This blog is dedicated to the importance of nutrition. United States is a truly blessed country: we have food and water in abundance. The only problem we experience here is making a choice between ham and beef, white bread or wheat bread. The only problem we have is too many choices. But it is not so in many other parts of the world.
Every 15 seconds someone dies of a waterborne illness. That makes 4 people every minute, 240 people every hour. People are dying because they lack something that we take for granted, something we pay to put on our lawns by the gallons or use to wash our cars.*
There is an amazing organization called Thirst Relief International that is dedicated to providing clean water to those in need. In honor of Thirst Relief International I am placing a new section on the side of my blog called Worthy Causes.
Take a moment, visit their site. Read their story and consider becoming a donor. $5 can save a life!!! That is less than what an average American will spend on a fast food meal!
*context taken from Thirst Relief site.
Every 15 seconds someone dies of a waterborne illness. That makes 4 people every minute, 240 people every hour. People are dying because they lack something that we take for granted, something we pay to put on our lawns by the gallons or use to wash our cars.*
There is an amazing organization called Thirst Relief International that is dedicated to providing clean water to those in need. In honor of Thirst Relief International I am placing a new section on the side of my blog called Worthy Causes.
Take a moment, visit their site. Read their story and consider becoming a donor. $5 can save a life!!! That is less than what an average American will spend on a fast food meal!
*context taken from Thirst Relief site.