I have been a bit absent from blogging, but the last week and a half has been strategically planned as my time off: time to relax from cooking, blogging, and many other activities I so enjoy doing, and catch up on so much needed sleep, rest… and remodeling at my house :)
The extra time off allowed me to finally sit down and find a worthy upgrade to my dinosaurish PC—I have ordered a new Dell XPS 435 with a 24” monitor, which will be arriving this week! I am SOOOOOOO thrilled! A good computer is very much a necessity in my house: I do not only blog about food and nutrition, but I am also a photographer [Longview and Kelso, WA Photographer], so my livelihood depends on the speed of my technology. I have also recently taken on another blogging task—blogging for my church—Kelso Church of Truth, WA. [So much for taking time off ;) but that is what normally happens to me.]
Starting next week I am planning to pick up my blogging calling : ) and shift my brain back into a creative mode. I am in a process of starting to plan a very special project—I have been toying with an idea of creating a Vegan [mostly raw/high raw] e-cookbook. There are so many tricks and tips in my head that are begging to come out. As I am starting to feel refreshed after a short break, I am becoming more inspired to let my nutritional genius out :)
For now, it is time for a bit of thoughtful vegan humor.

Starting next week I am planning to pick up my blogging calling : ) and shift my brain back into a creative mode. I am in a process of starting to plan a very special project—I have been toying with an idea of creating a Vegan [mostly raw/high raw] e-cookbook. There are so many tricks and tips in my head that are begging to come out. As I am starting to feel refreshed after a short break, I am becoming more inspired to let my nutritional genius out :)
For now, it is time for a bit of thoughtful vegan humor.