Dangers of Genetic Engineering

Once in a while I post articles written by a local Naturopath on my blog. (It is done with his permission, of course.) In the last couple of weeks he had written a couple of articles, which I am combining here into one post, on a topic that I am very passion about—Dangers of Genetic Engineering.

There are no words, eloquent enough, for me to describe how much I despise what Franken-science has done to the overall health of our society. It makes me sick when I see big corporations, like Monsanto, trade their soul for the almighty dollar. When human lives mean less than a string of numbers in a bank account we can be certain that our national morality has degraded and we are in need of salvation. We must go back to the times when a human life was precious and money was of lesser importance. Although, to be completely honest, there was never such a time in the human history. There were always wars, manmade famines, genocides, etc., which still continue to this day—they just take on different forms and shapes. In America (North America) where we pride ourselves on being civilized and a developed country, in reality we live in the Stone Ages and stand to learn what true humanitarianism and compassion are.

GMOs are not just bad foods--the chemicals and bacteria from GMO foods have the ability to lodge in our intestines and remain there FOREVER! Yes, you read it right--FOREVER! And when they do, they live there and multiply and effect even the healthiest of us. So, think LONG TERM! I know that it seems that organic foods are more expensive than their trashy distant cousins, but every penny spent on organic and unprocessed foods is an investment in your and your family's future.

I believe that we, as individuals, have to take a stand and make our voices heard to bring about a change. We can vote by signing petitions, holding rallies and voting with our spending $$$.

Without further due, here are articles by Dr. Briggs, ND, of Clatskanie OR.

Dangers of genetic engineering

Genetic engineering has been seen by many as a great breakthrough to increase food production with decreased cost and energy. What often isn’t seen is the resulting poor food quality and added toxic load carried in this food.

To make this point, I want to relate to one particular product. Monsanto, which gave us such damaging products as aspartame (Nutrasweet) and Round Up, developed a genetic strain of soybeans that are resistant to the weed killer; Round Up. The reason for creating this strain of soybean was to be able to spray a whole field of growing soybeans with Round Up, killing only weeds, not having any apparent effect on the soy beans themselves. What’s failed to be shown is the absorption of Round Up into the soybean structure.

As with any living organism, toxic materials are mainly stored in the fatty structures of the plant. When you consider the widespread use of soy and soy oils in both manufactured foods and in food preparation, the overall toxic load to most consumers is huge.

Most of these toxins have an estrogen like effect in that they increase tissue proliferation. If there are cancer cells present in the body, they can literally explode into more rapid growth. This can also be a starting point for benign tumors, which may eventually become cancerous.

When taking all of this into consideration, and the widespread use of genetically modified foods, it’s no wonder we see allergic responses to foods, which for the most part, are normally healthy. I have seriously questioned why I am seeing so many cases of gluten sensitivity. My first inclination is to suspect the use of genetically modified grains as a primary causative factor in this condition.

Another issue seen from these chemically treated plants has to do with secondary sexual characteristics seen in breast development and fat accumulation in our youth. Since these various petro-chemicals contain what is called zenoestrogens (or chemical toxins with estrogen like effects), they interfere with normal hormone balances. This explains why so many young men battle weight gain and breast development, and girls are experiencing more rapid and exaggerated hormone response and weight problems.

To counter these effects, it's important to improve the liver’s ability to clear toxins and to avoid all GMO (genetically modified) foods. Eat organic whenever possible and seek out foods which state they are GMO free. To cleanse the system, we frequently recommend the use of our Standard Process Detoxification protocol. This is a frequent and excellent starting point in reversing many chemical induced health challenges.

Reducing estrogen overload

Last weeks’ article brought forth questions concerning how to clear the effects of excess estrogen in the body.

Men with breast over-development deal with a degree of embarrassment when it comes to taking off their shirt in public or going swimming. I can only imagine how this can erode a man’s self-esteem. When there’s no one offering a plausible direction of treatment, it can lead to a measure of depression.
What I would like to offer today is a ray of hope to all males who suffer the effects of excess estrogen in their systems. This can Also be helpful to women dealing with excess estrogen levels.

First, we need to stop the flood of estrogen contamination in the body. Cut out the junk food. Most of these foods contain high levels of xenoestrogens which are estrogen like compounds found in many chemicals placed either directly or indirectly in our foods. Preservatives, additives, colors, pesticides, and herbicides posses these characteristics.

If it contains soy, consider it off limits. Even farm-raised salmon contain high levels of PCB's which are xenoestrogens. I avoid all farm raised sea food for this reason. Wild and free range is always the best choice.

Milk from cows given Bovine growth hormone can dramatically affect weight gain. Since this hormone is specific to increase lactation in cows, it will affect the lacteals of the breast to increase activity there. This genetically engineered hormone created by Monsanto presents with increased milk production with a high pus content due to the chronic mastitis it creates in the cow. This hormone passed in the milk can stimulate breast growth in humans. Men, if you want to get rid of those breasts, cut out the milk! And please don't jump back into soy milk...(refer to above).

Reducing weight through exercise and a clean diet, consisting of fresh live foods make up the primary foundation of change. Water is the primary solvent your body requires to process all toxins out of the body. Vitamin B-6 and iodine are instrumental in the metabolism of estrogen in the liver.

Antagonists to these elements need to be removed from the diet. Caffeine dramatically reduces vitamin B-6 from the system. This vital nutrient is used up in the processing of caffeine. Fluorine and chloride both displace iodine from the body. Drink only pure clean water. Besides its role in clearing estrogen from the body, iodine regulates your metabolic rate.

In facilitating clearance of estrogen, I like to use specific herbal products. One particularly helpful herb for reducing estrogen is Vitex agnus-castus or Chaste Tree. This herb is also extremely helpful in reducing the overload of androgens seen is teenage acne. Elevated androgens cause swelling of tissues around sebaceous ducts creating the cystic acne seen so frequently in youth.
Much like the previous herb, Paeonia reduces androgen excess. Besides its help with acne, it reduces total estrogen load. This herb has many other beneficial actions as well, including improved cognition. This means it can help with issues like Alzheimer’s disease.

To get the weight off while reducing the estrogen, I find using the detoxification program designed by Standard Process to be a win/win program. All of this is available through our office. We can evaluate estrogen load using either blood or saliva. This we like to compare to progesterone and testosterone, to find the appropriate action to follow. Don't assume what looks to be a genetic issue cannot be overcome with good sound nutritional treatment. Your body is an amazingly responsive creation that will change with the right support.


I truly hope that having read these articles will help you to make better decisions when it comes to your health and the health of our land. Let’s take care of it with our children, grand-children and generations to come in our mind. Let’s leave a legacy behind instead of devastation. Let’s live UNPROCESSED lives!

To learn more about how to make changes to your lifestyle and diet, if you are near or in Longview/Kelso, WA, make sure to come out to the information session I will be holding on July 22nd. Details can be found in the post below, or by clicking HERE.

If you have a bit of free time, watch this movie: The Future of Food. It is right in line with the topic of this post. You can also go HERE to see it full screen.