Consumption of cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, is known to reduce the risk of a number of cancers, especially lung, colon, breast, ovarian and bladder cancer. Crucifers provide significant cardiovascular benefits as well.
Antioxidant polyphenols abundant in red cabbage, particularly its anthocyanins, can protect brain cells against the damage caused by amyloid-beta protein, suggests a study published in Food Science and Technology.
Red cabbage contains significantly more protective phytonutrients than white cabbage: vitamin C equivalent, a measure of antioxidant capacity, of red cabbages is six to eight times higher than that of white cabbage.
*information borrowed from WHFoods.
Now, with all of this scientific knowledge in mind, enjoy deliciously refreshing...

● 2 cups thinly sliced red cabbage
● 2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
● ¾ teaspoon lemon zest
● Salt to taste
● 2 tablespoons chopped dill
● 3 tablespoons heated olive oil
● In a mixing bowl squeeze sliced cabbage with your hands a few times to ensure it releases its juices.

● Mix well.
● Keep in a refrigerator until ready to serve.