Am I asking a tricky question? Many would tend to think so, or yet, quickly answer: “Yes!”, however, when you ask them how they got to their conclusion, the only answer they can come up with is: “Doctors say it is.”
It is unfortunate, and unfortunately I am saying that it is unfortunate, that we have grown to trust medical doctors more than we trust common sense. It is nearly unfathomable for most to think that the common sense and God-given instinct about lifestyle and food choices could be better than a doctor’s advice. But, are the doctors telling us the truth?
History of Chemo “Therapy”
The first drug used for chemo therapy (treatment with chemicals that kill both bad AND good cells) can be traced back to the beginning of the 20th century. Mustard gas was used during WWI and WWII. During WWII a group of people was exposed to it and was found to have low white cell count. Without any studies, it was then assumed that this gas will have the same effect on cancer cells. In 1940s, instead of exposing patients to gas form of this chemical, several patients were administered the agent intravenously. The was an improvement in them… BUT only temporarily. The pharmaceutical industry quickly jumped at the opportunity to make more money. A promise of life, as short and miserable as it could be during and following chemo, although no one would advertise such facts, was worth big money to those suffering and to their families. The researchers, instead of doing long-term, in-depth studies of the effectiveness of the new-found miracle cure, started to look for other chemicals that would produce same results. Since then chemo drug development has exploded into a multi-billion unstoppable industry.
(I am not sure what we call it “side” effects—these are newly induced diseases caused by poisonous chemicals)
This is an INCOMPLETE list
• Pain
• Erythema
• Nausea
• Diarrhea or constipation
• Anemia
• Malnutrition
• Hair loss
• Memory loss
• Depression of the immune system, hence (potentially lethal) infections and sepsis
• Dehydration
• Vertigo
• Hematoma
• Dry mouth/ xerostomia
• Psychosocial distress
• Weight loss or gain
• Hemorrhage
• Water retention
• Sexual impotence
• Secondary neoplasms
Damage to specific organs may occur, with resultant symptoms:
• Cardiotoxicity (heart damage)
• Hepatotoxicity (liver damage)
• Nephrotoxicity (kidney damage)
• Ototoxicity (damage to the inner ear)
I hope you are starting to think now… Independently, I mean. Given the list of these side-effects, who in their normal mind would ever call this “therapy” or a “treatment”? Even if you were to make it, by some miracle, you are damaged from within irreversibly. Hair loss is the least of all evils on this list in my opinion. So, please excuse me, but from this point on I will stop using term “therapy” in conjunction with such torture.
• Immunosuppression and myelosuppression
o Chemo cause depression of the immune system. Often it happens due to paralysis of the bone marrow and leading to a decrease of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. The latter two, when they occur, are improved with blood transfusion.
o In very severe myelosuppression almost all the bone marrow stem cells (cells that produce white and red blood cells) are destroyed.
• Nausea and vomiting
o Chemo induces stimulation of the vomiting center in the brain. However, the drug companies did not leave their patients “hanging”, or should I say “vomiting their guts out”, they came up with… yep, you guessed it, more medication that could suppress or alleviate or delay some of such reactions.
I don’t know about you, but I am already sick to my stomach just talking about adverse reactions to a “healing therapy”. Is it any surprise that millions of cancer patients die even when treated? Doctors won’t admit to this, but most of them die not due to cancer eating away at their bodies, but due to chemo (and all is adverse reactions you just read about). I will move on to what can provide me with an answer to the topic of this post: Chemotherapy: Is it Effective?
Have you ever wondered about the fact that you only hear about 5-year survival rates when it comes to chemo? Yet, millions of people undergo the “treatment”. Just imagine if you had any other disease; let’s say an infection in your big tow. You go to see a doctor, and he proceeds to tell you that he will treat you, although while being treated you will be sick, you will lose hair, you won’t be able to function, but… maybe, just maybe, you will live, and maybe, just maybe you will live up to 5 years after the treatment. Will you still do it?
What if the doctor told you that there is only 5-year 2% survival rate* for patients with your condition? Will you still be willing to roll the dice and take a chance to be 1 out of 50 people that might live up to 5 years after the “treatment”? Or would you rather take your chances, change what you can in your life and diet and help your body heal itself, and maybe live another 10-20 years… or, if you do die, at least die without hair loss, nausea, loss of your immune system, etc.?
* [Royal North Shore Hospital Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) 2005 Jun;17(4):294.]
I hope, albeit this is a short post, you have drawn at least a small understanding of my take on whether chemo is effective or not. And if you are lost, somehow, the answer is an emphatic "NO"!
It is unfortunate, and unfortunately I am saying that it is unfortunate, that we have grown to trust medical doctors more than we trust common sense. It is nearly unfathomable for most to think that the common sense and God-given instinct about lifestyle and food choices could be better than a doctor’s advice. But, are the doctors telling us the truth?
History of Chemo “Therapy”
The first drug used for chemo therapy (treatment with chemicals that kill both bad AND good cells) can be traced back to the beginning of the 20th century. Mustard gas was used during WWI and WWII. During WWII a group of people was exposed to it and was found to have low white cell count. Without any studies, it was then assumed that this gas will have the same effect on cancer cells. In 1940s, instead of exposing patients to gas form of this chemical, several patients were administered the agent intravenously. The was an improvement in them… BUT only temporarily. The pharmaceutical industry quickly jumped at the opportunity to make more money. A promise of life, as short and miserable as it could be during and following chemo, although no one would advertise such facts, was worth big money to those suffering and to their families. The researchers, instead of doing long-term, in-depth studies of the effectiveness of the new-found miracle cure, started to look for other chemicals that would produce same results. Since then chemo drug development has exploded into a multi-billion unstoppable industry.
(I am not sure what we call it “side” effects—these are newly induced diseases caused by poisonous chemicals)
This is an INCOMPLETE list
• Pain
• Erythema
• Nausea
• Diarrhea or constipation
• Anemia
• Malnutrition
• Hair loss
• Memory loss
• Depression of the immune system, hence (potentially lethal) infections and sepsis
• Dehydration
• Vertigo
• Hematoma
• Dry mouth/ xerostomia
• Psychosocial distress
• Weight loss or gain
• Hemorrhage
• Water retention
• Sexual impotence
• Secondary neoplasms
Damage to specific organs may occur, with resultant symptoms:
• Cardiotoxicity (heart damage)
• Hepatotoxicity (liver damage)
• Nephrotoxicity (kidney damage)
• Ototoxicity (damage to the inner ear)
I hope you are starting to think now… Independently, I mean. Given the list of these side-effects, who in their normal mind would ever call this “therapy” or a “treatment”? Even if you were to make it, by some miracle, you are damaged from within irreversibly. Hair loss is the least of all evils on this list in my opinion. So, please excuse me, but from this point on I will stop using term “therapy” in conjunction with such torture.
• Immunosuppression and myelosuppression
o Chemo cause depression of the immune system. Often it happens due to paralysis of the bone marrow and leading to a decrease of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. The latter two, when they occur, are improved with blood transfusion.
o In very severe myelosuppression almost all the bone marrow stem cells (cells that produce white and red blood cells) are destroyed.
• Nausea and vomiting
o Chemo induces stimulation of the vomiting center in the brain. However, the drug companies did not leave their patients “hanging”, or should I say “vomiting their guts out”, they came up with… yep, you guessed it, more medication that could suppress or alleviate or delay some of such reactions.
I don’t know about you, but I am already sick to my stomach just talking about adverse reactions to a “healing therapy”. Is it any surprise that millions of cancer patients die even when treated? Doctors won’t admit to this, but most of them die not due to cancer eating away at their bodies, but due to chemo (and all is adverse reactions you just read about). I will move on to what can provide me with an answer to the topic of this post: Chemotherapy: Is it Effective?
Have you ever wondered about the fact that you only hear about 5-year survival rates when it comes to chemo? Yet, millions of people undergo the “treatment”. Just imagine if you had any other disease; let’s say an infection in your big tow. You go to see a doctor, and he proceeds to tell you that he will treat you, although while being treated you will be sick, you will lose hair, you won’t be able to function, but… maybe, just maybe, you will live, and maybe, just maybe you will live up to 5 years after the treatment. Will you still do it?
What if the doctor told you that there is only 5-year 2% survival rate* for patients with your condition? Will you still be willing to roll the dice and take a chance to be 1 out of 50 people that might live up to 5 years after the “treatment”? Or would you rather take your chances, change what you can in your life and diet and help your body heal itself, and maybe live another 10-20 years… or, if you do die, at least die without hair loss, nausea, loss of your immune system, etc.?
* [Royal North Shore Hospital Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) 2005 Jun;17(4):294.]
I hope, albeit this is a short post, you have drawn at least a small understanding of my take on whether chemo is effective or not. And if you are lost, somehow, the answer is an emphatic "NO"!
I was prompted to write about this after learning that at least four people that I know were affected by the cancer industry:
1. Mr. C, of whom I have spoken on this blog, who had received a series of chemo treatments and then was left to die (“No Hope” they told him);
2. A wonderful young lady that I work with has a brother who had just undergone a surgery, losing many of internal organs, after being diagnosed with cancer. He was already told that it will not stop the spread of cancerous cells, but… they did it anyhow, since money, apparently is more important than the human life.
3. My photographer friend’s acquaintance was diagnosed with cancer and is being sent into a surgery… with chemo to follow.
4. My niece’s young, very young friend was diagnosed with cancer and was immediately sent into surgery, having been told that even if she survives she will not have children. I am certain that chemo “offering” will immediately follow the surgery.
Chemo is ineffective. What IS effective is a preventative lifestyle and diet. What is effective for most chemo casualties in reversing and beating cancer is a change to low-fat all plant based whole foods diet and improving their overall lifestyle (activity level and chemical reduction in their surroundings). God created our bodies with a wonderful defense-mechanism called Immune System. It is only when we weaken it (our defenses) that our bodies become prone to getting sick. Chemo weakens our immunity even further, so it makes NO LOGICAL sense to believe it can help. Whole plant based organic diet provides essential material for our bodies to strengthen its immunity and beat foreign invaders, such as cancerous cells, even after they had a chance to multiply and implant themselves into our bodies.
To learn more on the topic of a plant-based diet make sure to come to my next information session. You can find details about it here a couple of posts below, or by clicking HERE. I hope that your curiosity has peeked enough and I will see you there.
I end with a cartoon that speaks volumes on the topic.

Until next time: Live an Unprocessed Life!
1. Mr. C, of whom I have spoken on this blog, who had received a series of chemo treatments and then was left to die (“No Hope” they told him);
2. A wonderful young lady that I work with has a brother who had just undergone a surgery, losing many of internal organs, after being diagnosed with cancer. He was already told that it will not stop the spread of cancerous cells, but… they did it anyhow, since money, apparently is more important than the human life.
3. My photographer friend’s acquaintance was diagnosed with cancer and is being sent into a surgery… with chemo to follow.
4. My niece’s young, very young friend was diagnosed with cancer and was immediately sent into surgery, having been told that even if she survives she will not have children. I am certain that chemo “offering” will immediately follow the surgery.
Chemo is ineffective. What IS effective is a preventative lifestyle and diet. What is effective for most chemo casualties in reversing and beating cancer is a change to low-fat all plant based whole foods diet and improving their overall lifestyle (activity level and chemical reduction in their surroundings). God created our bodies with a wonderful defense-mechanism called Immune System. It is only when we weaken it (our defenses) that our bodies become prone to getting sick. Chemo weakens our immunity even further, so it makes NO LOGICAL sense to believe it can help. Whole plant based organic diet provides essential material for our bodies to strengthen its immunity and beat foreign invaders, such as cancerous cells, even after they had a chance to multiply and implant themselves into our bodies.
To learn more on the topic of a plant-based diet make sure to come to my next information session. You can find details about it here a couple of posts below, or by clicking HERE. I hope that your curiosity has peeked enough and I will see you there.
I end with a cartoon that speaks volumes on the topic.

Until next time: Live an Unprocessed Life!