I had a LONG, LONG, LONG DAY! I have been through four cities, had a presentation, a consultation, did grocery shopping for our 21 day Daniel Fast [more on this coming soon] and a business mixer. Thankfully I packed some of my food on the road: lots of fruit, a green smoothie I made this morning, a green salad and a couple of other things, along with lots of water.
My hubby, who has tons of work to do, but loves me so much, went along with me, first to Camas, then Vancouver, WA, then Portland OR, and then finally to Cathlamet. He is just that good.
So there was much going on today, but I am so tired I have no energy to tell you much, except I have to share a very funny story.
My hubby, bless his heart, has been slacking with his water intake. I have been thinking of ways to get him more hydrated, and today, after months of begging, pleading and threatening, I was finally able to strike a deal with him [he used to be so much better with this before he became a realtor].
How did I pull it off? Well, he has been complaining about a couple of extra pounds he does not seem to be able to get rid of. I told him how it could be due to his constant dehydration. Our bodies need water! We are made of water! So, when we don't drink enough of it our body may developed a pattern of storing water. This water retention equals extra unwanted weight. Simple!
The lights came on! I think I even heard the angels break out in a heavenly chorus. But I had one more challange to overcome. He was conviced now! All I have to do is make water drinking fun and attractive. We happened to be at the Whole Foods, so I slowly led him to the water isle... I picked out the prettiest water bottle I could find--VOSS--and bought it for him. He LOVED it!
We emptied their carbonated water [nasty tasting stuff] and filled the whole 27 oz with clean, filtered water. In less than an hour the bottle was EMPTY, and he refilled it!
This is when the story gets a little interesting. We were 50 miles away from home!
His body that was not used to so much water at the same time was evacuating extra liquids very FAST [don't tell him I am blogging about it, or he will never speak to me again ;)]. From Portland we had to drive straight to Cathlamet, about 60-70 miles. We ended up pulling over 3 times! Needless to say we were 20 minutes late, but I had my share of picking on him.
Here is the general rule everyone needs to follow with water intake: you need to drink half of your body weight in ounces a day. Got it? Repeat after me: HALF OF MY BODY WEIGHT IN OUNCES A DAY! But do also remember that you should not drink it all at the same time, spread it throughout the whole day! or you will experience what my hubby did, or even hurt yourself. [true story by the way, you might want to read it].
So, if you are 200 lbs, you need to drink 100 oz. of water, if you are 120 lbs, you will need 60 oz of water, etc.
By increasing fluids you will be flushing out toxins and teaching your body that it no longer needs to store water. Be sure the water is filtered and free from chemicals.
Question of the day: what has been your experience when you increased your water intake? Or, if you are not drinking enough water, how are you planning to change it?