Our eyes are the most expressive part of our face. Even while dressing up for a party or an occassion we always pay maximum attention to get a perfect look for our eyes. But, I would say its not always make up that would make your eyes look good....a regular care of the eyes is also neccessary.
Few months back, I had the problem of dark circles around my eyes and also the skin af my eyelids was a bit loose. All this happens due to poor nutrition, lack of sleep and improper blood circulation. So, its neccessary to have a balanced diet and, of course, you should atleast have a sleep of 7 hours. Now regarding the blood circulation..I would suggest you to go for eye massage regularly. As I have mentioned earlier, even I had these problems, so I started having eye massage regularly and believe me I am very much satisfied with the results.
3) Apply under eye cream on the eyes and massage according to the following steps.
4) With fingers on whole eyes in clockwise and anticlockwise direction (slowly).
5) With ring finger in circular manner on eyelids and lower part of eyelashes.
6) From inner side of the eyebrow to the hair line with a pressure point.
7) From inner side of the eyebrows to the next of the first pressure point.
8) From inner side of the eyebrows to the temples with a presure point.
9) Pinching the eyebrows.
10) With first finger in upward direction pulling the eyebrows upwards.
11) Keep your fingers on the out ends of the eyebrows and then move inwards towards the nose with pressure and complete the whole circle covering the eyebrows.
12) Cupping.
13) Keep your fingers on the temples with pressure.
14) Move towards the nose with pressure to the eyebrows and on the eyebrows in circular manner to the temples with a pressure point.
Massaging your eyes would really give your eyes a better look.

Here I have explained the steps of eye massage which can really make your eyes look stunning.
Materials Used : Cleansing lotion, cotton, facial belt, napkin, under eye cream.
1) Massage with cleansing lotion for about 10 - 15 mins.
2) Wipe it off with cotton to cleanse the face.3) Apply under eye cream on the eyes and massage according to the following steps.
4) With fingers on whole eyes in clockwise and anticlockwise direction (slowly).
5) With ring finger in circular manner on eyelids and lower part of eyelashes.
6) From inner side of the eyebrow to the hair line with a pressure point.
7) From inner side of the eyebrows to the next of the first pressure point.
8) From inner side of the eyebrows to the temples with a presure point.
9) Pinching the eyebrows.
10) With first finger in upward direction pulling the eyebrows upwards.
11) Keep your fingers on the out ends of the eyebrows and then move inwards towards the nose with pressure and complete the whole circle covering the eyebrows.
12) Cupping.
13) Keep your fingers on the temples with pressure.
14) Move towards the nose with pressure to the eyebrows and on the eyebrows in circular manner to the temples with a pressure point.
Massaging your eyes would really give your eyes a better look.