Fun, fun day for me!
I got two updates from 3 wonderful people.
Lori contacted me a couple of months ago to ask questions about veganism. Her doctor told her that she had to go vegan to save her health [that is a miracle by itself!], which she did in the beginning of June. Two months later she went back to see her doctor and here is her update:
“Good news from my doctor today. She told me to cut in half 3 of my medications. My blood sugar level is fine—I don't have to worry about diabetes anymore.
She told me if I keep this up. I should be off those 3 meds in 3-6 months! This is wonderful news!
Lovin’ being Vegan. It has changed so much for me!
Thanks Elena...for all the help you've given me on this journey so far. I have a way to go still.
That was AMAZING news for me this morning. However, I got another update, this one from Rachel. She and her husband decided to go vegan 2 months ago. She is a fast learner! After speaking with her a couple of times, she was ready! She cleaned out her cupboards and they went shopping. Since then a lot has transpired for them.
Here is what she told me today:
“My husband and I have been 100% Vegan strong!
It will be two months August 16th. My husband “slipped up” twice, but found the food he ate to be extremely salty, greasy, and it actually made him vomit. He won't be eating like that again…
Other than that we haven't even looked back. We don't even think about it anymore. It is like a new lifestyle for us and it is wonderful!
I have lost 15 pounds and my husband 20! We have been eating so well.
I bought a bread maker and I love it! I have upgraded my kitchen so much.
We are members of the farmers market and we get fresh produce once a week for $20/wk. We are saving money and we feel so excellent!
We eat mostly soups, salads, smoothies and more! The food tastes amazing!!!
I have new knifes, and so many new gadgets. My next tool will be the dehydrator I want to try it.
Right now we rotate between 15 recipes we really love and then I'll add a new one every now and then. Yesterday we tried chick pea tacos and it's amazing how it taste just like the real deal.
I believe being Vegan is so easy! I cook so well so it never feels like we are missing out on anything.
We are almost two months strong. I plan on posting before and after photos of my husband and I soon. I want to lose at least 5 more pounds first ;) I could write all day :).
Rachel, and I could listen all day!
So, dear reader, if you are struggling with health issues and are not sure if going vegan will help you solve some or all of the issues, you just heard of 3 people that did it and have no regrets. The only things they are missing out on now are: extra weight and poor health conditions! That’s it!!!
However, what they had gained since going vegan is so much more: improved health, vitality, clearer mind, slimmer bodies, and longer, healthier lives!
There is no comparison really.
What about YOU?
Are you ready to take the next step for yourself? If you are and not sure how to, I do offer one-on-one and group consultations. In person AND on-line. We can craft a plan fit for you and your lifestyle and get you going toward better health.
All you have to do is e-mail me and let me know that you are interested. I will take it from there.
[Consultation spots are limited to 6 per month, so get into action NOW! :)]
If you want to test the waters and see what we all are crazy about, check out the newly released 3-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse. It might be just that little push that you need to get you started. Go to the STORE page, see what others are saying and get you copy TODAY!
Until next time, Live in Better Health!