Odd topic? Yes a little, especially since it's a bit personal, but it needs to be talked about and I hope it helps a few of you out there.
I had never had any problems with my feet, fungus or otherwise... that is until I had joined a yoga class, about 3 years ago. I don't know whether it was the mat I used a few times, until I got my own, or what else it might have been, but I ended up with small to medium white spots on one of my toes. It basically ate away at the toe nail, making it very thin.
Now, my diet is great and I thought that my immune system should have killed off the little parasite in no time... but no, it persisted. One of my sisters, who had issues with toenail fungus in one of her toes for a few years, suggested I try tea tree oil. She said that she did and got rid of her problem. I was up for anything natural. Considering that she had an issue that lasted more than a decade and it distorted her big toenail, making it embarrassing and simply frustrating, I was surprised to see it good as new. So, I took the oil she gave me and tried it over and over again. I added it to my "scrubbing" regiment [I have a foot brush, and after every workout I made sure to scrub my toe nails with it, using soap]. Perhaps it was that the oil was a bit old, but nothing happened. I was left frustrated.
We moved to Ohio [that was only a few months ago]. I kept with my "scrubbing" regiment, I also used 3 drops of wild oregano oil on my toothbrush twice a day. Slowly [in a span of a few weeks] the little kreeper was gone. I was ecstatic!
Fast forward to about two weeks ago. At that point I started to teach fitness classes 10 hours a week. I have to take a wild guess, but it might have been the profuse sweating due to rigorous, continuous exercises, but the little creeper [i.e. toenail fungus] came back... ON THE SAME TOENAIL! URGH... How and why? I kept my shoes washed regularly, as well as my feet [of course ;)], I did not use anyone else's floor mats... So, it's a mystery.
I was not having it. This time, instead of taking oregano oil orally I decided to try attacking the issue where it hurt the most--right on the toenail. What happened next is almost impossible to describe, let alone believe. I made sure to take pictures [as you could have guesses I am an observer and love to experiment], so that you would believe me. [I was hoping that it would work :).]
In less than 24 hours.... YES, you read it right, less than 24 hrs, the little creeper [toenail fungus] disappeared. Check it out for yourself. [sorry, the first image is out of focus, but you get the idea].
24 HOURS! That's all it took to treat toenail fungus naturally! I am sure if I just sat there and watched I would have seen it disappear.
I used this gorgeous oil [the one on the left], 1 drop directly on the toe nail, twice a day. I made sure my toes were scrubbed clean.
I am going to continue with this regiment at least for a week to make sure that the little parasite does not come back, and will most likely keep using 1 [one] drop of oregano oil on my toenail at least once a week from now on.
WHY Does it Work
Will it work for all kinds of toenail fungi? I am not 100% sure, and I certainly cannot guarantee it, but I would guess it would. It might take longer than 24 hours, depending on the severity of the problem.
If you have broken skin in/around the area you would like to treat, make sure NOT to drop any oregano oil on it. If you do, it will burn, and you might temporarily experience what the flames of hell feel like. I kid you not--it's not fun! Take my advice.
So, if you have fungal issues, try this method. It does not cost much--I paid only $30 for the 2 oz bottle. I am certain you can find one smaller. It will last you a long time and will come in handy during flu and cold seasons.