Yesterday was my birthday. It was amazing! Demetrey took care of the breakfast, then we spiffed up and headed out to Vancouver, WA [bigger town than Longview, so there are certainly more things to do there ;) ]. But before we took off Demetrye treated me to my own mini photo session.
And, of course, we had to do it right and do a few shots together [timer and a tripod come in helpful].
Then we headed out.
Because we are still on the Daniel Fast and I am doing a sugar cleanse at the same time, we stopped by a Whole Foods and had a great lunch there. We visited their Salad Bar and loaded up on lots of raw veggies and a few falafels.
When we started to eat what we had neat looking plates, with everything slightly separated. However, my taste buds got bored very quickly.
I grabbed their Balsamic Vinaigrette and had a little tossing party. And... HALLELUJAH! my taste buds were in heaven!
On the way out we stopped by one of their tasting stations. The lady that was at the stand, Eva, was giving kombucha samples. But let me tell you that it was not any kombucha that you might have tasted to date--hers are absolutely amazing, made with various healing herbs and tasty... oh, so tasty. Her product is called Herbucha because of the herbs in it. I tasted 3 different flavors: Detox, Immune support and Relax. My two favorite flavors were Immune Support and Relax, very light, yet with your expected kombucha zing, with a great herbal/flowery taste. At first I was reluctant to spend $3.99 on a bottle of this super-delicious drink, but then I remembered that I still did not have my fermented food for the day, and it was my b-day... AND it was SOOOOOOOOOO delicious that I could not pass it up. So I walked out of the store with a bottle of Herbucha:
I enjoyed EVERY sip of it, until it was gone. I wish I had gotten two!
If you are in or around Portland/Vancouver area you should check out this amazing kombucha drink [I mean it, and no one is paying me to say this]. Click on this link to find a list of locations that carries Eva's elixir [at least that is what I am calling it].
After lunch we hung out at a book store [my choice, and we both love books], and then went to see Avatar in 3D. Wowzers! The movie is long, but I could not tell, because I was so sucked into it. I would go see it again in a heartbeat… as long as I don’t have to pay for ridiculously expensive 3D tickets, however, yesterday it was so worth it. Oh, and I was slowly sipping on my Herbucha. Too bad it was gone before the movie could even start. Although it might be a good thing also, because lots of liquids and long movies don't mix well.
After the movie we headed back to town… and things got even more interesting. We were passing through Woodland when I noticed, what I thought, a woman walking on the side of the freeway, alone… in the dark. Demetrye and I pulled over and waited for the “woman” to catch up. Well, thankfully, it was not a woman walking alone. It was a man, who was hitch-hiking from LA to Belinghelm, WA [sorry if I spelled the town wrong]. So, we decided that the guy should not freeze himself and gave him a ride to the local shelter. However… on the way we decided to stop by a Subway and get him a meal. We were going to be in and out, so I left my purse in the car, made sure that the car was locked and we headed inside.
The man picked his meal, and as Demetrye was getting ready to pay for it, his facial expression changed. “Where are the keys, hon?” Ah-oh! Since we got married we locked our keys in the car twice and ever since then I always made sure to have a spare on ME. This time… nope. I thought we’ll in and out and I would rather not drag my person with me. BIG MISTAKE! Turns out that Demetrye left the keys in the ignition and I did not even do my usual: “Honey, do you have the keys?” check before getting out of the car. Ouch!
Well, thankfully I have very skilled family members, all within minutes away. And THANKFULLY we were already in Kelso, only minutes from home. I called up my nephew [thank you, Adrew], and while the man was enjoying his meal, Andrew and Demetrye freed the keys.
Surely not a night we would easily forget!
When we got home, Demetrye spoiled me a bit more and gave me a full body massage, and I nearly fell asleep dreaming of the gift he is getting me this year: Canon Powershot SD780IS with HD video!!! Sounds silly, but I am so excited to get a point and shoot camera, especially considering that it has video capabilities also. I don’t like to drag my Canon around with me everywhere now–too big and too heavy just for snapshots. Once I get my tiny P&S I will be unstoppable :) .
I hate to think that my perfect weekend is coming to an end.

Then we headed out.
Because we are still on the Daniel Fast and I am doing a sugar cleanse at the same time, we stopped by a Whole Foods and had a great lunch there. We visited their Salad Bar and loaded up on lots of raw veggies and a few falafels.
When we started to eat what we had neat looking plates, with everything slightly separated. However, my taste buds got bored very quickly.

If you are in or around Portland/Vancouver area you should check out this amazing kombucha drink [I mean it, and no one is paying me to say this]. Click on this link to find a list of locations that carries Eva's elixir [at least that is what I am calling it].
After lunch we hung out at a book store [my choice, and we both love books], and then went to see Avatar in 3D. Wowzers! The movie is long, but I could not tell, because I was so sucked into it. I would go see it again in a heartbeat… as long as I don’t have to pay for ridiculously expensive 3D tickets, however, yesterday it was so worth it. Oh, and I was slowly sipping on my Herbucha. Too bad it was gone before the movie could even start. Although it might be a good thing also, because lots of liquids and long movies don't mix well.
After the movie we headed back to town… and things got even more interesting. We were passing through Woodland when I noticed, what I thought, a woman walking on the side of the freeway, alone… in the dark. Demetrye and I pulled over and waited for the “woman” to catch up. Well, thankfully, it was not a woman walking alone. It was a man, who was hitch-hiking from LA to Belinghelm, WA [sorry if I spelled the town wrong]. So, we decided that the guy should not freeze himself and gave him a ride to the local shelter. However… on the way we decided to stop by a Subway and get him a meal. We were going to be in and out, so I left my purse in the car, made sure that the car was locked and we headed inside.
The man picked his meal, and as Demetrye was getting ready to pay for it, his facial expression changed. “Where are the keys, hon?” Ah-oh! Since we got married we locked our keys in the car twice and ever since then I always made sure to have a spare on ME. This time… nope. I thought we’ll in and out and I would rather not drag my person with me. BIG MISTAKE! Turns out that Demetrye left the keys in the ignition and I did not even do my usual: “Honey, do you have the keys?” check before getting out of the car. Ouch!
Well, thankfully I have very skilled family members, all within minutes away. And THANKFULLY we were already in Kelso, only minutes from home. I called up my nephew [thank you, Adrew], and while the man was enjoying his meal, Andrew and Demetrye freed the keys.
Surely not a night we would easily forget!
When we got home, Demetrye spoiled me a bit more and gave me a full body massage, and I nearly fell asleep dreaming of the gift he is getting me this year: Canon Powershot SD780IS with HD video!!! Sounds silly, but I am so excited to get a point and shoot camera, especially considering that it has video capabilities also. I don’t like to drag my Canon around with me everywhere now–too big and too heavy just for snapshots. Once I get my tiny P&S I will be unstoppable :) .
I hate to think that my perfect weekend is coming to an end.