I am planning to offer a couple of Vegan Cooking Classes in Longview WA next month, and am currenly looking for a host. What do I mean by that?

healthy body soul lucky
Yes, I know that the title is long, but the subject is very interesting.
Growing up overseas fermented food was a part of our daily diet. For the most part it was raw fermented sauerkraut, which we used in soups and salads. I never thought that we intentionally fermented cabbage for its health benefits—it was a fringe benefit for sure, we simply did it to preserve enough cabbage to last us through the winter and until the next season of fresh harvest. I remember the days when my Dad would work hard shredding cabbage for hours on a huge mandoline-line slicker, while Mom and we would grate carrots. In the end we would mix it all together, sometimes adding other ingredients, massage everything with salt, place in a huge vat, put heavy stones on top to help the juices come out, and leave it to ferment. We never had to buy sauerkraut from a store in a jar.
We also occasionally made kombucha. You can read about it here.
Having moved to the US we slowly drifted away from our roots, since there is an abundance of fresh foods year around. It was not until last year when I started to reintroduce fermented foods into our diet. I started by making kombucha at home, then I started to buy sauerkraut to add to salads, and recently I was reminded just how simple fermenting veggies could be in the comfort of my home.
fermenting my own vegetables by a couple of other bloggers: Pure2Raw and Kristen's Raw [thank you, ladies]. Although I bought a set or probiotics, which I am planning to take for 1 month only, I realize the need for an ongoing intake of good bacteria. On Pure2Raw blog I was noticing the very colorful fermented veggies the twins were eating and I got super jealous! Their fermented food looked more exciting than my boring, lonely sauerkraut I got from a store. It was time to change that! So, last night I headed to the store and got a whole bunch of COLORFUL veggies I wanted to ferment, and then I went to shredding and slicing. By the end of the night I had eye candy: TA-DA!
And this is me, fresh and clean after an intensive Power Yoga workout. [sorry about, the camera and the mirror, but I had no one else around to shap a shot of me ;)].
• 3.5 quarts water
• 1 large potato, peeled and sliced
• 1 small-medium sized carrot, shredded
• 1/2 onion, sliced
o 1/2 cups cooked beans
• 1/2 cup brown rice
• 3-4 tbs chopped dill
• Your favorite organic seasoning
• Sea or Himalayan Salt to taste
• 3-4 tbs olive oil
• Start warming water while you are peeling and chopping potatoes
• Add salt and potatoes to water
• Bring to boil and reduce to medium or low-medium heat; cover
• Meanwhile, sauté onions and carrots in oil [you can also add 1/2 chopped bell pepper if you wish]; add seasoning while sautéing
• Once water and its contents had boiled for 10-15 minutes, add beans and rice to it [if you did not have precooked beans and rice, then cook beans first; when half way done, add rice and cook through, then add remaining ingredients that need to be boiled]
• Add sauted veggies to the pot and cook for another 5-10 minutes
• When done, garnish with dill and enjoy!
Whole Wheat Crackers
• It is quite simple, follow recipe from this post to make torilla bread, however add your favorite organic seasoning to the mix and 4 tbs of olive oil.
• Preheat the oven to 375 F
• After rolling out dough, place on a baking sheet and bake until bread becomes brittle and easily breakable. Some parts of bread will be golden brown while others will remain the same light brown color [color of flour you are using].
• When done, take out from the oven, cool off a little, then break into pieces of any size you like.
Whole Wheat Wraps
• Same dough, same concept, only this time bake dough until it is baked through yet remains pliable
• Take out of the oven and cover
Avocado Spread
• 2 avocados, mashed with a fork or a spoon
• Salt and seasoning to taste
• 1 tbs apple cider vinegar [optional]
You can dip into the spread with Whole Wheat Crackers, or spread on your Wrap before laying out other ingredients to make it creamier.
Wrap Filling/Salad
• 1 head of Romaine lettuce, chopped
• 2-3 Roma tomatoes, sliced lengthwise
• 1-2 avocados, cubed [I later searately added 1/2 sliced avocado to my wrap]
• 3 tbs olive oil
• seasoning and salt to taste
• 1/2 cup chopped parsley
Mix all ingredients and fill your Whole Wheat Wrap with them.
Are you having a recipe overload? Well, my stomach had certainly enjoyed the whole meal!
Tomorrow we are planning to feast on energy filled green smoothies, lots of water; I will also be making falafels [I found this delectable recipe on a blog of a wonderfully talented lady Hannah] to have with salads, and whatever else comes our way.
For the next couple of days, here is the menu I propose for you, dear Daniel Fasters.
Saturday, Day 6 and Sunday, Day 7
Smoothie/Green Smoothie
Choose from the list of Salads [pick the ones that are Fast Friendly]
Choose from the list of Dinners, Salads and Main Dishes
You can find some Fast Friendly Desserts here, if you are craving some, although I would suggest not to overindulge in sweets, albeit they come in the form of fruit.
Take the time tomorrow and Sunday to do all of your shopping and preparation for the week to come: precook some rice and other grains, beans; chop greens and veggies, and some fruit [which you can freeze], so you do not have to feel like you live in the kitchen.
I am hoping to take some time tomorrow to blog a menu for next week, so I hope you come back to check it.
And here is my ghetto take of me in my work-out getup (I work out at home). I normally do not indulge in posting pics of myself, however, I thought it is about time I reminded the world what I look like ;).
By increasing fluids you will be flushing out toxins and teaching your body that it no longer needs to store water. Be sure the water is filtered and free from chemicals.
Question of the day: what has been your experience when you increased your water intake? Or, if you are not drinking enough water, how are you planning to change it?
So, here are the award rules, which I am copying from Kori’s blog: First: Copy the award image in your post.
Then, list 10 things that make you happy, try to do at least one of them today, and tag 10 bloggers that brighten your day.
For those 10 bloggers who get the award, you must link back to my blog!….the last part..only if you want too!
Oy Vey! What a challenge! I am normally pretty private about things that make me happy, but here it goes [I am trying my best here, you see].
10 things that make me happy:
1. I love waking up in a good mood. There is nothing like opening my eyes first thing in the morning with a song in my heart [like today], and a silly grin on my face. But to wake up in a good mood one also must go to bed in a good mood. So, happy, positive attitude toward life in general makes it possible.
2. Knowing that my life has been redeemed for ETERNITY by my Jesus makes me happy and giddy all at the same time. I LOVE HIM, LOVE HIM, LOVE HIM!
3. Gazing into my husband’s eyes with nothing to interrupt us makes me VERY happy! I see OUR future in his eyes. When he looks at me I feel everything fading away, and it is just he and I, looking at each other, melting each other’s hearts, until nothing but love between us remains.
4. Dreaming and making extravagant plans together with my husband or by myself makes me happy. I am not sure if you have met a couple yet that can dream crazy dreams like we do. I suppose that is why we fell for each other ;).
5. A good workout that engages every muscle of my being makes me happy [I know that it sounds weird]. There are times I CRAVE a good work out!
6. Growing in the areas I am passionate about makes me happy. Discovering new things, applying them, and wowing others [I am talking about photography, nutrition and my Savior, of course;)].
7. Reading a good book, especially on a rainy day makes me happy. What makes it even better is if my love is right next to me, holding me or just touching my hand.
8. Making others feel loved and appreciated makes me VERY happy. Helping someone discover their potential, their talent is super extraordinary.
9. Playing with a little child makes me fabulously happy.
10. A clean kitchen and kitchen and photography gadgets make me happy also.
So, you already know more than you want to about me. Now it is time to nominate 10 other bloggers. Drum roll, please:
BitterSweet Blog
Vegan Yum Yum
Fertile Healthy
In The Raw
Raw Epicurean
Krsiten’s Raw
Kath Eats Real Food
Happy Herbivore
Lemondrops Photography
Have an amazing day!
Here is my sweet hubby and I waiting for my niece to arrive. Isn't he handsome?!
Brown Rice and Bean Warming Soup
The recipe was made to feed a crowd, so if you are going to be feeding only a couple of people cut down on the ingredients, otherwise you will have enough to last you 3 days.
`6 Quarts water
`2.5 cups brown rice
`2 cups adzuki beans [if you presoak them you will cut down on the cooking time]
`Sea or Himalayan salt to taste
`1 bay leaf
Bring water to boil with all of these ingredients, then reduce heat to low and let the ingredients cook until done.
`1/2 large egg plant, skinned and cubed into medium size chunks
`1 onion, cubed
`2 cloves of garlic, diced
`2 large carrot, sliced in a manner you like
`3-4T olive oil
`2 cups of thingy sliced cabbage
Saute these ingredients for 15-20 mins on low heat. When brown rice and beans have cooked through add sauteed ingredients in along with
`2 teaspoons chili powder
`1T cumin
Boil together on low heat for 10 minutes. Garnish with chopped cilantro or basil. You can serve it by itself or add organic corn chips to the mix, and ENJOY!
Now I am off to dry-brush myself and take a long hot shower before tonight's movie night [my hubby's and niece's idea]. They also decided that they must have chocolate chip cookies [and you can only guess who has to bake those].
Have a great night!
I enjoyed my soup with a slice of freshly made whole wheat bread.
Now I am off to enjoy a movie [Inkheart], and my time alone.
Have a Happy New Year! Let me know how you started yours.