. Until then: LIVE AN UNPROCESSED LIFE!!!

Apricot Smoothie: Raw, Organic, Vegan

Summer is one of my favorite seasons for many reasons. One of them, though, is completely for gastronomic reasons—I enjoy foods in the season they are supposed to be the best, the ripest, the most nutritious. So far I have already indulged in treats that I don’t get most of the year: watermelon, fresh tomatoes, cucumber, cherries, and now apricots among the rest of God’s wonders.

Eating seasonal produce allows our bodies to store up on much needed vitamins and nutrients from divers sources. Apricots, for example, are loaded with Vitamins A and C [among others, of course] and potassium. Nutrients in apricots can help protect the heart and eyes from degenerative diseases.

One of the easiest ways to consume apricots, and the most enjoyable, of course, is by simply eating the soft fruit. No thrills, no whistles, no bells. There is barely anything like biting into the fruits soft skin, and experiencing a small explosion of the fruit’s juicy contents in your mouth. Even my little 11 months old niece thinks so.

However, there are other simple and enjoyable ways to eat this delightful fruit.

Apricot Smoothie

• ½-1 cup water
• 1 cup ice
• 10-15 ripe apricots
• Honey or agave/maple syrup to taste, or use dates instead

• Blend all ingredients, except for ice, until homogenous;
• Add ice and blend until it’s been crushed
• Enjoy!

It is simple, yet very delicious. If I have any apricots left by the week’s end, I might even make fruit roll-ups and make ice cream with them.

Enjoy the rest of your day! I hope to see you at the upcoming Wellness Society Meet-Up (taking place tomorrow; details HERE).

Cherry Ice Cream

Last week, to celebrate my nephew’s birthday, I prepared a huge all raw meal, with an exception of one dish. One the menu we had: Alfredo Pasta (to make Alfredo sauce I make sunflower milk) [this was my only cooked dish], Zucchini Pasta, Cucumber/Tomato Salad, Cherry Salad crunchy romaine greens with red onions, cherries and ground almonds) with Cherry Vinaigrette, and our dessert, which I actually served first, was Cherry Ice Cream served in brownie cups. The dessert was fresh and delightful. It was so good that our birthday man had 3 helpings of it. It does not take long to make.

Cherry Ice Cream
Makes 9-12 servings

Ice Cream Ingredients
• 4 frozen bananas
• 1-2 cups fresh pitted cherries (you can freeze these also, which will make for thicker ice cream)

Brownie Cup Ingredients
• 1.5 cup walnuts (pre-soaked and dehydrated)
• 1.5 cups almonds (pre-soaked and dehydrated)
• 2 cups pitted dates
• 1/3-1/2 cup raw cacao powder

• 70% chocolate bar or make your own raw chocolate glaze
• Cherries


• Place all ingredients in a food processor and run it until all ingredients start balling up and forming a dough-like substance.
• If you have a muffin form, line it with plastic, (you can also shape cups by hand or use any container you like)
• Divide brownie dough into 9-12 equal parts and press into muffin form, shaping the dough alongside the walls of each muffin cup. I found it is easier done by placing another layer of plastic on top of the dough and pressing through it, that way the dough does not stick to your hands
• Place in the freezer for 20+ minutes or until set and firm

Ice Cream
• When brownie cups are ready, place bananas and cherries into a food blender and blend until homogenous mixture has been achieved, but don’t melt it all the way
• Take brownie cups out of the freezer, remove from muffin form, fill with ice cream
• To garnish with chocolate you can prepare your own raw chocolate glaze or use 70% organic chocolate, melt it, and drizzle over ice cream cups
• Garnish with ground walnuts and cherries, if desired

It is a simple way to satisfy an occasional sweet tooth. And it is delicious, or so I hear from trusted sources.

Have a great day, and, if you live in the nearby area, I hope to see you at this Wednesday’s get-together. Details in the post below.

Vegan/Raw Meet-Up and Information Session, Longview, WA

I am excited to announce that I have been able to find a building for our next Wellness Society Meet-Up.

Date: July 22, 2009 [Wednesday]
Time: 7-9 pm
Location: AWPPW Building
724 15th Ave.
Longview, WA 98632

But there is more exciting news! Instead of simply getting together to share delicious raw/vegan [organic] dishes, I will also hold an information session on the benefits of a plant-based diet at the same time. So, if you want to learn more about plant based diet, or know someone who will benefit from it, make sure to come/invite them!!!

I will talk about Whys, Whats, and Hows of a vegan lifestyle. We will cover topics such as:
1. What causes diseases;
2. Why medicine is not working in curing them;
3. Why are we getting sicker;
4. How to stop and reverse the vicious cycle;
5. How a plant-based diet can help you overcome your ailments;
6. How to shed excess weight and keep it off;
7. Why a whole foods plant based diet is effective in reversing diabetes, cancer, MS, allergies, and other serious diseases;
8. How to make a transition (where you get your protein, facts about fat, etc.), and…
9. Much, much more!

I will also answer questions and point you to the right resources to get you started, so you are not left feeling alone and powerless.

How this meeting will work:
1. RSVP is required! To RSVP e-mail me at elena[dot]wilkins[at]gmail[dot]com (make sure to replace [dot] with a period!]
2. Each person will bring a raw vegan [organic] dish (there are many sites that have wonderful and simple recipes, but you don’t even have to look that far—just check out my blog: Please bring enough to feed at least 6 people, so we all can share;
3. Each person will bring his/her own water/drink [please avoid processed drinks], plate and silverware [if you want to eat, that is ;)];
4. Bring a notebook to take notes, but it is completely up to you;
5. There is a small admission fee of $3 per person to help cover the rent of the space, which can be paid on the spot (cash only, please).

Feel free to e-mail me with any questions. I hope to see you there!

Until then: Eat Healthy! Be Happy! And live an UNPROCESSED Life!

Chemotherapy: Is it Effective?

Am I asking a tricky question? Many would tend to think so, or yet, quickly answer: “Yes!”, however, when you ask them how they got to their conclusion, the only answer they can come up with is: “Doctors say it is.”

It is unfortunate, and unfortunately I am saying that it is unfortunate, that we have grown to trust medical doctors more than we trust common sense. It is nearly unfathomable for most to think that the common sense and God-given instinct about lifestyle and food choices could be better than a doctor’s advice. But, are the doctors telling us the truth?

History of Chemo “Therapy”
The first drug used for chemo therapy (treatment with chemicals that kill both bad AND good cells) can be traced back to the beginning of the 20th century. Mustard gas was used during WWI and WWII. During WWII a group of people was exposed to it and was found to have low white cell count. Without any studies, it was then assumed that this gas will have the same effect on cancer cells. In 1940s, instead of exposing patients to gas form of this chemical, several patients were administered the agent intravenously. The was an improvement in them… BUT only temporarily. The pharmaceutical industry quickly jumped at the opportunity to make more money. A promise of life, as short and miserable as it could be during and following chemo, although no one would advertise such facts, was worth big money to those suffering and to their families. The researchers, instead of doing long-term, in-depth studies of the effectiveness of the new-found miracle cure, started to look for other chemicals that would produce same results. Since then chemo drug development has exploded into a multi-billion unstoppable industry.

(I am not sure what we call it “side” effects—these are newly induced diseases caused by poisonous chemicals)
This is an INCOMPLETE list
• Pain
• Erythema
• Nausea
• Diarrhea or constipation
• Anemia
• Malnutrition
• Hair loss
• Memory loss
• Depression of the immune system, hence (potentially lethal) infections and sepsis
• Dehydration
• Vertigo
• Hematoma
• Dry mouth/ xerostomia
• Psychosocial distress
• Weight loss or gain
• Hemorrhage
• Water retention
• Sexual impotence
• Secondary neoplasms

Damage to specific organs may occur, with resultant symptoms:
• Cardiotoxicity (heart damage)
• Hepatotoxicity (liver damage)
• Nephrotoxicity (kidney damage)
• Ototoxicity (damage to the inner ear)

I hope you are starting to think now… Independently, I mean. Given the list of these side-effects, who in their normal mind would ever call this “therapy” or a “treatment”? Even if you were to make it, by some miracle, you are damaged from within irreversibly. Hair loss is the least of all evils on this list in my opinion. So, please excuse me, but from this point on I will stop using term “therapy” in conjunction with such torture.

• Immunosuppression and myelosuppression
o Chemo cause depression of the immune system. Often it happens due to paralysis of the bone marrow and leading to a decrease of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. The latter two, when they occur, are improved with blood transfusion.
o In very severe myelosuppression almost all the bone marrow stem cells (cells that produce white and red blood cells) are destroyed.
• Nausea and vomiting
o Chemo induces stimulation of the vomiting center in the brain. However, the drug companies did not leave their patients “hanging”, or should I say “vomiting their guts out”, they came up with… yep, you guessed it, more medication that could suppress or alleviate or delay some of such reactions.

I don’t know about you, but I am already sick to my stomach just talking about adverse reactions to a “healing therapy”. Is it any surprise that millions of cancer patients die even when treated? Doctors won’t admit to this, but most of them die not due to cancer eating away at their bodies, but due to chemo (and all is adverse reactions you just read about). I will move on to what can provide me with an answer to the topic of this post: Chemotherapy: Is it Effective?

Have you ever wondered about the fact that you only hear about 5-year survival rates when it comes to chemo? Yet, millions of people undergo the “treatment”. Just imagine if you had any other disease; let’s say an infection in your big tow. You go to see a doctor, and he proceeds to tell you that he will treat you, although while being treated you will be sick, you will lose hair, you won’t be able to function, but… maybe, just maybe, you will live, and maybe, just maybe you will live up to 5 years after the treatment. Will you still do it?

What if the doctor told you that there is only 5-year 2% survival rate* for patients with your condition? Will you still be willing to roll the dice and take a chance to be 1 out of 50 people that might live up to 5 years after the “treatment”? Or would you rather take your chances, change what you can in your life and diet and help your body heal itself, and maybe live another 10-20 years… or, if you do die, at least die without hair loss, nausea, loss of your immune system, etc.?

* [Royal North Shore Hospital Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) 2005 Jun;17(4):294.]

I hope, albeit this is a short post, you have drawn at least a small understanding of my take on whether chemo is effective or not. And if you are lost, somehow, the answer is an emphatic "NO"!

I was prompted to write about this after learning that at least four people that I know were affected by the cancer industry:
1. Mr. C, of whom I have spoken on this blog, who had received a series of chemo treatments and then was left to die (“No Hope” they told him);
2. A wonderful young lady that I work with has a brother who had just undergone a surgery, losing many of internal organs, after being diagnosed with cancer. He was already told that it will not stop the spread of cancerous cells, but… they did it anyhow, since money, apparently is more important than the human life.
3. My photographer friend’s acquaintance was diagnosed with cancer and is being sent into a surgery… with chemo to follow.
4. My niece’s young, very young friend was diagnosed with cancer and was immediately sent into surgery, having been told that even if she survives she will not have children. I am certain that chemo “offering” will immediately follow the surgery.

Chemo is ineffective. What IS effective is a preventative lifestyle and diet. What is effective for most chemo casualties in reversing and beating cancer is a change to low-fat all plant based whole foods diet and improving their overall lifestyle (activity level and chemical reduction in their surroundings). God created our bodies with a wonderful defense-mechanism called Immune System. It is only when we weaken it (our defenses) that our bodies become prone to getting sick. Chemo weakens our immunity even further, so it makes NO LOGICAL sense to believe it can help. Whole plant based organic diet provides essential material for our bodies to strengthen its immunity and beat foreign invaders, such as cancerous cells, even after they had a chance to multiply and implant themselves into our bodies.

To learn more on the topic of a plant-based diet make sure to come to my next information session. You can find details about it here a couple of posts below, or by clicking HERE. I hope that your curiosity has peeked enough and I will see you there.

I end with a cartoon that speaks volumes on the topic.

Until next time: Live an Unprocessed Life!

Dangers of Genetic Engineering

Once in a while I post articles written by a local Naturopath on my blog. (It is done with his permission, of course.) In the last couple of weeks he had written a couple of articles, which I am combining here into one post, on a topic that I am very passion about—Dangers of Genetic Engineering.

There are no words, eloquent enough, for me to describe how much I despise what Franken-science has done to the overall health of our society. It makes me sick when I see big corporations, like Monsanto, trade their soul for the almighty dollar. When human lives mean less than a string of numbers in a bank account we can be certain that our national morality has degraded and we are in need of salvation. We must go back to the times when a human life was precious and money was of lesser importance. Although, to be completely honest, there was never such a time in the human history. There were always wars, manmade famines, genocides, etc., which still continue to this day—they just take on different forms and shapes. In America (North America) where we pride ourselves on being civilized and a developed country, in reality we live in the Stone Ages and stand to learn what true humanitarianism and compassion are.

GMOs are not just bad foods--the chemicals and bacteria from GMO foods have the ability to lodge in our intestines and remain there FOREVER! Yes, you read it right--FOREVER! And when they do, they live there and multiply and effect even the healthiest of us. So, think LONG TERM! I know that it seems that organic foods are more expensive than their trashy distant cousins, but every penny spent on organic and unprocessed foods is an investment in your and your family's future.

I believe that we, as individuals, have to take a stand and make our voices heard to bring about a change. We can vote by signing petitions, holding rallies and voting with our spending $$$.

Without further due, here are articles by Dr. Briggs, ND, of Clatskanie OR.

Dangers of genetic engineering

Genetic engineering has been seen by many as a great breakthrough to increase food production with decreased cost and energy. What often isn’t seen is the resulting poor food quality and added toxic load carried in this food.

To make this point, I want to relate to one particular product. Monsanto, which gave us such damaging products as aspartame (Nutrasweet) and Round Up, developed a genetic strain of soybeans that are resistant to the weed killer; Round Up. The reason for creating this strain of soybean was to be able to spray a whole field of growing soybeans with Round Up, killing only weeds, not having any apparent effect on the soy beans themselves. What’s failed to be shown is the absorption of Round Up into the soybean structure.

As with any living organism, toxic materials are mainly stored in the fatty structures of the plant. When you consider the widespread use of soy and soy oils in both manufactured foods and in food preparation, the overall toxic load to most consumers is huge.

Most of these toxins have an estrogen like effect in that they increase tissue proliferation. If there are cancer cells present in the body, they can literally explode into more rapid growth. This can also be a starting point for benign tumors, which may eventually become cancerous.

When taking all of this into consideration, and the widespread use of genetically modified foods, it’s no wonder we see allergic responses to foods, which for the most part, are normally healthy. I have seriously questioned why I am seeing so many cases of gluten sensitivity. My first inclination is to suspect the use of genetically modified grains as a primary causative factor in this condition.

Another issue seen from these chemically treated plants has to do with secondary sexual characteristics seen in breast development and fat accumulation in our youth. Since these various petro-chemicals contain what is called zenoestrogens (or chemical toxins with estrogen like effects), they interfere with normal hormone balances. This explains why so many young men battle weight gain and breast development, and girls are experiencing more rapid and exaggerated hormone response and weight problems.

To counter these effects, it's important to improve the liver’s ability to clear toxins and to avoid all GMO (genetically modified) foods. Eat organic whenever possible and seek out foods which state they are GMO free. To cleanse the system, we frequently recommend the use of our Standard Process Detoxification protocol. This is a frequent and excellent starting point in reversing many chemical induced health challenges.

Reducing estrogen overload

Last weeks’ article brought forth questions concerning how to clear the effects of excess estrogen in the body.

Men with breast over-development deal with a degree of embarrassment when it comes to taking off their shirt in public or going swimming. I can only imagine how this can erode a man’s self-esteem. When there’s no one offering a plausible direction of treatment, it can lead to a measure of depression.
What I would like to offer today is a ray of hope to all males who suffer the effects of excess estrogen in their systems. This can Also be helpful to women dealing with excess estrogen levels.

First, we need to stop the flood of estrogen contamination in the body. Cut out the junk food. Most of these foods contain high levels of xenoestrogens which are estrogen like compounds found in many chemicals placed either directly or indirectly in our foods. Preservatives, additives, colors, pesticides, and herbicides posses these characteristics.

If it contains soy, consider it off limits. Even farm-raised salmon contain high levels of PCB's which are xenoestrogens. I avoid all farm raised sea food for this reason. Wild and free range is always the best choice.

Milk from cows given Bovine growth hormone can dramatically affect weight gain. Since this hormone is specific to increase lactation in cows, it will affect the lacteals of the breast to increase activity there. This genetically engineered hormone created by Monsanto presents with increased milk production with a high pus content due to the chronic mastitis it creates in the cow. This hormone passed in the milk can stimulate breast growth in humans. Men, if you want to get rid of those breasts, cut out the milk! And please don't jump back into soy milk...(refer to above).

Reducing weight through exercise and a clean diet, consisting of fresh live foods make up the primary foundation of change. Water is the primary solvent your body requires to process all toxins out of the body. Vitamin B-6 and iodine are instrumental in the metabolism of estrogen in the liver.

Antagonists to these elements need to be removed from the diet. Caffeine dramatically reduces vitamin B-6 from the system. This vital nutrient is used up in the processing of caffeine. Fluorine and chloride both displace iodine from the body. Drink only pure clean water. Besides its role in clearing estrogen from the body, iodine regulates your metabolic rate.

In facilitating clearance of estrogen, I like to use specific herbal products. One particularly helpful herb for reducing estrogen is Vitex agnus-castus or Chaste Tree. This herb is also extremely helpful in reducing the overload of androgens seen is teenage acne. Elevated androgens cause swelling of tissues around sebaceous ducts creating the cystic acne seen so frequently in youth.
Much like the previous herb, Paeonia reduces androgen excess. Besides its help with acne, it reduces total estrogen load. This herb has many other beneficial actions as well, including improved cognition. This means it can help with issues like Alzheimer’s disease.

To get the weight off while reducing the estrogen, I find using the detoxification program designed by Standard Process to be a win/win program. All of this is available through our office. We can evaluate estrogen load using either blood or saliva. This we like to compare to progesterone and testosterone, to find the appropriate action to follow. Don't assume what looks to be a genetic issue cannot be overcome with good sound nutritional treatment. Your body is an amazingly responsive creation that will change with the right support.


I truly hope that having read these articles will help you to make better decisions when it comes to your health and the health of our land. Let’s take care of it with our children, grand-children and generations to come in our mind. Let’s leave a legacy behind instead of devastation. Let’s live UNPROCESSED lives!

To learn more about how to make changes to your lifestyle and diet, if you are near or in Longview/Kelso, WA, make sure to come out to the information session I will be holding on July 22nd. Details can be found in the post below, or by clicking HERE.

If you have a bit of free time, watch this movie: The Future of Food. It is right in line with the topic of this post. You can also go HERE to see it full screen.

Meatless Monday in Washington... and Everywhere Else

Happy Monday!

As you are either starting, continuing or finishing today, remember that today is Meatless Monday!

To join the movement click here: Join The Movement!

Food intake today (for the work-day):
• Cup of Teeccino with 1 teaspoon of honey
• Green Shake: apple, beet greens, water, 2 tsp Spirulina
• Bowl of raspberries with 1 tbsp of honey
• Slice of raw bread (gluten-free, of course ;) )
• Side of potatoes under a blanket of greens with fresh lime juice as my dressing
• 1 pear

Whole Food/Vegan Diet during the Holidays

I have been MIA for a few days, I know. I have stayed busy with a few things: a wedding shoot (check out Elena Photographers—Longivew WA Photographer website), a speaking opportunity (spoke to youth at Seaside, OR) and catching up with my everyday life in between.

I have been on the go most of the time and have not spent much time in the kitchen, at least not as much as I wish I had. That, however, does not mean that I have not been keeping up with my Whole Foods Vegan/High Raw diet. Summer and seasonal produce make it very easy to eat fast food (yes, I said fast food, but I am not talking about Burger King or Wendy’s here). If you think about it—what God has provided through nature’s bounty is the fastest food there is—no prep time! Plant it, water it, the sun and the ground will do the rest. All you have to do it pick it and consume it.

The last few days I have been indulging in delicious raspberries. My Mom is growing two different kinds: red and yellow (although they have an orange tint to them). I find that yellow raspberries are much sweeter than the red ones, however the red ones are more aromatic.

Salad greens are in abundance now, so there is no reason not to have a couple of servings a day. Throw greens together (try this combo: dark leaf lettuce, chopped mint, dill and green onions) and eat them with strawberry or honey mustard dressings. Better yet, grind some almonds in a coffee grinder and sprinkle on top—it is a much better choice than your average Parmesan cheese. Very close in texture to cheese, if you miss that feel, and yet so much more nutritious.

Our town is gearing up for the 4th of July celebration—it is a big event here every single year. I am, in fact, going to be partaking in this year’s madness—our church will be set up at the lake to make and sell a few or amazing Russian dishes. Most of them are not going to be vegan… or raw, but I am going to be rolling up my sleeves and helping to raise funds for a much needed building for our church. By the way, it is a small compromise, since the pastor of the church, Leo Pisarchuk, had already hinted at having me set up a juice/smoothie bar in our new building when we get it… and perhaps even an exercise room.

I will be around a lot of foods this weekend that I have grown up with and enjoyed. I had successfully been through one of these tortures last year and survived, as I am planning to do this year as well. Only this year is even better, as I have gone more raw and my body has gotten more junk out. I am planning to go to do my duty fully armed: lots of water, salad and green shakes (smoothies), and whatever dessert I can manage to make between today and tomorrow. I am planning to make the rest of the group want what I have, not the other way around.

As you are getting ready to celebrate America’s (USA) Independence, stay focused and celebrate your independence as well. Independence from sickness, disease, from depression, from extra weight, from junk and toxic foods, and Freedom to be ALL you can be without being bound by the abovementioned.

There is no reason for you to feel nostalgic about foods that you used to have that you choose to no longer consume. There is so much out there to be discovered and enjoyed. Foods that you have never tasted are awaiting you. So, this weekend, instead of getting your grill out, go to a farmer’s market and see what goodies you can find. Try to taste at least three foods (organic, raw) that you have never had before… and support local farmers.

Here is a recipe for a fabulous Mint Shake that I had today.

Mint Shake
Makes 30 oz.

• 1.5 cup water
• ¾ pineapple, cored, and chopped into chunks
• 4-5 dates, pitted (for sweetness, and only if needed)
• 1/3 cup hemp seed
• 2-3 stems of mint (leaves and all)
• 2-3 large beat greens

Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender and enjoy the sweetness and the creaminess of this nutritious shake.

Happy Independence Day!