Good evening, lovely, health minded people!
I am planning to offer a couple of Vegan Cooking Classes in Longview WA next month, and am currenly looking for a host. What do I mean by that?
Instead of renting a facility, like I
did last year [and enjoyed it], this time around I would like to find someone who is very passionate about learning healthful living and improving health and shedding pounds through indulging in scruptious and delicious recipes.

A host should be willing to make his/her kitchen and dining room available for me to teach participants how to make amazing vegan dishes and share nutrition Whats and Hows.
An ideal setting would be an open spacious kitchen with a lot of counter space, and enough room to fit in 6-10 participants.
A host will receive a free lesson and a few course meal to boot :)!

If you are interested or know someone with an ideal setting who might be, please contact me via e-mail at elena.wilkins[at]gmail[dot]com [please replace [at] with @ and [dot] with a period]. I am looking forward to hearing from you!