Crazy Days: Update on my Life

Developing my new blog is taking SOOO much of my time lately--I feel that I've been chained to the desk. 
My life temporarily revolves around e-mails, social-media, blogging and making connections.  And I thought it was supposed to be nothing but fun :(  My desk is overcrowded with notes, paper, sticky notes and more notes... I think I need more office furniture, namely filing cabinets to take care of my paperwork that is currently sitting in boxes... Oh, but who is complaining?!  Not me!  Life is still good on my side of the world.

I have been very busy being teaching 10 fitness classes a week and being obsessed with getting chiseled abs.  I don't know what came over me this year, but I decided that I want my abs to show through.  In the end, since I teach so much, my students get to be involuntary participants of my obsession.  BUT... I am seeing progress.  Check it out.  The abs are getting more toned. 
In December I already had abs showing nicely, especially obliques, but now my tummy has tightened and, in the right light, I see the pack trying to bring itself closer to the surface. YEAH! [I know, I know, even I can't believe that I am showing my stomach to the world either... What has blogging gotten me into?!]

Random Eatings
A few more random thoughts abut my latest culinary adventures.  On Valentine's day hubby asked for an upside-down apple cake, which he got.  I am still perfecting the recipe, but he was please with what he got: 
A few days ago I improvised with leftovers from vareniki [potato ravioli] and made pirozhki, although the dough was unleavened. I used very little oil to fry them [I am anti deep frying ;)].  They were DELICIOUS!
So, life is good! I am off to e-mail my blog designer and then get ready for my evening classes.  Tonight I am teaching Total Body Conditioning [we are working on our arms], and Flow Yoga. So, if you are in/around Lewis Center, OH and want your booty kicked, drop by Aspen Fitness for one [or both] of my classes.